
Sight: The Rise Of My Crystal Eyes

"Flee, or I will look at you." ______ The story revolves around Silver, a 16-year-old boy with, well, two extraordinarily good eyes. Silver led a relatively ordinary life, frequently winning or losing things. He didn't really do much other than read webnovels, occasionally engage in sports, and research eye-related things. Yet, soon after all of this, he was about to witness a complete overhaul of everything! Not because he was intrigued. He has been since reincarnated into a different world, as fate destined it for him. With a given quest to save the world, "Asylna" from the Demon Invasion. But does this end his fixation with keeping the allegedly "Best Eyes in the World," or does it merely_ make his ridiculous quest in Asylna, only more intense? ______ My first novel, but not your generic isekai novel. ;-; i am bad at writing synopsis, but the book is good so please do give it a read, thanks

Liefy · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs

The First Quest - ।

I was out of the guild with this paper at hand as I took up a C rank kill quest. Apparently the population of monsters in the forest was rising up beyond their control so they are hiring adventurers to clear them up. Kill 15 deadbulls and bring the evidence. The price was 3500 coins which seemed more than enough to me at the moment.

Again going back to the forest, the thought itself tired me up. I needed a vehicle or something at least, or I was going to starve, practically.

There were no caravans, no nothing. Only an stable far away with a weird creature that looked like a horse, yes it was a horse but more like a unicorn. It had face and shape of a horse but its tail was well, too long. And featured a little horn over its nose. What I could bet is that it was definitely an old and weak unicorn.

I even tried to look for some other adventurers for a while but nothing appeared to be fruitful. As I was walking without a real destination ahead almost giving up on the thought of completing the quest, or for today at least somebody called me from behind.

"You are an adventurer?" the voice was directed at me.

I faced back and was quite unready to see that it was the same man I met back at the tower. I told him I was a traveller. What do I do now. The situation quickly turned awkward from my perspective.

"I knew it right away, there's just zero reason for a traveller to come here,"

I didn't respond to that. I knew I needed to deal with the situation with intelligence but you see, I am not the genius.

"I understand why you hid your identity though, I respect it. So tell me, are you alone here?"

Was he really not trying to trap me somehow. Maybe he did, but lying could make the matter much worse, I thought.

"Three of us," I gave a concise answer at which he grinned giving me creeps.

"Also, seeing that you have like nothing, want to join me for some quests?" he suggested. "The reward is handsome too,"

"You have some vehicles?"

"Just one, but booked for us, of course. Also we will share the rewards evenly," he answered.

I didn't really have a problem with this except that I needed to be more careful with using my skills around as I was still ignorant about the system of this world's skills or power, whatever you say. Again, I was specialized in eye magic. Is this something way too advanced? It might be, really. Considering it was a S rank ability, he might deduce it himself that I am not from among them.

Another perspective I could look from is that he could potential become ally after learning that I am a Hero which of course, has a slight chance of happening. I would love to hope for it though. Seeing my late reply he asked,

"You up for it?"

"Yes, I will go alone though. You are gonna come back before night right, for the festival or I don't know what it is,"

"Yes of course, we will take two hours at best, and what a coincidence I will have to go alone too from my party," his smiles were definitely not comforting. I mean, he isn't ugly, those smiles look well, evil. Whatever.

He led me to a stable soon which was right opposite the guild crossing a butcher shop and a hospital, I guess. I did see the stable before with my Crystal Eyes though, but what was in there, seemed to be definitely not a "vehicle". But that's what it was. 

As we reached our destination, he broke up the door, I don't know why. That's just wrong, or was it something normal there, who knew. The inhabitants in this stable were but two deadbulls. 'They ride a monster and are telling me to kill them?' that sounded ridiculous in my mind.

Seeing my reaction to this he commented,

"Surprised? Don't be, I am a beast tamer. They will carry us to the forest. And that's where our quest. And if I didn't say this yet. My name is Fiad. Fiad Burn"

"Silver," I gave him my name. That won't effect anything right? Also his response cleared my confusion.

After a while, Fiad pulled those deadbulls out and a funny shaped caravan quickly binding them to it with skillful hands. I would say he was quite skillful in his job. Then we sat on the caravan and with Fiad's command, the beasts started moving. 

It was an impressive skill, I thought. Being able to tame those monsters as your own as if its a form of downgraded or maybe updated.. I don't know but, Necromancy. Ah that's right, perhaps Aisy could become a beast tamer too someday. 

"My quest is to kill 15 deadbulls, what about you?" Fiad asked.

"You seem to have taken the same quest as mine," I responded.

"Aw shucks. Glad I took two quests though" laughed Fiad, "You complete your one, and I will then hunt ten orcs. I help you and you help me, and we split the rewards evenly, right?"



As we left the village many people greeted Fiad who introduced me as a fellow adventurer. He seemed to be quite a popular figure in this village. Leaving that gate behind and crossing back the same paths I walked to come here it really took unexpectedly less amount of time come to the forest. Like half an hour, at best? 

