
The Slaves of Hushvil - ।।।

I stopped before them.

"Alright, girl. I have a good news and a bad news."

Flamey let out a sigh. "You couldn't win did you? I knew it, what's the good news?"

"The seal he has on us, most likely can't affect us until we leave the radius Elfiano mentioned."


"And the bad news is, he is probably here right now listening to our conversation. He can get invisible."


I tried to figure out a plan or anything to which I failed measurably. Looked around, because I am only good at looking, and found an empty house close by. I had my Crystal Eyes open yet. Come to think of it, by then I had gained an impressive control over this skill of mine. I don't look at something now and it goes instantly transparent. I could focus and unfocus my vision on command.

"Let's head there," I mentioned them and started walking. My plan was to bring Elfiano out in there and have a negotiation. About what? Of course, I had no idea. But it would at least be better than being out in the open gor everyone to see.

"Come on, explain what you are trying to do." said Flamey. That said, I really didn't explain a word to her. I, still walking, gave her a brief description of what happened only not mentioning my Eye magic instead developing a bomb magic whatever. I believed, Eye magic was something considered sacred as both the Brave and once Fiad looked shocked by knowing I can do it. Its rarity would only raise my popularity and that's the thing I was trying to avoid.

She listened, patiently until saying again, "You must be a higher ranking adventurer. To be still alive against Elfiano and you didn't take even one hit from him...."

"He was unsure that who attacked him first, although now, I am pretty sure he knows it was I."

With ending my elaboration and nearly reaching my communication limit for the day, we, stood before that empty house.

Who knew who lived in it, I kicked in the door and broke it down. Having ridiculous strength is amazing, I say. There was a table and two chairs. A bed in the corner and some kitchen tools in the opposite side. I entered the room and told Flamey and Sayree to be ready.

I said then, "Elfiano."

He wouldn't respond, of course.

"Elfiano, we can negotiate."

He didn't respond again. It would be sad if he was not actually present there. Rather, I would look stupid. But alas, I didn't need to be looked like a stupid. Instead, within a split second, something touch my neck. Flamey screamed, "Silver! He is behind you."

As I was about to look behind I stopped, since what was touching my throat was but his dagger.

Both of his hands, I noticed, was entirely burnt down.

"You foolish bastard..." he slowly muttered with his crackling voice. He couldn't even talk rightly.

"You really thought you could beat Me!? Elfiano Vitrus would be defeated by his slave?" he let out a scary laugh and continued. "Listen, I give no second chances. Answer me, and I will make benefit of you. Don't answer me, and this is where I will build your tombstone."

"Fine." I responded having no other good reply.

"What magic do you use?"

"Bombing magic."

"Say another lie and your neck flies away. Bombing magic requires particles and I searched you thoroughly before picking you up in our caravan." he said, pushing dagger a little more to my throat. It was already cut and drops of blood started flowing down.

"Quiet naive of you, figures my bombing magic is of such a higher caliber than you can't even imagine how it works."

"Oh!? You are calling me naive!??" he laughed again and pushed my hands. To my pain and shock, my arm was instantly dislocated and I screamed of pain.

While Flamey only simply stood there, speechless.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed out of genuine pain with my arms now broken. He continued, "Bastard, come on now touch this brick and explode it." and then he threw a brick to my face.

Thanks to my increased defence it hurt less than I expected but it was harming no less than it should on my arms. Still quietly groaning. I pretended to touch the brick and then I kicked it far away.

"Now explode it."

I quietly uttered, "Devaste,"

The poor man whose house it was, I apologise to him. But his house was simply gone.

My explosion yet again surpassed its power meters. I was sure it leveled up again. "See..?" I grinned even through this pain.

Elfiano stood silent, speechless as though I performed a magic really beyond his understanding. Stay like that, I thought. While quietly I murmured again, "Check Profile!"

Then, I returned to the void and to my shock, all of the pain suddenly disappeared as if I am healthy as ever. Although the arm was still injured, I felt no pain.

Relaxing for a bit, I looked at my screen.

[You have leveled up! Choose to spend your 5 stat points.]

'To hell with other stats. I don't care about anything other than my eyes anymore.' I thought and instantly clicked on Sight to proceed to the next screen.

[You have unlocked the following skill: BLESSING]



LVL - 1



SKILL DESCRIPTION : Utter 'By The Lord I bless Thee' and focus on your target to Bless the target.

When the skill is on effect, it temporarily increases your target's each form of strength by 25%. Only works on living beings. Doesn't work if the target doesn't listen to your utterance.


'Oh, great.' said I, with zero idea how to make use of this skill. At this moment, at least.

