
It's common sense, right?

It is common knowledge that for you to achieve you dream, you must pour in blood and sweat in order for it to bear fruit.

Keeping said common knowledge in mind, I have been steadily training myself to become someone worthy of becoming a man with authority. I have been actively going to public gyms and err.. how should I say this.. it's pretty ass here.

Though it's definitely a stereotype that people in power are generally not that physically fit, I wish to have a physique I can be proud with! I mustn't allow myself to become someone people look down on because I look like someone that clearly doesn't take good care of his body! Absolutely not!

But aside from gyms, I've also been conditioning my voice to become deeper. A man in authority shant speak with a high-pitched voice! Where's the authority in that?! It should be a deep voice, one of the things that truly defines someone with authority!

Signs of my hard work already begun to bear fruit, and I must say! I'm pretty damn proud of myself!