But Fiad, as he said he knows where the lairs of those monsters are and led us to a deeper roads inside the forest. And I of course, quickly forgot the way out. I am not good at remembering things too. 

"Here we are, this cave you see? This is the largest orc dungeon you will find in this forest." said Fiad. 


"You sure don't like to talk, do you?"

He responded like the way Erio replied to me on the first day I got reincarnated, weird. 

"Not particularly," saying this I moved forwards to the cave. Torch? I don't really need one. Yet Fiad was bringing along two with him. I took one and entered the dungeon.

"Ten Orcs, is it?" I asked.


We cautiously moved forwards for a while. I had my Crystal Eyes on, too. When I saw the orcs weren't too far away I slowed down to let Fiad go before me. I was curious to see his ability. If I used mine, the game would be over in moments.

Just as planned, he moved in front of me and soon enough, we met an orc. 

"Ready, are we?" said Fiad while taking out a sword from his coat. I sincerely had no idea that he had one hidden in his dress. Well, considering how thin the sword was, I was still amazed. And quite frankly, slightly disappointed as well. I expected him to use a form of beast taming ability to fight this orc.

As disappointed as I was, he took his sword up front. The orc shouted which as I saw, drew attention of a huge amount of orcs. At least twenty or so, I say. 

As the orc approached us right after this, he did something I wasn't expecting, really. He held his sword like a flag and uttered some words that didn't reach my ears. And who knows what happened after that, the orc just stopped in its place. 

As the other orcs approached, this one slowly turned his back to them and began to move their way. Was Fiad controlling him? Oh, so he tamed this orc? I thought, being impressed a bit too.

Soon enough, the orc began to enduldge himself in a deadly fight with a few other orcs. It actually felt sad as the scene was quite repulsive too but I couldn't just back down. Fiad looked at me expecting a reaction but noticing how my face is as blank as ever he said,

"Come on, this isn't impressive? You look like I am a shrimp. Your turn now." 

I felt not the need to reply to this, as he said, I was about to show him my skills this time.

This whole time I was focusing on a certain orc beyond the vision of Fiad just bypassing the wall after this self-rebelling orc fight. As expected, it turned into a crystal by then.

"You want that? Then close your eyes and cover your head for a moment, no we should go outside actually," I told him.

"Huh why?"

"My skill do be like that. Come on," I started running backways so he has no other option but to follow me and he did.

Confused he was, but he didn't inquire further and just did as I said. While I was about to reach the end to this cave I quietly uttered, "Devaste,"

The whole cave shook up with a massive explosion. And created a bunch of blockades of stones in it. I was pretty confident that this was end for all orcs there except maybe some scary orc overlords deep, like real deep within the dungeon. Even with my eyes I could barely see them. This dungeon I say, is simply massive.

"What did you do!? How did you do that?" Fiad asked me laughing in clear surprise. "Just tell me, I have never seen a magic like this one!"

"After we finish our quests," I answered an answer that frowned Fiad but yet replied with


But again as he looked at me, his eyes sparkled. "Your eyes, Silver! They have changed its color, into.. What is it, crystal?"

"Indeed," I understand his curiosity about me. Just as I understood I won't be able to hide my identity for too long if I stay with him. I needed to separate my ways with him, the faster, the better.

"We need proves of the kill, don't we?" I asked.

"Yes, how are you going to remove this whole swarm of stones now though?"

That was a funny question. And I had a nice reply. "Close your eyes and you will know,"

He smiled and did as I said only to open his eyes in shock as he heard the noice of some big explosions again Yes, I just used Devaste.

"Ha ha... You are strange," guess he ran out of compliments.

With this I thought, the difference between a normal person and a Hero was like this, evident and clear. Hero skills are just superior and obviously more dominating beyond their perception. That's why this world needs us to save Asylna. That is, they are simply weak. Just a thought, though. Who knows, who is the strongest not-hero human in this planet?

"Alright damn. Come on, we will gather their heads and go back to complete your quest now," his voice kind of lowered down. As if he reached some certain conclusion in his mind. But as long as he can't harm me, I didn't really want to know about him.

We did as he as he said. Gathered ten orcs, and five more hoping for extra rewards. Fiad cleanly cut their heads out and inserted them in a big sack. Of course, I didn't like the blood that just poured down from the orcs but I knew that I had to get comfortable in these situations. More blood is waiting for me in future.

With one sack filled, Fiad slightly raised his head after binding it with a rope and said, "Now your quest, get on the caravan." 

He was talking quite normally up to this point. His voice just lowered real down sounding almost threatening, I say. Guess something upset him? Uh-oh.. Or is it that he is supposed to be an unbeatable mage in this village but I just overwhelmed him like he was nothing!

 I mean who knows, but I couldn't really care about it. I got upon the caravan and so did Fiad.

And with that, we were on our way, to my quest this time.