
Chapter 12


It took us another fifteen minutes to get home and I was so restless. We entered the house and I dumped all my bags on the sofa.

"Okay talk to me." I commanded.

"About what?" It's either he's playing dumb or he's stupid but I'm not in the mood for him now.

"Just tell me what happens in those three shutdown hours. And be quick about it cause it's almost five." He looked at his watch and his eyes widened. The fool really did forget.

"Okay so uhh.. don't come close to me cause I might hurt you. I saw something around that time when I was younger that traumatized me for life. I'll tell you the story later but all you should know is that Scar is dangerous around this time. He has hurt people before and I don't want him to hurt you."

"Scar won't hurt me. He's my mate—well Amanda's mate—but my mate nevertheless." I cupped his face, looking at him. He cupped my face too. I'm sure if someone walked in on us it would be awkward, even for them.

"You don't know that. I've been dealing with this for a really long time now so I can handle it. Please stay away."

"That's nonsense. You don't have to deal with anything alone anymore. We're a team now." He gave me a small smile.

"Let's sit down cause my feet are killing me." I pulled him to the couch to sit. When he sat down, I settled on his lap—straddling him.

"What happened to you? What horrible even caused you so much pain and trauma? I need to know so I can help you."

"Its not that easy love." Did he just call me love? Swoon!

"Still, let me help you." He opened his mouth to speak but shut it abruptly. His eyes went cold and he made to stand up.

No no no no! It's five already!

"I'll be in my room." He stood up but wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Oh no you're not." Putting in all my effort, I managed to push him back down on the couch.

I wrapped my hand around his neck, and he placed his hand—let's not forget the sharp extended claws—on my hips.

"Get off me and leave me alone!" He gruffly commanded but I didn't move. Instead I buried my head into the crook of his neck. His grip tightened on my waist, his claws sinking into my side. I stiffled my cry by biting the inside of my mouth.

Now I'm sure y'all are wondering what I'm doing. Well, today I figured that what ever made him live like this has to be pushed out of his mind. One way or the other. So I plan on prepping him up before trying to create new memories in place of that one. I think I'm crazy but it's worth a shot. It had to work because the dude I was sitting on was beginning to draw too much blood from my side. I think I'm beginning to see the moon up close... mom, is that you?

I couldn't die saving my mate so I moved his hand from my side and interlaced my hand in his.

"I don't want to hurt you. Please." Seeing him this way was hurting me. He was struggling so much... it was clear in his swirling eyes. He was struggling and I didn't know what to do.

["This is clearly a situation like yesterday's. Shower him with kisses and whatnot. When his wolf comes out, I'll deal with him. We're a team!"

"Great idea! I just pray he doesn't bite open my lips while kissing me!"

"Lmaooooo! Don't kiss his lips yet. Start with his neck or something. We need to get him to calm down as soon as possible. Good luck sugar. I'm out!"]

My sneaky inner wolf excused herself from my--our predicament till she was needed. I focused back on Caine to notice that he had managed to draw blood from my hand too. Golly! After prepping myself with a pep talk, I started placing chaste kisses on his neck and face. If it were under different circumstances, those kisses would be anything than chaste but since this wasn't makeout-with-your-mate time, I had to stick to the plan. He stiffened so hard at a point that I was afraid he was gonna snap into two. His eyes were swirling, this time the blue more pronounced than the gold.

You can do it baby! Fight it! Fight—thump! I went flying straight to the ground.


I don't know what Ara was trying to do when she started kissing me all over. All I knew was that it was calming Scar a little bit. It was calming him--us until the wretched image forced its way back into my head, making me shift and give Scar control. God knows i was fighting it. This was the first time ever that I was attempting to fight my inner demon, just to kiss Ara property.

I felt really bad for the way I sent Ara flying to the ground but I couldn't do anything about it. As she was trying to get up, I saw her wince before finally noticing the claw marks on her side. Did i do that? Shit! Shit! shit! shit! shit! shit! I can't believe I did that to my own mate! I eyed her body for more wounds and i came across the claw marks on her hand too. Run me over and call me dinner already! I'm a horrible mate!

I was too busy hating myself to even notice that Amanda was present in the room and was snuggling on my fore limb. I don't know what was going through my mate or her wolf's head but whatever it is calming us down a little bit. We stayed like that for a long while until I started feeling all the sorrow again. This time though, I shifted back and was crying on the ground.

*•ARA's POV•*

One moment he was a wolf and then the next he's a butt naked human being. Thankfully, I didn't shift back yet so I could look and blush in peace. What? I'm not a perv! Quickly, I ran to his room and shifted, putting on a shirt. I wanted to grab some clothes for him but I knew he might just shift and tear them again. Besides, I wasn't ready to dress him...yet so I grabbed a blanket and ran back to my crying mate. Seeing him cry really made my heart bleed. The man was sobbing, like he was was shaking and all.

