
Chapter 7

*•ARA's POV•*

I made food for the both of us. Watching Caine eat my food made me happy. He claimed he's never tasted food as good as mine but I'm sure he's just sucking up to me and I told him so.

"You're just sucking up to me."

"There's only thing I wanna suck." I gave him a horrified stare and he laughed so hard, almost choking. That sexual innuendo totally caught me off guard.

"Let's not get weird about this. Moron." I mumbled the last part under my breathe but he heard it due to special hearing. I stood up and cleared the dining area, about to attack the dishes when I saw him doing it. For a slight moment, I forgot where I was and was about to hyperventilate when I remember that this man isn't Jace or any of his mean friends. This man is my mate and he would never hurt me, I hope.

I still didn't want him to do the dishes so I rushed to his side, snatching the sponge from his hand.

"Hey! What was that for? I was using that."

"I don't want you doing the dishes so please give me the plate so I can finish up."


"What? Why?"

"Because I wanted to do it. You cooked so it's only fair if I did the dishes."

"No! I won't let you do it." He tried grabbing the sponge from but I pulled my hand back, making the sponge out of his reach.

"We don't have all day Araba! Just give it already." He tried reaching for it against but I pulled it further back. When he saw that he wasn't getting the sponge back from me, he stopped trying and looked at me intensely. Slowly, he leaned in and I found myself eagerly awaiting the kiss I knew was coming. Instead if kissing me where I wanted, he kissed me on my nose.

What the! I was certain he was gonna kiss me so why did he stop? I was pulled out of my inner whining when I felt him gently release the sponge from my hand. When I finally understood what just happened, I turned slowly towards him, shocked. He was trying his best to hide the smile but I saw the way the corners of his mouth tugged up.


"Did you just—" He nodded, grinning.

"But you were—" He winked, making kissy lips at me.

"I'll kill you." I picked up my flip flop and chased him out the kitchen.

"Come back here you tease! I'll kill you and feed you to the fishes!" He just laughed me off but slowed down enough for me to catch up with him. I pounced on him, hitting him with my flip flop.

"Ouch! Owww that hurt!" I don't think I was hitting him hard enough because he was still laughing. I continued with my attacks when all of a sudden, I felt myself being lifted into his lap, cuddling me.

"I'm so happy I found you babe."

"I'm happy I found you too." We say there for a while, getting to know each other by playing 20 questions.


I've never had much fun like this in all my 23 years of living. My mate is more than I could ever ask for or imagine. We played 20 questions and I got to know her really well, like her favourite color is yellow and her favourite flower is the chrysanthemum. She also likes romantic cheesy setting for a date but she isn't too girly either. She also revealed to me her insecurity about her body.

"Is there a gym around here?" She asked suddenly.

"Yeah I've got gym here. But what do you want the gym for? You're in good shape."

"Have you seen this flab?" She raised her shirt to show me a little flab on her stomach.

"There nothing wrong with it. I like that you don't have abs." I teased but she looked very serious.

"I don't like it." She whispered.

"I'm big so I want to slim down to look prettier for you." She confessed, looking down. I sat there with my mouth agape. I didn't know she felt this way.

"I've been made fun of because of my size. Macy and her friends accused me of stealing food to stuff my face with because no omega is this big. But that wasn't the case. I've always been big, even when I was younger. Jace, Macy and their friends made my life miserable because of my body image. Now that I have a chance, I'd do anything to change my past self."

"Look at me." She didn't.

"I said look at me." This time, she gingerly raised her head to look at me.

"I don't care what others think and say about your body. The only option which should matter is mine because your body is mine and I love it. You wanna know what I thought when I first saw you?" She gingerly nodded.

"She's so beautiful. And she's not skinny or slim like other women. She is just how I like a woman. She's perfect." Tears roles down her cheek and I brushed them away with my thumb.

"You don't have to change anything about yourself. You are perfect just the way you are. Now smile for me." She gave me a shaky smile and kissed her forehead, scooting her closer to me. We stayed in that position for a long while, watching a rom-com and talking about random stuff. I glanced at the time and noticed it's four o'clock, meaning one hour more till I turn cold and emotionless. She also looked in the direction of the clock and her eyes widened when she saw the time. She jumped up and started putting on her shoes. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Where're you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going back to Rodrick's place. I have to make dinner for them."

"Dinner? Why?"

"Because it's my job."

"Your job? Please speak clearly."

"I'm working as their cook. Well, for dinner only. I couldn't stay there for free you know. So Rodrick said I can make dinner for them in exchange for living there. I've gotta go now. See you later." She leaned down to give me a peck but I stopped her.

"You are not going anywhere." I deadpanned.

"Why? I'm going to be late. We'll talk tomorrow."

"You're my mate and you'll stay here with me. You won't stay with Rodrick and Cindy anymore so there won't be any need for you to cook dinner for them." I'm actually surprised at my level of calmness on this issue.



"So who will cook for them? I'm sure Rodrick told Mama Giada not to come in the evenings from now onwards. They do need to eat something you know." She placed her hands on her hips in a motherly fashion.

"I'll call him up now." I stood up and walked away from her with my phone in my hand. I dialed Rodrick's number. After ringing five times, he picked up.

"What?!" I wonder what I interrupted.

"Mind telling me what's got your panties in a twist?" I teased, momentarily forgetting why I called.

"Shut up and tell me why you called." Oh yeah! I forgot.

"Yeah, right! The Luna and you should find something else to eat because my mate is staying with me from now on."

"Shoot! I was looking forward to her Shepherd's pie today." This disappointed voice made me laugh.

"I'll come get her things tomorrow." I was about to hang up when he asked me the dreaded question.

"Have you told her yet?" I sighed, running my hand through my hair.



"I can't do it. She won't understand."

"So what will happen to her when you shut down?"

"I don't know alright! I have no freaking idea. Maybe she should just stay with y'all."

"I think you should tell her."

"I'll tell her when the time is right. Thanks man."

"Anytime buddy." And he hung up.

I was expecting to see her standing behind me, looking disappointed like they it is in the movies. Instead, she was snuggling in the sofa, watching a movie. I sat down beside her and she looked eagerly at me.

"Well, we will have to get your things tomorrow because I'm feeling too comfortable to move right now." She laughed before asking,

"What about their dinner?"

"I think they'll do just fine without dinner." I grinned while she looked at me like I was crazy. She raised a brow at me in the manner that says 'what's so funny'. I shook my head at her and said,

"Never mind you innocent creature." Which earned an eye roll from her. While we were watching the movie, I was think over what Rodrick said. What will she do when I shutdown?