
Sight: The Rise Of My Crystal Eyes

"Flee, or I will look at you." ______ The story revolves around Silver, a 16-year-old boy with, well, two extraordinarily good eyes. Silver led a relatively ordinary life, frequently winning or losing things. He didn't really do much other than read webnovels, occasionally engage in sports, and research eye-related things. Yet, soon after all of this, he was about to witness a complete overhaul of everything! Not because he was intrigued. He has been since reincarnated into a different world, as fate destined it for him. With a given quest to save the world, "Asylna" from the Demon Invasion. But does this end his fixation with keeping the allegedly "Best Eyes in the World," or does it merely_ make his ridiculous quest in Asylna, only more intense? ______ My first novel, but not your generic isekai novel. ;-; i am bad at writing synopsis, but the book is good so please do give it a read, thanks

Liefy · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

The Return at the Guild

Fiad, he caught me.

"That's a funny assumption," I replied knowing things would go the wrong way from now on.

"True," murmered Fiad but I was sure his suspicion wasn't erased just from this. 

We kept almost quiet for the rest of our journey to be back from the forest. I tried to act as unfased as I could, which I am well, good at. 

Nothing really happened on the way back, we returned safely. Fiad told me we will directly go to collect the rewards. Which was 3000 coins, my reward just reduced by 500 as we dealt to distribute the reward 'evenly'. Quiet sneaky, he is. Although, I thought he deserved that much considering how he lent me his caravans saving an enormous amount of time.

Throughout the whole event, I was empty handed. Only the paper of this quest that was hanged on the bulletin was residing in my pocket. I thought, as I was blank minded for a while on the caravan,

'What items are a Spritualist supposed to have?'

Rings, perhaps and amulets. And no matter what type, I was still a mage, so perhaps a wand too as for my constume I better get a wizard robe, hat, and a maybe a new shoe? I rejected the last idea, whatever the reason, this system decided to give me this shoe that looks way too cool. 

That set my mind. Tomorrow, if Erio is ready, I would hit up the weapon shop with him. But I didn't know the prices.

"Fiad,". I called him, who was staring at front as if deeply trying to focus on some thoughts.


"What are the prices for a good wand or something in this village?"

"Glad you asked," he smiled, "I am the son of the owner of weapon shop in this village,"

That came as a surprise.

"Oh, can I except some discount?"

"Of course," he said, "for an A or S rank- wait are you a S rank?"


"You are joking with me, even I am a B rank. Might get promoted to A anyday," he raised his eyes hoping for the real answer.

Should I escalate things? I mean, he would believe me I guess.

"I was a B rank in the previous guild which I left before getting promoted," 

"Oh, might I ask why?"


He frowned. And didn't come across that topic again. A safety point for me.

"Fine, as for the prices, what type of items do you want?"

"Not sure, suggest me something."

"Want an orb that heals your mana almost doubling the speed? Or maybe this mage robe which raises your magic defense to almost infinity."


"Yes, at least the previous seller told me that to sell this. Jokes aside, it unironically provides a huge defense, and it looks you see... Chef's kiss."

Yes he was definitely the son of a business man.

"The price?"

"The orb is only five thousand coins, but four thousand for you and as for the robe, only a mere two thousand. For buying the first time I will make it fifteen hundred and as for the discount, twelve hundred. Can't lower this anymore."

"Might check the robe tomorrow."


He sounded almost too good to be true. Whatever, average merchants moment. We soon crossed the village gate and passed many roads until we met the tower again. I saw people were still gradually gathering at the tower. The population probably exceeded two hundred then. We kept moving and reached the guild.

I climbed down right there and Fiad was coming right back after putting those bulls back to their stable. He said if they stay around people or food from the deadbull's perspective, too much, its harder to control them.

I had the sacs and he was gone. He trusted me with the sacs but for me it was a burden to carry. Somehow scratching and struggling it took me a minute to finally enter the building as the sacs were just too heavy. Those two old men were still in their place as if they lacked a life.

The old lady wasn't at the reception so I waited. 

One of the old men suddenly asked me, "Back already? Young talent, Ho Ho Ho," that was hell of a weird laugh I tell you.

At that point I was getting blank minded again but suddenly as my eyes fell near the window I got concerned. It was almost sunset. I mean, they would wait a while for me, wouldn't they?

The lady came back at that momenyt, looking glad to see me again.

"My, already completed the quest?" she said.

"Yes, their skulls are in the sacs, and uh, I also brought this.." said I, showing the other sac of Fiad. "Its of.. Fiad."

"So you were with Fiad. You said you were new weren't you? How did you get him?"

"Just by chance, he will be coming too in a moment," as I was saying the lady came out of her reception and carried the sacs to herself as if it was a piece of paper. I could only watch that in clear shock.

"Come on, how long are you going to wait there?" she invited to the inner room of the guild. I accepted her invitation.

She took the sacs to another room to the left as I followed her. The inner part of the guild was quiet nicely designed, I say. I counted, there were a total of thirteen rooms inside. Three at the upper floor and the rest underneath.

"You see these rooms Silver?" said she, walking. To which I nodded.

"All of them do their specific tasks. Our guild is more managed than some banks in this village, you see." she continued, "What we do with this skulls is proofread when they have died so to make sure it is not a fake and then send them to another room to collect the coins for you."

"I see." said I.

"So it will take some time. You might want to check some of the other rooms in the meantime." Approximately there was less than ten or fifteen minutes for the sunset left. Still, I thought, whatever will happen, will happen.

