
Dear Johnny

There once was a boy named Johnny he was mistreated by others including his family one day he had enough and took his life out of anger his family buried him in the garden so no one would even know he existed seven years later a couple and their young son moved into Johnny's house with the young boy taking Johnny's old room the seasons came and went until the harvest came around the young boys mother decided she would pick the weird carrots from the garden the carrots were picked and served with rice and they enjoyed their meal as a family later that night the boy heard a knock from his window and went to see there was a boy in the garden and he whispered kid this is Johnny I'm in the garden I want my fingers back the boy ran to his parents room but stopped before entering because he heard the same voice say kid this is Johnny I'm in ur parents room give me back my fingers the boy ran back to his room and stood by the door and heard the door knob shake followed by kid this is Johnny I'm in the hall give me my fingers the child ran to his bed and hid under his covers and started to cry as he saw a shadow approaching his bed say kid it's Johnny I'm in ur room give me back my fingers the kid jumped from under the covers to find the room empty he was relieved until he heard soft breathing behind him followed by kid it's Johnny I'm behind you I want your fingers