
Shooting Anime In Another World

Elias is the lord of the tower of Magus. In fact, his life has been gray, dull, and lifeless until he suddenly has an idea that will make this world interesting and more colorful. And that is... Shooting anime in another world!

ru5i56 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Project: K-On!

That's right, Elias was planning to create anime in this world.

This world was colorless to him, like a planet full of volcanoes and broken rocks; no life, no everything but rocks and volcanoes.

By bringing the culture of anime into this world, this world might become peaceful, and the funny part was that they would fight over who had the best waifu or something instead of their swords and stuff.

There were many benefits that anime would bring.

And one of them was a good entertainment that he would never get bored with.


He raised the script with a satisfied expression and joy in his eyes. It's easy to write a script, especially if you're just copying it. However, it took almost five hours because he needed to translate the language into the Maguso language.

"Now, I need to wait for the actor and the magic recorder to be done." Elias looked at the clock on the desk. The small hand was pointing at 3, and Elias started at 11, so five hours had passed quickly.

However, Moffea was still not there. It was quite suspicious, as his assistant always does everything quickly.

"I guess I'll wait." Elias glanced at the script in his hand and then at the clock, before deciding to write more scripts for future use.

Time passed like a banana.

Unknowingly, Elias slept while writing his script.

"Lord Elias?"

"I think we shall just come back when Lord Elias is awake."

Elias felt something long and hard poking on his cheeks and he, who had just remembered all the worse memories recovered, suddenly shut opened his eyes.

"Fueeeh!" Moffea jumped back in surprise.

"What are you doing?!" Elias got up and looked at them.

"Anyway, why are you so late? Did you bring what I asked for?" he asked while stretching his body.

"Tututurututut! Bring it here!" With both hands on her waist, Moffea smiled as she let out a trumpet sound.

A man with black hair and glasses presents Elias with a box while kneeling.

"This is the complete upgrade of the magical recorder! Not only does it have a reset button, But it also has many functions, such as turning invisible, flying, and calling it anytime and anywhere, and you can also record as many as you want, and the screen was clear as a fountain of youth!"

"Wow." Elias wasn't sure how to respond.

The man's eyes were twinkling, seeing Elias's surprised expression and smiling widely, showing his white, glistening teeth.

"You are the man we choose to serve; we did everything we can to make it worthy enough for you! And, it has the elements' immunity, can store a magic technique... "

"Alright, alright, shut up already." Elias waved his left hand with an annoyed expression while picking his ears with another hand. "And also, you don't need to shout. I'm not deaf."

"I apologize! I am just excited to see the man I idolized when I was a kid and the reason I join the tower! Oh, my god, I can't breathe the same air as you! This is the real flesh. If only I could get a reward by upgrading the magic recorder, just one hair! Just one hair of you, Lord Elias!"

Suddenly the man started gasping, thought his face flush.

Elias stared at the man on the ground, gasping for air with a smile on his face. He turned to his assistant, who was surprisingly silent, and asked, "Who the heck is this?"

Moffea went beside him and whispered, "He is actually the pope of the Pink Church…"

"P-pink church…" Elias stuttered and stared at Moffea with wide eyes, "the church that under the Goddess of Beauty?"

"Yes." Moffea nodded.

"Isn't he a pope? Why is he here?"

"I don't know. How about you try asking?"

"Y-you," Elias was speechless, and then turned to the man who suddenly appeared near his feet, which frighted Elias.

"Get off!" Elias kicked him.

The man rolled to the ground with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What kind of creature is this? Anyway, why are you here? Aren't you have too much time to play around?"

"The Goddess of Beauty send us a prophecy, she said you will create another history, and she wants us to help you…" the man got up and replied solemnly, but Elias could see his body trembling a little.

"Don't trust him, lord Elias, they just want to include in you another glorious history…"

The man was furious, and looked at Elias immediately, saying, "What?! Don't listen to her, lord Elias! The Goddess of-"

"Hello, is everything okay?"

The man couldn't finish his word when a voice came out of the door.

A girl stuck her head at the open door and looked at them while smiling sheepishly.

The girl has medium-length medium brown hair and eyes. She looked cute, as her voice was soft.

"It's a fight! Fight, right!?"

Another voice came behind her, accompanied by three girls' heads the voice come from the girl with long light brown hair.

Elias widened his eyes as the girls and characters in his head overcame each other.

"This is… perfect! The look, the voice, this is exactly what I need!" Elias's eyes shone.

Elias suddenly flicked his finger, and then they appeared in an empty room.


"An enemy?! Where!? Where?"

The four girls panicked while Moffea and the man remained calm.

Moffea walked forward as she pushed the glass up on her nose, explaining like a professional with a bit of arrogance, "This is only one of the Tier 7 techniques of Lord Elias, Instant Teleportation. As the name implied, the technique will allow you to teleport instantly without wasting a single zeptosecond."

The girls nodded in amazed.

"But what is a zeptosecond?"

"I don't know."

Elias materialized a chair as he sat on it and pick the falling script.

"Ahem! I need your attention," Elias said strictly.

"Moffea explains why you are here, right?" he continued.

"Is it a fight!?"


"Miss Moffea said you need a girl like us for recording… s-something…" a blond girl said, fidgeting, avoiding Elias's gaze.

A girl with black hair covered the girls beside her, she said with a dangerous look, "I-if it's something le… lewd, I promise I don't care if you are the strongest magus, I will hunt you every day until my grudge was fulfilled!"

Elias sighed as he looked at his assistant, who was still calm before a word could come out of his mouth. Moffea said.

"You explained nothing, lord Elias, you just said you will know soon and hurry up."

"Y-you." Elias didn't know how many times he was speechless in a day. He rubbed his temple and muttered, "Is this the side effect of memory magic?"

'What a funny thought. I, the strongest magus, became forgetful, well… In the end, I'm still human…'

"Lord Elias, please forgive me." Moffea bowed as her eyes wet. She seemed to realize something.

Elias stared at her–he saw the image of her when she was just a kid, with a lifeless eye, a malnourished body with a chain in both the limbs and a bald head filled with scratches, abandoned by the world, Elias felt sympathy, so he saved her.

And he was the one who said to her, that doesn't let the world chain you show your true self, and you will be free.

"I am already this old?" Elias leaned back, then he realized he would have something to do, he put his leg above his left leg, and explained to the girls professionally, "I have planned to create anime, well you will not know it even I explain it, so let called it Project: K-On!"

Why K-On?

In this world, there were things that were lacking in this world that become dull.

And that was music.

Well, not only music but friendship, in this world where betrayal was common as a magic book, friendship was like grain in an ocean, meaning none.

Son killed their father for the throne.

A father kicked out his child because he or she was crippled.

A prostituted mother trying to sell her daughter to a man or whorehouse.

Even a familial love could become like this, but what about friends? You could only be friends with someone unless you have something to gain, and if they finally got something they want, they will not hesitate to throw others to the cliff.

And Elias hoped this anime would hit their dark hearts and realize the concept of friendship and music.

Of course, there was much anime that was better than K-On, but Elias chose this for the first try to see what kind of reaction the world would show to him.


(A/n: Honestly, the reason I choose K-On is that it is only the anime with the concept of friendship and music that I finished. Anyway, don't forget to suggest some anime.)