After wrapping the blanket around him, I placed his head on my lap and carefully patted his head. He was muttering something about how it can't be true, how it's all a lie. I guess he was still in denial about whatever happened to him. If only he'd freaking tell me what happened to him that broke him so much.

Just like yesterday he jumped up, shifted, and disappeared. This time though, I knew why he went so I slept and I felt him join me on his bed some few minutes later. This routine is tiring and I've only experienced it for two days. God help me!


Today is the sixth day that I've been here, and I'm loving it. Everyone is so nice to Cindy and I, accepting us into the pack. Cindy and Rodrick completed their mating yesterday so today, the pack is organizing a Luna Ceremony for Cindy and I'm so excited. They'll also be officially introducing me to the pack as their Beta Female and I'm so excited.

Speaking of Beta, the past few days have I've seen some improvements with Caine and Scar. Both of them tend to calm down a lot when we—me or Amanda—shower then with affection. From what I've deduced, he just needs a shoulder to cry on... literally.

Every time he comes back from his run at eight, he looks so sad and embarrassed at the same time. I asked him why one day and he told me that he left like a horrible mate for putting me through all that. And I quote...

"I'm a horrible person and mate for putting you through my shit. I just don't know how to tell you how messed up I am or what messed me up. I will tell you one day though, I promise but just not today! And I'm sure you think I'm some cry baby because I keep breaking down and crying in front of you." You wanna know what I told him? Long story short, I told him that we are a team so he can trust me. And that I'd slap him the next time he blows his nose on my shirt. Naaaaasty!

Back to the present, today the girls and I will be meeting at pack house to set up for the ceremony. I haven't seen the Pack house yet so I'm excited to see it and everyone that lives there. I met up with Penny and Jessie and we went to the pack house. We didn't go with Cindy because we didn't want her to work for her own ceremony.

"Finally, this is the Black Pack House. The home to our pack and all our warriors!" Penny announced dramatically, pointing at the large house, larger than Rodrick's place even. I was kinda hesitant to enter the pack house. What if they don't like me? What if some crazy chick is there, who will hate me because she thought she was Caine's love? Wait! You know what? Let's not go there! Let's not think about any exes unless heads will roll.

"This is the Arabelle, a friend, yes friend of the Luna." Jessie introduces me to all the curious eyes looking at me. It was highly nerve wracking.

"Hi guys. I'll be helping with the Luna's Ceremony today. Pleased to make your acquaintance." I got a few nods, grumbles, and friendly smiles. Well ain't this peachy! We all got to work, cleaning and decorating. It wasn't really like a party so it was with minimal decorations. In a few hours, we finished with the pack house and went our separate ways to get ready. As Cindy's best friend, I went over to help her get ready. I already told Caine to send my dress over to her place so even I could get ready there.

"Ara!" Cindy pounced on me immediately I entered her room.

"I'm so glad you're here. I'm so nervous. Would the pack accept me as their Luna? Would they—"

"Cindy! They'll love you! Stop worrying about it." I smiled warmly at her and she gave me a shaky smile before hugging me tightly.

"Thanks for always being there for me."

"I'm always here for you." Pulling back, she had a worried look on her face.

"Ever since we can here, I have this feeling of familiarity around Caine, like I've met him before."

"Is that so? But we haven't met any good of these people until eight days ago."

"I know it seems strange but that's how I feel."

"Maybe you could ask him or something?"

"Yeah, maybe." After the conversation, I saw here eyes glaze over, indicating that she was mind linking Rodrick. When ever you mate with your mate, you are able to mind link with him and when you are accepted into the pack—ceremony and all—you can mind link with everyone in the pack. After today's ceremony, Cindy would be able to mind link with the pack.

We made our way to the pack house for the ceremony. Cindy rode with Rodrick and I rode with my awesome mate.

"Hi." I said, kissing his cheek. I didn't spend enough time with him today because I was so busy.

"Hey babe. How was your day today?"

"Eventful. Yours?"

"Same old. I've got something to tell you." I turned in my seat to look at him closely.

"After you're introduced to the pack, you'd have to start training. You need to know how to fight as the Beta Female."

"Well I can fight a lil bit. My dad taught me some basic moves."

"Those moves can't save you."

"And how do you know that?"

"I could always knee someone in the crotch and he'd go down." I stated smugly. Caine look at me briefly and smiled.

"That's good but not the best. And you need to be in shape too." Raising my eyebrow, I made my best offended face.

"Are you calling me fat?" I playfully teased. His eyes widened and he blushed a little bit.

"N-no I meant-I didn't mean—" I could help the hearty laugh that escaped. I was laughing and chocking all at the same time. He was just so cute and flustered.

"That wasn't very nice you know, making me panicked and all." He pouted, making him look ridiculous. I leaned over to kiss his pouting lips. Because he was causing off guard, the car swerved.

"Geez woman! You want to kill us?! Never distract the driver!" I laughed at his panicked state. Ahhhhh I love my life now!