
Side Story Hero

*** Important Notice: I have decided to make a few changes to the story to round out the characters. The main plot points will remain the same. I am also removing/ combining some chapters. Alex is your average 16 year old girl except for one problem, she is a walking disaster. She has no coordination, stumbling through her daily life attempting to avoid the destruction of anything and everything around her. Koa is an Elf Warrior of the High Guard. However, his black hair, something only seen in Dark Elves, has caused distrust. In order to prove himself, Koa agrees to embark on a journey to retrieve the three Mysteries of Power, starting with a book. They have nothing to do with each other. Then the two collide (quite literally), and everything changes, for both of them. Suddenly Alex finds herself in a different world stuck with an elf on an adventure of a lifetime. Except Alex is an accident on two legs and Koa has no time to save the world from evil. He’s too busy trying to save it from Alex.

Maria_Mahnic · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Memory: The boy before the Wizard

**Memories are excerpts taken from a character's memory. It is not part of the current story but will help readers have a better understanding of the character. Memories will always be from a character that you have already met. Enjoy!

"Wizards aren't real. They're just men dressed up in silly clothes doing tricks." The old woman stood up from her rocking chair with a groan. She turned away from the young boy and hobbled into the kitchen.

"But Granny, there was a wizard in the market square!" The boy jumped up and followed his grandmother.

"Oh hogwash." The woman replied as she tied her apron around her thick waist.

"It was real magic, Granny. I swear it was."

The boy's grandmother patted the boy on the top of his head, messing up his thick black hair. He loves how her entire face became even more wrinkled when she smiled. It made him think her whole face was laughing. His grandmother kissed him once then returned to her task.

Later that night, the boy lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His mind was focused on the events that happened earlier that day. The boy had never seen a wizard before, nor any magic really. He lived in a small village to the north and few visitors ever came. So to meet a real wizard, well that was something he wouldn't even dream of.

Suddenly, the boy could hear screams coming from outside. The boy climbed out of bed and was about to go to the window when his grandmother pushed open his door. She was out of breath and the boy could see the fear in her eyes.

"Hurry!" The boy ran to grab his clothing but his grandmother stopped him, "There is no time."

The boy and his grandmother ran through the small house and out the front door. Everywhere the eye could see had become bright with orange and red. The heat from dozens of fires burned the boy's skin. He felt his grandmother's hand tug and the boy followed her as she led him to the cold northern river.

The river bed was lined with canoes used by the tradesmen. However, this night the canoes were being filled with children instead of trading goods.

The boy's grandmother pushed the boy toward one of the canoes, "Get in, quick." The boy was reluctant but climbed into the nearest available canoe. After he was settled in he looked up to his grandmother expectantly. The old woman's wrinkled face looked sad but relieved. An older boy climbed into the canoe followed by two smaller children.

"Wait, you can't come in! Granny still needs to fit. " The boy tried to push the last two children away looking up at his grandmother. However, the old woman hobbled back from the edge.

"No, wait! Granny, you have to get in too! " The boy tried to stand up, but the older boy used the oar to push the canoe out into the river. The boy fell back into the boat losing sight of his grandmother.

By the time the boy had regained his position the canoe had already been carried down river. He desperately scanned the tree line looking for some sign of the adults, but only found a single figure, tall enough to be an adult. It appeared to be wearing a long cloak, unlike the more practical pant and top of the northern commoners. The figure stood alone in the shadows of the trees, watching as the canoes filled with children travelled down the river. For a moment, the boy was sure the figure was looking right at him. A shiver ran down his spine as he watched the cloaked figure standing in the shadows, a backdrop of black smoke rising from the burning village.