
Short Plump Treasure

"Who are you?" Mayo asked squinting to look at the person who saved her. "My name is Sari and you are my treasure" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayowa, a short plump girl from the kingdom of OSU ran away from the crown prince of Osu who only wanted her body and neglected her true love for him. Heart broken, she finds herself in the arms of a Prince who needs her for the throne due to unexpected curcumstances. Nobody made her feel special, her mother, her sisters, her father except her friend. Living life like that was quite tough. Now she is in a kingdom where a neglected Prince needs her to take over the kingdom. She is made to feel special and is well taken care of. For some reason, this prince keeps his distance from her. Though she likes it, she hopes it will only come out well. Denle, Mayo's best friend goes in search of her friend after she found out that she disappeared. She goes with the prince to bring her back leading them in series of adventure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Please Mayo, stay away from my brothers. They will do anything to get you You need to stay with me always. Do you understand my treasure?" Please follow my Instagram to know more about me @ellathefirst18. Thank you

Ella_Thefirst · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter one Mayowa

Mayowa lived in a village in the west of Africa called OSU. She stayed with her family of four, two sisters and her father. Her mother had passed away some months ago. There was nothing special about staying there. Everything was not just her fit but it was her village. Sometimes, she felt she didn't belong there as she just had few friends - one to be specific.

She had a problem with mixing as she didn't feel special. Her father considered her to be a weakling. She just couldn't get work done without falling ill or fainting. He would always scold her and compare her to her younger sisters who were more competent. Though being the first child, she was treated as one because her character and nature just didn't fit. Anyways, it was who she was, she was okay not being treated like she is the one to move to the family to another level.

Mayowa was chocolate in complexion, short and plump with brown and dark eyes. She was 17 but looked 14 because of her small stature. Many people were often put in a dilemma as to whether she were older than her sisters or it was just a lie. Her sisters, Ayo and Funmi were twins, they were tall, quite dark in complexion and slim, characteristics that were very needed for a maiden of Osu. Well, that is understandable, they took after her father while she looked more like her mother who passed away just a few months ago. Her father would always say with his calm voice even though he was annoyed "Mayo, when will you behave like the senior in the house? You are just everything I didn't want. Though you remind me of your mother, you still don't have her strength and will. I would love to marry you off but no one has even shown advances towards you. Your sisters have been on the list. I really don't know why you are like this. it is shameful". Mayowa would cry after that. She knew she weren't special but her father didn't have to say it like that right? thought Mayo.

Her best friend Denle was the only one who kept her alive and made her to feel special. Her sisters enjoyed all the warmth and pleasure given by their father and they never missed any chance to rub it in her face of how different and disappointing she was. They were part of making decisions on how the family would run since they contributed more.

The only thing she could do without fainting or falling ill was house chores and nursing peoples babies which she used to help out in the little she could. Her sisters went hunting, fishing, farming and everything else with their father. She was never given opportunity to speak or say anything. Her father even made her obey her younger ones. She couldnt wish that her mother was alive because she was the worst. Even her father gave her peace of mind compared to her mum. Though she looked like her, it didn't still stop her from treating her bad and mentioning how useless of her daughter she was to her. Thinking of it, maybe it was of the best that her mother had passed away. She knew she shouldn't think such but the pain she received from her mother, emotionally and physically made it right in a way.

Sitting on the entrance of their house which was small, made of mud and stones, her mind went back to a time when she felt her mothers anger at the peak.

Fourteen year old Mayo had just returned from nursing her neighbours children. She was so exhausted. Being that she didn't contribute much, she ate very little, so little compare to her sisters. In the village of Osu, when a child reaches twelve, be it boy or girl, they are expected to contribute to the family living until they would get married and start their own family. But in Mayo's, it was way too little compare to the money she made. Her parents most especially her mother might have concluded that be it that she is plump even with the little food, then she wouldnt need much so she won't turn like an Elephant.

Mayo was not so plump, she was just at the average. Being like that, it made her shape come out more but it wasnt pleasing to anyone as the village considered slim, dark girls as more attractive. It was what they took to their liking.

