
The View Out The Window

The room was filled with deafening words of arguments and agreements alike, every child in the room had an opinion that seemed worthy of acknowledgement in their mind, except one; a boy, sitting by the window, unmoving, unnoticed by the rest of the room thanks to the chaos around him. The child did not feel like he should add to the noise and become noticed, he did not feel like he should try fitting in with the population around him, for he saw something that few others saw.

He sighed and rotated his head to gaze out the window. The day peaceful and bright, as if the earth itself did not realize what was happening as each moment passed by; lost, never to be experienced again.

The view on the other side of the glass started to change, going from the speed of a tortoise to the speed of a cheetah. The grass growing and shrinking before disappearing, the trees growing before falling over, and the ground going from a healthy brown to a golden yellow. The day darkening and miserable clouds started to cover the dull blue sky and curtained the land close by; like fog but sadder, lonelier.

As he studied the land something stumbled out of the fog; one, then two, then three, multiplying before his eyes. As they moved closer the boy realized that the odd creatures were in fact people, zombie-like, tall, skinny, and pale: the stuff of nightmares.

As they lumbered along only one sentence left their lips, Too much pollution, too late to stop it.

The boy was suddenly snapped out of watching the nightmare-like scene when a hand gripped his shoulder, he turned around to find the kind but concerned face of his teacher, as he took in his surroundings he noticed everyone in the room had their eyes on him. The boy forced a smile and looked out the window once more once the teacher returned to the front of the class once more. The day still peaceful and bright. But the boy knew it would only last so long.