
The Request:

NOTE: This chapter is solely based on Reina's point of view.

"I AM NOT A THIEF!" Reina yelled at the top of her lungs.

She barely had enough energy to speak when she had to stand up for herself and scream at them.

A THIEF? Oh hell no! She would not allow anyone ever to call her that! She is a lady of full of principles and morals. Her mother taught her to be a righteous and generous person. She had seen her mother give her opinion whenever needed.

Her mother's daughter is not a thief. No! Never! That's a direct insult to her mother.

"What do you mean you're not a thief?"

"Yes exactly, look at her clothes."

Hearing such words, she looked down at herself. They were right. Indeed her clothes were stained and blackened due to all the abuses and running in the dirt that happened in the past week.

"Eww look at her face."

"What an unclean person."

Face? She turned and looked at her reflection in the small puddle of water that was on the wooden floor. She couldn't believe her eyes. Dark patches, eye bags, busted lip, bruised cheeks and what not.

She almost couldn't identify herself. Was she looking at herself right now? Is this how she looks now? She had always been complimented for her looks by her relatives and teachers. She took pride in the way she looked. It was all gone.

No wonder they took her for a thief. No wonder.

"I swear these low lives won't let us live in peace."

"You must find better ways to live a healthy life."

"Treacherous bitch!"

Reina was pushed to the verge of tears with the words. A little more than a week into stepping a foot in the world outside her family house, she realized that the real world was harsh on the poor.

Was this what the real world looked like? Was her father guarding her from this cruelty? For the first time in her life, she started thinking back and regretting her actions.

She should have listened to her father. She should have stayed home. Why did she leave? Was she ready to face the world? She did not know it back then but now the answer was clear as the sky to her.

No. She was not. Definitely not.

But she couldn't turn back time now. It was already to late. The ship was midway already and even if it was not, she did not know her way back to her home. What was going to happen to her in the future?

By now she had heard the word 'low life' so many times that she had started to believe in the words.

"Let's give her what she deserves."

May be she is not worth talking to.

"What do you mean?"

May be she is dirty.

"Don't you know what punishment is given to these intruding fellows?"

May be she is a thief.




"Let's throw her out of the ship."

May be she is a Low Life.

As she saw them moving closer to her to complete their intention, Reina closed her eyes and waited for her fate. She knew she didn't know how to swim, so if they were to throw into the sea, she will drown and there's no way out.

But did she care? No. To her, death was already far better than the life she had been living for the past week. Either ways she had promised the Chief that she'll leave the city. Might as well leave the world. No one cares about her anyway.




Reina opened her eyes after hearing the voice. She was? With the captain?

"EHHHHHHHH?" A wave of confusion passed over the faces of the people on board. With the captain? What rubbish?

They immediately let Reina off the hook and stared at her.

"Why did you not tell us that you were with the captain?"

"Yes! Why?"

"You guys did not even let her breathe let alone speak." The captain said coming closer to where Reina was standing. "Now what are you guys staring at? Go mind you own business."

Reina looked up at the captain and realized it was the same man that saved her that cyclonic night from the creepy drunk stranger.

The captain looked at Reina in the eye and spoke in a soft voice, "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

Reina shook her head in negative. She recognized the voice. So calm so soothing. Light and soft like a feather's touch topped with a hint of masculine roughness, not too much though. Just enough. Enough to make her feel safe.

But this time Reina knew better. She knew she could trust no one. Not even herself. Not even her shadow.

She had trusted someone before. Moetio took her in and broke her down.

'Welcome to Arsitey,' he said. "More like doomsey," Reina mumbled to herself.

"Huh? You said something?" The captain asked Reina.

"N-no, nothing." Reina replied. The strong breezes made her shiver visibly, which the person in front of her did not fail to notice.

"Come, follow me." The captain said, and Reina followed him at once.

Upon entering the wheelhouse, the captain of the ship pulled out a bag of snacks from the bunk under his seat.

"Here, bet you are hungry. Have some food."

Reina hesitated. She did not know whether she must accept the food or not.

Was she hungry? Yes.

Was she nauseated? Yes.

She was so tired that she could pass out any moment.

Deciding against her conscience that kept nudging her in the gut that she must not accept the food, she gladly accepted the food and age it.

Only after taking the bite did she realize how hungry she actually was.

Finishing her food she looked up to see the captain staring at her already. She decided to ask the question that had been bothering her since the time she had been saved from being thrown into the sea.

"Why did you save me?"

"Oh?" The captain smile. "Good thing you are not stupid and asked the question yourself."

The smile then turned into a sinister lopsided smirk.

"It is simple. I saved you. Twice. Now, I 'request' you to," pulling Reina's face up by the chin, the captain uttered,

"Work for me."