She was about to step inside the house when she felt a sudden jab at her half exposed back. In Osu, girls mainly wore short things because of how hot it the weather was. They mostly wore attires on their chest which spread round to their back where it would be tied stopping just right before the stomach exposing their stomach and of course their abdomen more like a tube only thicker and they bigger. Then they wore short skirts which looked like a wrapper that had them tie it at their waist to prevent it from falling. The men stuck to long wrappers which looked like a long skirt to cover their privacy underneath leaving their chest open for everyone's view.

"How dare you take food when I told you not to?" her mom scolded her right in front everyone who stood to watch was about to unfold.

"M-mom", Mayo stuttered as she tried to turn her back to face to her mom who immediately slapped her as she did. She held her face while in fear as sprinkles of tears dropped down from her eyes.

" Didn't I tell you not to eat until I said so?" her mom looked at her with anger as if ready to kill her on the spot and let's say, we aren't too far from that. Her dark and brown eyes filled with anger.

Mayo tried to recollect her speech to say something to try to clear any misunderstanding. She clearly wasn't going to deny the fact that she did eat without permission but she had a good reason. "Mama, I was hungry. I didn't eat the whole day and Ayo advised me-"

Before she could complete the sentence, she was met with another round of slap. "What sort of girl are you? You took food without telling me leaving me hungry today. I was planning to eat that today. You didn't even take small. You took everything" her mother dragged her full nappy hair which was packed in a bun and started hitting not minding the attention it has caused

Mayo tried to say something to help herself but not knowing it will make it worse "N--oo m-oom, I only took small" she stuttered in pains as her mother's long nails dug deep into her skin letting blood come out. She cried out in pain but all ended in deaf ears.

Nobody came forward to calm the angry mother as it wasn't uncommon for mothers of Osu to discipline their children with tough hands. Her mother kept shouting as she kept hitting her with her hands and anything she could find around her.

" Useless girl, abomination!!! You should have never happened. The very thing that destroyed my dreams. Nonsense!!" Ojo, Mayo's mother kept shouting.

Though Mayo was in pain, she paid attention to everything her mother said. It made her wonder if she was never wanted and maybe Ojo got pregnant unconsciously but it shouldn't be the main thing or was mom raped?? Mayo thought still in pains.

Due to the harshness used by Ojo on Mayo, she tore her tube like attire leaving her bare chest for everyone. It made more people come to see what was going on but none went forward to help her. Mayo tried covering her breasts. She tried alerting her mom to stop that she was already naked at the top but it didn't stop Ojo from beating her, even wanting to tear the remaining one from her body.

Mayo didn't know what to do, the embarrassment she was being put through was too much. She tried as much as possible to get her chest away from the public view. Even though it was just growing, it was still there and it was more than disgraceful. Now she thought to herself, she should have never listened to Ayo. She should have just waited. This is worse than the little food she ate. Mayo tried as much as possible to stay away from her mothers red side but she couldn't stop it this time.

It was Denle, Mayos best friend who came to her rescue. Mayo ran towards her on sighting her while covering her chest. Denle quickly used the small wrapper she was supposed to take for sewing to cover her friends body.

Seeing that mother wasn't ready to stop as she thrusted towards them angrily, Denle gave Mayo the signal to run away until the situation calmed down. The two girls not wasting time took to their heels as they both ran to the forest where they could finally breathe.

Mayo cried profusely not because of the beating but because of the words her mother uttered without filter. Denle consoled her as she let out all her feelings to her. That day, Mayo spent the night at Denle's whose family accommodated her. She felt like staying there but she couldn't as her father came looking for her the next day. After that day, the little compassion her mom was giving her died and she had to bear it all until she finally died.

Mayo snapped back to reality when her father and sisters came back who looked very happy. They had sold a lot and he couldn't be happier. Mayo felt her fathers love that night and wished it could be the same all through just like he did for her sisters. She ate to her satisfaction. Even when her sisters Ayo and Funmi most especially Ayo tried to belittle her by showing her her place, her father was having none of it and he reprimanded them. It was a good day for him so he didn't mind anything.

Mayo was thankful that he was the one alive and not her mother unless she would have died. Even if he didn't show her enough love, he still gave her peace and took care of her while she fell sick while trying to do the things her sisters did- yes, not forgetting that he would keep scolding her as he did.

She hoped for things to get better in her life. she hoped to please her dad and feel special even if it is just for once.