She entered the proofreading room.

"Here, Sir. Thirty more skulls for you." 

There was a man in his late thirties inside the room. He looked tired, sleep deprived.. And depressed? He was literally swinging knives around his table only to get ashamed as we entered. Quickly regaining composure, he took the sacs.

"You see, Silver. He is Enigma. The proofreader of our guild."

"And who is he?" asked the man, Enigma.

"New adventurer, just joined today and already cleared a C rank quest."

"Another Fiad, eh?" he slightly laughed with his crackling voice. I am not sure why, but Enigma looked just creepy to me. Maybe because of the atmosphere partially. He had skeletons and skulls of all kinds hanged around his room. And his signature would he the uniqely designed eyepatch he was wearing.

We left the room and she told me, "He is a fast worker, we won't need to wait more than a five minutes,"

Seeing that I was silent she said again, "Now then, I had already prepared your guild card. Follow me," 

She led me to the next room which was full of documents and such. Within the mess, she opened a desk and pulled out my card. It looked decent, almost as if it was made of gold.

I took it and it glowed slightly immediately. Possibly this is the sign that makes the card truly mine and stops somebody from replicating it. I liked it.

"Uh uh, I think someone is at the receptor. Fiad, perhaps. I am taking him here, you wait." left the Lady leaving me confused as to what do I now. Another awkward situation. 

I sat in a chair after lifting some of the books down and waited until she returned. How socially unacceptable I am, really.

Anyways, after she came, going out of the room I noticed Fiad, healthy and smiling. The drains from the attack he did before the bulls there was almost gone. At the moment Enigma came out of his room to declare his work is done.

The lady like a blessing didn't waste time and headed straight to the treasurer. Both of us follower her until we saw this another man in his thirties, but he looked blonde and buff. Possibly the first blonde I am seeing after getting reincarnated into this world.

He handed us our coins, as if he already knew that we were coming. It was 6000 in total. evenly dividing them we quickly left the guild bidding them farewell and all. The reason was simple. I was getting late.

"Meet you at night, you are coming to the festival aren't you?"

"Yes sure,"

"Fine, see you." he started to walk his way back although that wasn't the same road as mine.

I started jogging in a sense to come back to the market where we promised to remeet. Yeah, I was already late. At this time, I opened my Crystal Eyes to see if they had returned. But to my shock! I couldn't see through things. Some glitch maybe? Or what? Few seconds later, I tried to focus on a house and it became transparent. Still jogging, I thought, "Oh, another level up? I forgot to check my profile."

[You leveled up! Choose to spend your 5 stat points]

I pressed on Sight again. Why? I am not sure.

[You unlocked the following skill: LIE DETECTION]






SKILL DESCRIPTION: Utter 'Lie Detection' to unlock and use the skill.

The skill lets you figure out any lies. Works on anything.]

That was a rather short description. Still, 'Whaaat?' I exclaimed. 'This makes everything so.... Less suspenseful?' I sighed, to my ignorance. 'I will check everything later.'

Coming back to Crystal Eyes, now I only had to focus on things to make them transparent, they weren't, from the beginning. Weird might it seem but I thought finally I can perhaps use this while Aisy is still around. Also, I did see them near the market, Erio already waiting and Aisy joined him just then. "Ugh my tendency to be late doesn't change even in a new life." said I, sighing.


"What exactly were you doing Silver?" asked Erio as I finally returned gasping highly after jogging such a long distance. The sky had already turned red. And people were now coming out in groups to go to the tower.

"Long story. Let me sit a while first." said I.

Erio, slightly irritated and standing yet, declared, "Fine. Whatever. Now listen! We are going share all the information we receieved in the time we were out, alright?"

Nodded, both Aisy and I.

"I am going first, then. So, this village is named Antarah. Known for the graveyard of the previous Hero, which lies beneath the tower of this village. Everyone in this village, and possibly the whole planet, has skills and classes like us. But they didn't get to choose it. Someone from birth is naturally specialised in one of the many classes, yes there are far more than nine of them to which Heroes are limited to. And as for the skills, they literally are required to go to school and study and practise them. This is the difference between us Heroes and them. Everything is almost ready-made for us. Oh yes, and nothing like levels exist for them. We just level up and unlock the skills like a game while they are living a real fantasy life. Done." finished Erio, pointing to Aisy.

"How did you know these, Erio?"

"Library, Aisy. I am a bookworm if you didn't know it yet. Also I learnt where shops and stuff are but Silver you have already seen all that right?"

I nodded.

"Fine, then." Aisy started, "I wasn't specially interested in the history of this place. So I roamed around. Also Silver a good news for you, there's a slave market here near the boundary by the left of Airi Hill. And also, everybody in the village will go to the tower tonight. To apparently observe a ritual or festival. If its the grave of the previous Hero as you mentioned then I suggest we should attend the festival too. Maybe just spectate them at least." 

I was somehow surprised to learn that Aisy could talk so much but as it seems she always could if she wanted.

It was my turn then. How do I tell them everything now. Unlike them I am simply incapable of explaining things the right way. Still, I took a deep breath. One of my principles is "Confidence makes reality." so I started, somehow trying to elaborate the who past two chapters worth of story to them.

[It was still evening, and the weather was gentle. I could relax as if the night itself is calling me. Who knew that such a crude destiny was waiting for me? O my Sight, let me se.... #RRO#40$]