

A story about two high school boys who will fall in love with each other. Despite their differences, they still manage to be good lovers.

J_J_8961 · Politique et sciences sociales
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2 Chs


Once upon a time there was a boy named Peter who lived with his parents on a farm. His beautiful mother Alina raised him from birth. His father left him after his mother found out he was having an affair, but Peter realized that his father was the worst.

Alina's brother Zander looked for her throughout that period even though he was employed abroad. Peter went to the well that day to get water because they don't have any in their home, and Zander gave it up for her sister. Zander helped him by simultaneously lugging two buckets. They were called to lunch by Alina. Because his mother had made him some fried asparagus and pork steak, Pater got obsessed with food. Alexander informed his mother that he wanted to be an engineer when he grew up, and Zander assured him that he would help him after he graduated from college this year. Alexander is a wealthy, attractive youngster who lives in a mansion.

 He is a man who aspires to be an engineer, but his father disapproves of him as he will eventually inherit their company. He became rebellious after learning that his father did not agree with his choices. Alexander's father and he had constant arguments because of this. Alexander noticed his mother on the sofa, waiting for him as he descended the stairs. Mrs. Andrea gives her son a hug and invites him to go shopping, to which Alexander replies, "Mom, you are different from dad; you understand what I feel." Alexander was eager to get outside.

Peter went to the market with his folks to get some fruits and veggies for their supper that night. Peter approaches his mother for permission to use the restroom. He chooses to use the other restroom outdoors after realizing that the restroom is locked as he approaches. Subsequently, Alina calls on Peter to help carry the bags, with his uncle handling the bulkier ones. Zander informed Peter that their enrollment will begin tomorrow when they come home. Peter's goal is to become an engineer, so he was thrilled to start school. He promised to perform well academically. Alexander was to the mall with his mother to see Lucifer in the meantime.

Alexander's elder brother Lucifer enjoys spending time with his family. He holds his brother to a very high standard when it comes to behavior, particularly in his romantic life. Mrs. Andrea invited them to go shopping since they have an enrollment day at a university tomorrow. The news delighted Lucifer and Alexander. The following day. Lucifer, Peter, and Alexander went to the university to sign up for their class the following week. Peter spoke with the head teacher when he got to school to get confirmation of his scholarship. He was overjoyed to get admitted as a scholar at that university after that. Lucifer and Alexander proceeded to the registration area to provide their information and list their names. 

Subsequently, Alexander went outside, and suddenly, he bumped Peter. Alexander helped Peter get up from the floor. Alexander apologizes. Peter said that it is okay because it is only an accident. They smiled at each other and laughed.Alexander invited him to eat at a restaurant. Peter replied, "No thanks; actually, I'm full." As Lucifer came out of the office, he saw his brother talking to a poor man. Lucifer asks Peter, "Are you a student here at this university?" Peter replies, "I am a scholar." Alexander told his brother that he bumped into him as they were crossing paths. Lucifer understands it, and he calls his brother to go home now. Alexander and Peter said goodbye to each other. What will happen next?