[NAME: Silver vi Mria

CLASS: Spiritualist

LEVEL: 6 (2/800)


STM - 10

MAG - 10

DEF - 8

SPD - 9







6. BLESSING [LVL - 1]]

'Holy crap this list is only getting taller' I sighed.

There was also something that I got curious about. This blessing skill and my Crystal Eyes, both of them have this 'side effect'. My crystal eyes need only one more level to get that. I wondered what was awaiting for me.

I tried to sleep in the void next. Taking a break from the reality. It looked impossible though. As soon as I return, I would again feel all the pain. I didn't want that... My arms were dislocated, I was exhausted, and I had simply no power against him.

I had no choice. I gave up simply complying to my destiny. "Close,"

"Bastard, acting like you blacked out?" said Elfiano.

"No..." said I, my voice only lowering down.

"Your bombing magic is unique." said he.

Impossible, I thought. He couldn't possibly compliment me.

"Oh, you like it?" said I and looked at Flamey. Her eyes were full of fear and detainment. I usually never smile. No, I don't even know when I last smiled. But at that moment, within all that pain, I suddenly let out a faint mile to her, "Flamey..."

She looked back at my eyes. "Silver."

"Flamey.... By the Lord..."


"You bastard, are you trying to do a spell?"

"....I bless thee...."

Flamey, right before my eyes, jumped, literally. I looked the other way because that was cringe. But nothing was in my hands then. I blessed her, if she could do anything now... Be it.. And if she was afraid and refrained... Be that... I didn't mind.

"Thanks, Silver." she murmered.

"That was a spell, wasn't it?"

Elfiano further pushed his dagger to my throat. It began to blood profusely now.

"Yes, it was. You will kill me at this rate. Won't I sell good?" said I, croaking.

"Real bastard... Tch."

Flamey on the other way, calmed down and positioned herself.

"Girl, if you try anything... I warn you. He is dead. And so are you."

She seemed to hesitate for a moment after that but she moved that thought aside and said, "I... Want to meet Aveiro."

'Huh? You sure that was the right time to confess it?' I told myself.

"Oh that you will meet. So get out of the house, I have more to say to him."

She said nothing and did as he said.

Hey, that was mean. I thought. I only wasted 10% of my mana. Meh.

But only if that was the case! When she took one step, I looked at her footprints, what footprint, that was a burning hole!

I was astonished but I didn't let Elfiano catch my reaction since he looked oblivious to it. Of course, a normal eye wouldn't be able to catch that hole. She was planning something... Interesting, I assumed.

She was out of the... No door, half-blown house as now only the two of us were left.

"Tell me now, who taught you this magic?"

"A priest at Antarah." I lied.

"What's his name?"

"Zi." I just made up some name.

"What?" he was confused. So would I be, though. And with that, it was time.


"GAHHH" something broke down below us and he screamed. I loved to hear him suffer.

His dagger fell down and I, somehow managed to catch it. Feeling like spider-man for a couple seconds I moved aside to only be shocked beyond my expectation.

Also, Flamey entered the scene, leaning behind a wall, at least what was left of it and poor Elfiano...

Underneath us, what happened was, she sent a whole freaking fire tonado that pierced through the ground is now chuckling him off.

Poor Elfiano's rock hard body was getting cut and it felt like a blood shower. I will say it, it was still sad.

"Rogue Light!"

In an attempt to kill him faster, I added my all

... I don't know, thrashing light? But then as I stared at his face which I supposedly penetrate before with this same skill, I was about to vomit and cursed myself. He, really, didn't recover one bit from what I caused to his face. It was burnt, parts of his brain was boiling down. But yet there he was.

I could suspect not the least that he was still this injured because of what his behaviour was until then. He could even kill me too, but he didn't because of his greed. I wonder what his skills were about. I wonder what will happen to those he suffered. I wonder...

Elfiano kept screaming out and on until it again caught some people's attention. I picked a brick and threw it to him and as it hit him I uttered, "Devaste,"

Then passing through the same process for a minute about. Flamey's tornado lost its power and the ashes of Elfiano descended.

"That's what a S rank is capable of..." she said. Looking confident.

I though, yet again, didn't enjoy the least bit of the moments. We just killed a person, why was she happy?

"Are we sure he died this time?"


"What was with that By Lord I bless.. Thing you did there? My mana flow went up by like all hundred percent!!" she was rejoicing with her accomplishment.

"I will tell you. I will of course tell you all about it. But we have to flee first. Far away, look the people are almost here already."

My serious look shut her down. "Let's head to the stable again. I can ride unicorns. You?"

"As if they wouldn't chase us?"

"You have your bombs,"

"And they have their lives Flamey, how are so happy about killing him?"

She frowned. And I, with my dislocated arms, could barely ran effectively. But I did, it hurt, but when I compared it to Elfiano... That idiot... Nothing came even close.