
Chapter 1 : The coming of age ceremony 

" what the heck this ? I guess I might be dreaming it's pretty normal for guys to dream of hot girls. " Daniel Wilken thought as he found himself looking into a mirror in a foreign bedroom the room wasn't the only thing foreign to him,the person reflected by the mirror was a jade colored eyed girl with long silver curly hair, she was wearing a white silk night gown by the way the room looked it belonged to a wealthy person " If I'm gonna dream of a hot chick atleast let it be me and the chick not this shit show " he thought as he jumped onto the bed.

Just as he was admiring how soft the pillows and comfortable the bed was he was interrupted by the sound of an opening door , through the door another young girl walked in ,her blue eyes sparkled with joy and relief . " Sister ! Your finally awake . " The girl ran to the bed and hugged Daniel aka Charlotte and placing her head on her thighs .

(" Now that's more like it ") Charlotte (Daniel) thought as his face reddened by blush ,it was the perfect dream although he wasn't expecting to dream as a girl but the view and currently occuring events were all enough to overlook that fact. 

" I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up " the girls sparkling eyes blurred behind tears that began to drip on Charlotte's face ,some of the tears dripped on her lips the salty bitter taste of tears gave Charlotte (Daniel) a shocking revelation ,his sense of taste,smell and touch felt way to real for a dream .

"What the hell ? What's happening right now ? " Charlotte (Daniel) jumped out of his dreamy moment to land on the other side of the bed trying to process everything that was occuring , (" Big sis is so cool ,even after sleeping so long she still has this much energy ") the young girl thought misinterpreting the situation " Right we need to prepare you for the coming of age ceremony "The girl jumped from the bed and dragged Charlotte ( Daniel ) to the bathroom .

A few moments later the truth and reality of what's happening started to deepen "How's this even possible ,let's think,let's think " he started banging his right hand against his head .At that moment lost in his thoughts a young boy's voice broke his concentration.

" Big sis? Are you feeling alright ?,we could rush you to your bed chambers and call the Dr Hans the royal physician if your not feeling alright " the young boy rushed to his aid with a look of sincerity and concern ,after all their Princess had just woken up from her four weeks long coma,the boy was clearly related to the previous girl .

"N..no..no I'm fine I just feel a little dizzy " not know what to do he responded ,with a warm smile on his face or should I say on princess Charlotte's face ,the boy nodded his head and looked at his twin sister but you could tell the feeling of uncertainty about the princess's health was still lingering within their hearts. 

Honestly I'm still trying to wrap my head all around this, I've been in this shit show for the past two hours at first I thought it was a dream but as time went on I learnt to accept my fate, the last thing I remember before becoming princess Charlotte is coming back from the hospital after visiting my sick mother ,I regularly read to her; her favorite book called " Twist of fate ", I went home after and wished I had princess Charlotte's healing powers who would have thought my wish would be this misinterpreted after years of reading these Novels I've always wanted to be with princess Charlotte ,not becoming her what kind of twisted joke is this ?

"Thank you for attending my daughter princess Charlotte's coming of age ceremony,we shall now prepare the Spirit summoning ceremony " King Ronault the third spoke with his left hand gesturing to his daughter princess Charlotte to join him ,a few moment passed without the princess presenting herself she was deep in thought to even realise,the twins had been Charlotte's closest servant for two years now they rushed to her and whispered " Big sis ,the king is calling for you "..

Snapping out of his thoughts Charlotte ( Daniel ) stood up from where she was seated and joined the king holding his hand , they began walking down the throne platform hand in hand it was a clear picture of a perfect father ;daughter relationship the smiles of both the king and princess sent a warmth that filled the room ,those who beared witness couldn't help but admire them .

Upon reaching the center of the room the floor , a blue crystal pillar erupted from the ground ,the king placed his daughters hand on the crystal pillar ..

The Spirit summoning ceremony is a traditional ceremony that allows one to summon and form a binding contract with a spirit that reflects their soul .

