
The Monster

The darkness is so thick you could cut it with a knife if I could find one. My goal was ahead of me, hidden somewhere in the darkness, playing a scary game of hide-and-seek. There is a mountain to climb and a chance of safety if I find it, something too scary to think of if I fail.

I know I am alone, for now, but that can change in a second. The events that were happening only minutes ago are still going through my head.

The covers hugged my body and kept me warm like a loving mother. My teddy bear, Tyler, kept me company in a world where I am not wanted.

My digital clock on the floor next to my makeshift bed told me the time was 10:30 pm, the loud sounds downstairs stopped all at once.

The stairs started to groan as a heavy object came up them, slowing down and stopped; right outside my door.

The door suddenly slammed open and I instinctively pulled the covers over my head to hide from the monster, my plan didn't work as they were ripped from me, leaving me exposed to the cold air in my room.

"Get up, you little maggot! I want the dishes cleaned and the living room needs to be spotless by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning or I will make you wish you were never born! Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes Father," I replied in a small voice while getting off my bed.

If only Mum was still here, maybe Father would still love me. I thought as I began my trek downstairs.

I force my feet to move, the smooth floor freezing my feet, the noise that the action made is slow, steady and quiet, unlike the movement of the heart in my chest. If only Tyler was here, his warm, fluffy skin and squishy body would be able to calm my nerves. But I left him in the safety of my bed, and my fate hangs in the balance.

My thoughts are stopped by a solid object blocking my path, the cupboards! The doors open like the gates of heavens to reveal the dishwashing liquid, scrubbing bush and the stepping stool. My tools for this mission.

Once my platform was secure I started sorting the dishes and utensils into separate piles to make my life easier. The hot water fills the sink and bubbles grew on top of the surface of it like curly hair on a bald man. The dishes fall into the water like kids doing a cannon-ball jump into the pool on a hot day making the water splash out of the sink.

The dry food wages a battle against me as I try to clean the plates, the strong scent of left-over wine in the wine glasses burning my nose hairs, and the war against me makes my muscles cry in pain. Hours pass as I battle my way through the mountain of dishes before I was victorious! Wait...Light can be seen peeking through the blinds. I could feel my heart sink as I remember the graveyard of lost battles in the living room, I would need another few hours at least to clean it all, and I have a few minutes at best.

The clock on the wall starts laughing at me as it struck 7 am and a heavy thud was heard from upstairs. The house suddenly becomes silent and my heart started to race faster and faster in my chest; My vision becomes blurry as my mind thinks of all the possibilities that could happen in the next ten minutes.

My feet work on instinct and carry me through the house, past the couch trying to block my path, over the chip packets that tried to give away my location, to the closed door of Dad's home office. I open the door to the office and ran in as creaks could be heard making their way down the stairs.

I squeezed my body under the couch among the dust bunnies and chocolate bar wrappers as a roar echoes through the house. Minutes pass before I think I am safe, forgotten, then my hopes are crushed like an ant under a boot as a large hand latches onto my foot with enough force to cause large bruising and pulls me out from under the couch. My scared eyes lock with the furious eyes of the monster.