Looking around, the room was filled with chatter as the aristocrats whispered to one another and looked at her with nothing but disgust and disapproval

"To think the king would hold such an event for her"

"What was the king thinking holding such an event for the failed princess,does he not know how humiliating this will be for his family"

Remembering the contents of the novel they are all expecting Charlotte to fail , growing up she has always been weak and her status as heir to the throne was revoked by the king and the house of lords and given to her younger brother who is in fact 4 years younger than her but his talents far exceeds her own, despite not being of age he was already contracted to The Wind sage Sylphiet a Third rank Alpha class spirit ( S rank ) .

" You can now begin the summoning ritual " the King spoke with an impatient tone .

(" Hell yeah ! I remember this chapter ,princess Charlotte's spirit summoning goes extremely well,no it was the most legendary summoning in History summoning the Dragon God Drago,this started the whole chain of events that's lead to her great adventures and glimb to glory and regaining her dignity and tittle as the first born heir ,holy shit I've always dreamt of summoning Drago his a First rank Alpha class spirit ( sss rank )" )although Charlotte's body was upholding the demeanor of royalty but Daniel 's soul was jumping for joy at the sudden realisation 

Charlotte (Daniel) placed her soft hands on the crystal surface with excitement on her face ,her bright red eyes reflected the crystal's illumination ,a powerful gust of wind began to develop from below Charlotte (Daniel) the longer the hands were kept on the crystal the stronger the winds ,the amount of energy converging to the crystal began to frighten and scare sw of the guests .

It was the first time in history that they had felt such powerful Divinium particles gathering in one place ,the crystal began to crack and darken with black lightning sparking from the crystal center, particularly around Charlotte's hands ,she was to focused on closing her eyes that she didn't notice and couldn't feel the accumulation of Divinium energy . After all he was from another world and just woken he was still adjusting to his new body,all he felt was his body being engulfed in warmth .

(" what is happening ? I can't move, the crystal is cracking ? I don't remember this from the novels ") he finally opened his eyes and realised what was happening was totally different from what he has read,at this moment from the novel the crystal should be engulfed in bright blue flames that warmed the room but not so ,the crystal was cracking ,sparks of lightning flying and he couldn't move his newly found body and that's when he heard it .

" A..A..An ab..no,no,normal event has,has ,has ,has been detected ,please stand by for rewrite " an AI robotic like voice spoke with a glitch , only he was able to hear it speak . Once it was done the crystal shattered and released the gathered particles in a form of a shock wave burst . Charlotte was thrown across the room with the crystal shards scattering everywhere the king Stood from his throne and walked out ,followed by his sons the second born prince Melphin Ronault Tragon the 4th the boy genius William Ronault Tragon the 5th , halfway through walking they paused to look at the princess,

"How humiliating that you survived ,this event is over remove this filth at once ." The king said ,his face was filled with all kind of emotions Joy? Concern? Sympathy? No ,none of the above rather filled with disappointment and contempt . " I'm ashamed to even call her my elder sister pfft " prince William spoke with a smug look ,it was clear that he was superior to his sister . Charlotte was too drained to even realise what was happening. Chatter buzzed the room , delighted by the results they wasted no time to sully the princess's name after all they had the king's permission under normal circumstances speaking ill of a member of the royal family was a punishable offence, punishable by death but when it comes to Charlotte the ruined princess that rule was overlooked.

Rushing in after the king was the twins who insured that Charlotte was still alive .Hansel ,one of the twins that served the princess couldn't stand their laughter and chatter as the king left,he was about to blow out of anger but his sister Gretel held his hand. " I'm angry too but this is not the time or place , you'll get both yourself and big sis killed " turning back to look at his twin Hansel saw the tears held back the sound of her teeth clenching together was loud enough even Hansel could hear , " Your right let's just take big sis and get out of here " they picked her up and left placing to the outer mansion.

The outer mansion was a isolation prison for Charlotte,she has been living there for the past 6 years ,it was by the kings dicree that Charlotte be isolated so she doesn't infect her siblings with her uselessness, " This way hurry " the twins tried to whisper as they dragged the royal physician Mr Hans. After carefully examing Charlotte's body the physician Stood up and looked at the thins , (" what's happening? She's healthier than before, even her spiritual flow is stabilizing? I've never heard of such a thing " ) he went on to ask the twins "she's alright she doesn't even need treatment at all, what happened at the ceremony tonight? " .

"What do you mean she doesn't need healing ? She was bleeding ,your just like the rest of them " Hansel shouted out of anger ," kid don't rope me in with the- coughs ,I mean her wounds have healed that all " Hearing Mr Hans words the twins faces were filled with delight , Hansel cried and stormed out leaving his sister Gretel behind who simply smiled, " We aren't sure what happened ourselves, everything was going great but all of a sudden the crystal broke and exploded big sis was hurt bad, nobody was willing to help " Gretel was trying hard not to cry ,Mr Hans tapped her shoulder and left .

Later that same night Charlotte finally woke up , although her body was that of a young princess his manners still remained that of the out wolrder Daniel Wilken " I'm still stuck here ? " ,to his right hand side he saw twins sleeping peacefully so he began to walk out side to the garden area ,under the stars the trapped soul found himself in the outer mansion's garden area . " What the fuck happened ? and what was that voice ? I don't remember that event in the novel ,where is it the sigil ? " Remembering the contents of Twist of fate ,the sigil of Drago was supposed to appear on her right hand ,a coiled Chinese style dragon eating its own tail that was the sigil he was looking for but he found a different sigil.

"What the -? " The sigil he was looking at was not Drago's sigil,the one he had now was a star shaped more like a cross with 4 elongated edges , looking at it a name instantly popped into his mind " Healios? " He accidentally called it out loud with its name called out the sigil began to glow with a bright light " woah!? Woah!? Wooooah !? " He panicked holding out his hand ,he felt a warm touch touching Charlotte' s small pale hands 

" I Healios vow and pledge onto you ,no harm ,no sickness , will bother you and your nation no more ,Grant me the honour of knowing your name O'dear Saintess " , Charlotte face was instantly filled with disgust and irritation ,despite being a woman his soul was still that of a man ,the man in question was a half naked with only a white tunic covering his jewels and rare end ,a pair of lander sandals with straps that reached halfway to the knees and a crown made out of golden leaves and long red hair ,and his eyes hidden behind bandages .

Although he looked human there was a certain atmosphere that surrounded the newly appeared individual , quickly collecting his thoughts Daniel quickly realised that there was a thread of energy from his right finger that circled around the individual named Healios and connected to his left middle finger the sigil itself had disappeared and that when it hit him that this was the Spirit he was contracted with.

Healios raised his head to look at Charlotte's face that's when he saw it a glimpse of what was within Charlotte's body ,the soul of Daniel this was enough to send Healios jumping and stumbling to the ground " What the Hell!" He looked at Charlotte with nothing but confusion, "Uhm ?" Charlotte took a few steps forward and Healios took a few steps back with each step Charlotte took to get closer Healios dragged himself further away .

"Stay away from me vile creatures !!,how did I not notice this !? in all of my life time I've never been contracted with a man ,how's this even possible !" Healios banged his head on the ground a few time mumbling to himself trying to figure out exactly what was going on " That's right! your an Evil spirit that lured me out of the divine realm by taking over the body of this beautiful pure hearted young girl ! I can see through to your soul ,I compel to get out of that body this instantly or suffer the wrath of Healios " Healios quickly jumped to conclusions and began to threaten Daniel ,

But Daniel knew everything about this world he grew up with his mother reading it and he read it to his mother on a regular basis ,and he knew a contract spirit is incapable of harming those it is contracted to, Healios was simply making threats he couldn't fullfil, " If you can see through to my soul, why did you contract with me in the first place if you just stayed put I would have contracted with Drago and would have had the power to defend myself from the coming assassinations how am I going to survive the following 8 days !" Charlotte (Daniel) responded with a violent outburst of her own , puzzled by the words of the young individual before him he couldn't help but ask " pfft!.you couldn't have contracted with Drago even if you wanted to , what assassination don't try and distract me from cleansing you out of that body you vile beast " the argument quickly started to look more like bickering of two lovers but to anyone who would pass by Charlotte would look as if she had gone mad talking to herself. 

The two had forgotten how a contract works ,when summoning a spirit to contract; your deepest desires are presented to the divine realm ,the desires with strong emotions get a spiritual response,one cannot choose a spirit ,it chooses you , originally by the novel princess Charlotte's desire to gain acknowledgement from her family and the desire to protect her people from the pending war were strong enough to be acknowledged and accepted by Drago the King of Dragons gaining unparalleled power, but at the moment Charlotte's body was inhabited by Daniel Wilken who's true desire was to heal his mother and the total desire, dedication and emotional connection to his goal was strong enough to grasp Healios' attention and the remnants of Charlotte's soul masked Daniel's soul since it hadn't properly merged with the body .

" Wait you said 8 days ? ..how is it that you know the fate of that body ?" The mood suddenly got chilly with Healios' question. At that moment Daniel knew if he answered this wrongfully there was a chance he could be killed ,even if the spirit couldn't kill it's master it has the choice to resolve it's contract especially during the first 8 days with no spiritual contract of any kind he is surely doomed ,he needed a way to convince Healios to stay contracted to him despite not knowing his abilities, they were surely better than nothing.

" For now let's say I am just an outworlder who has seen the future of this world ,I wish this body no harm , my duty is to bring salvation to this world and bring piece ,and this body is in great danger please land me your power Grand spirit Healios, help me protect this body until I find the means to head back to my own world" Daniel said as he reached out his right hand, he was lying through his death but lucky for him what made it believable was the fact that Healios was aware of the approaching evil, the Dark lord was soon to be awakened and no trace of evil was lingering around Daniel's soul and that was evidence enough to convince Healios to a temporary truce ,he reached out to shake Charlotte's hand.

With a spirit pact secured by the hand shake and mutual agreement Daniel was overjoyed that his emotions showed through Charlotte's face , showing it with a warm smile that made Healios blushy with the blue energy thread from their fingers surrounded them , getting smiled at by a beautiful young lady was one of the rarest things for him it's been 600 years since he last saw a smile like that but painfully for him he knew the soul with was that of a man , instead of jumping for joy his fantasies were crushed by the relative truth , " sigh ,don't smile at me like that ! Remember I'm not doing this for you but for the girl ,traces of her soul are still lingering within you that means she's not dead but suppressed the sooner we deal with the evil approaching the sooner we can set her free ,and don't mistake my intentions I still don't trust you" 

As thHealios said he started to break apart into tiny glimmers of light that got absorbed into his right hand leaving star sigil behind .. " I guess it's time I went back inside it's not safe for a young girl to be out at night " Charlotte started heading back inside the house.

 Meanwhile eight figure held a meeting,the candle light weren't enough to show who they were ,only illuminating certain portions of their faces, " We should get rid of that Charlotte girl she is a humiliation to us of royal and noble blood " an hidden figure spoke ,by sound of his voice he was a elderly man ." Pfft ! I can get rid of her for you and I'd love to indulge myself in her flash useless as she is eye catching I could fertilise her womb " another voice broke through the shadows this time a voice of a youngster rather barbaric.

"Hold you tongue! ,she is of royal blood if the king hears you speak of her in such a manner he'll surely have your head " another voice reprimanding the word of the youngster. " Relax senior ,even her own father shows little disregard for her existence, besides her failures aren't the reason we are holding this meeting ,I'm guessing you all felt the same thi an me at the summoning ritual just before the crystal broke ." With the statement of the shadowed figure the whole room came to a silent pause ," That girl needs to be dealt with immediately or she will be the downfall of this kingdom "