
Island World

<i>Companion piece to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDbwHBH0kpw . Please support our song while you're here!</i>

"Ahhhh… We're so c-close. J-Just… One more w-week… Until the holidays..."

Kokoro sighed, resting her head on the cold surface of her unopened textbook. "I'd rather fail at this point. I thought missing the exam day meant we wouldn't have to do it…" She peered up at her companion. "I thought you were doing well in your classes, Mei?"

"I-I am in most, b-but… I've n-never been a-any good at english…" The girl let out a small whimper, tugging her bunny hood over her head. "I don't want to fail…"

"Do you want some help~? I'm sure I could be of some assistance~" Fran piped up, mouth stretching into a sly grin. "I can be very… Motivating~" She cracked her knuckles.

Mei shrieked, shaking her head and quickly rejecting the offer, causing Fran snicker.

Her laughter was cut off by a rolled up exercise book to the head. "Guys. Shut up. If you don't care about passing and would rather mess around then you can just go somewhere else." Saki sighed, unrolling her book. "Idiots… If you fail, you'll have to repeat a year."

"Imagine having to worry about that sort of thing! Luckily for me, I'm a natural born genius~!" Nova stood, stretching out her arms and laughing obnoxiously, completely ignoring her empty exercise book. "The world couldn't dream of a better ruler!"

"But, you failed your last test?" Pixel glanced up, tilting her head. Her lips pulled into a small, teasing smile. "Is my database wrong? I can always ask my mother to correct it…"

"No!" Nova sat quickly, before shooting a glare at the robot. "Using your stupid headmaster mother and all her connections isn't fair!"

"And calling me a furry is factually incorrect." Pixel huffed, smile widening. "Now we're even."

"Guys… Ugh… Saki, do you know how to do this?" Kokoro sighed, ignoring the chaos. "I'm not horrible at algebra, but trigonometry is a bit…"

"If I have to." Saki stood, moving so she could see her book. "... Yes. This is in the textbook. Page 369."

As Kokoro thanked her, Mei quietly called Saki over too. Saki, now the unofficial tutor, just sighs and moves to go assist.

"Awww, Mei. You didn't want my help but are more than happy to accept Saki's~? I'm hurt~!" Fran let out an obnoxious whine, flopping onto the table.

Mei squeaked, flinching. "I-I'm sorry-!"

"Fran." Saki turned, setting an icy glare onto the 3rd year. "She doesn't want your help because you're an asshole."

Fran laughs loudly, causing an exasperated Kokoro to hush her. "Shhh! We're in a public library, there are others trying to concentrate too."

"Why worry about that~? We're the main characters!" Nova announced even louder, standing on her chair. "Bow, you mere background characters!"

"Nova, sit down and stop spouting nonsense." Pixel glanced up from her book, eyebrow raised. "Are you looking to pass, or are you planning on joining the circus?"

Nova squawked. "Are you calling me a clown?! It's on, tin can!" She leapt off the chair, barreling towards Pixel.

Kokoro blocks out the sound of Nova's immediate defeat at the hands of punching metal and instead looks around. The others using the library are either glaring at their table or actively ignoring them. A library staff member is looking around awkwardly, as if considering whether she can kick them out or not.

"Oh geez… We're totally fucked, aren't we? These exams results are going to need to be burned."


"NOOOO!!! This can't be true!!" But it was true. A big, red zero was sprawled in the corner of Nova's maths test.

"... Half of it was multiple choice. It's a quarter chance." Kokoro sighed. "Did you even try?"

"Y-yes! It's not my fault it was so boring though! I-I just closed my eyes for a second…"

Saki rolled her eyes, holding her own work. 51%, not bad. She passed, which is better than Kokoro's own disappointing score of 15%.

"There there. At least you got a nice nap!" Pixel smiled, patting the sulking Nova on the back. "And Mother won't kick you out over something so trivial."

"B-but… I failed all of them! I failed every single subject!"

"... Even english?" Kokoro raised a judgemental eyebrow. "I figured you'd ace that, being American and all."

"Especially english! I don't know what proper grammar is! What the hell is a homophone?!"

"No that's fair, I don't know what that is either." Kokoro turned to the rest of the group, leaving the emotionally constipated robot to tend to the crisis. "How about the rest of you?"

"U-umm… I-it's not… Horrible…" Mei clutched her result papers, biting her lip. "I-I'll just have to do better n-next time."

"I got all 100%'s! Except for humanities, that was a 98%~" Fran grinned, fluttering her eyelashes at a groaning Saki. "Did I do good~? Are you going to compliment me~?"

"You've done nothing worth complimenting. You get those marks every time." Saki sighed. "Now if you learnt some manners, that would be worth some praise."

"I'm not eating green beans, Saki." Fran sniffed, before sticking her tongue out. "They taste like shit."


"What are you, my mum~?"

The 3rd year's bickering was cut off by a shriek. "Nova, no! You can't!"

Kokoro turned to see Nova standing on a table, holding both hers and Pixel's test papers up above her head. "Super Nova does not give in to society's rules! If I don't like it, I'll change it!!"

"It's a test Nova! Just give it back already!" Pixel was jumping up and down, failing to reach the papers held above. Kokoro bites back a comment about just getting on the table to retrieve it.

"No! I'll burn them! I'll burn them all!"


"Jesus Christ…" Kokoro rolled her eyes, watching the chaos. "How old are they? Five?"

"Apparently. Geez… What a bunch of idiots." Saki approached, arms crossed. "Nova. Pixel. You're causing a scene."

"She stole my test paper!"

"She's not letting me dispose of it!"


The two fell silent, staring at the irritated Saki. "Nova, give back her paper. Pixel, stop yelling."

Kokoro watched in shock as Nova handed back the paper and Pixel apologised. "What the hell…?"

"I-its so impressive… How she c-can control a room li-like that…" Mei hugged her paper even closer to her chest. "I-I hope she g-got the message, though… M-my parents would b-be really mad i-if I didn't bring a-anything home…"

"They'd be mad? Man. Mine would be mad if they did see mine…" Kokoro spoke, turning to look at Mei.

Mei nodded. "M-most families are like that… I-its just, mine i-is a bit fr-fractured so… They'd b-be more upset if I-I hide something…" Mei stiffened, eyes widening. "N-not that I-I'm complaining or anything-! I'm g-grateful that they look o-out for me, they love m-me a lot…"

"I see… I'm glad your parents care about you so much. I'm sure they'll be proud, no matter what you got." Kokoro smiled gently, hoping to soothe the stressed girl. Mei offered a tiny smile back thankfully.

"Hey, are you done being sappy~? We're using up perfectly good practice time~" Fran waved the two stragglers over, grinning. "Last one to the clubroom is a worthless rotten piece of bread~!"

"A-ahh…! N-not that…!" Mei squeaked, before taking off down the hallway.

"Hahh… Alright." Kokoro watched as Fran chased Mei, cackling. "What a bunch of weirdos."


The sunset bathed the beach in warm oranges and pinks, the waves shimmering in the fading light. It was deserted, save for one lone figure, reaching up a hand as if to gently caress a sun too far away to ever truly feel.

Kokoro sighed, dropping her hand into the soft sand. Was it a good idea to just up and leave like she had done? If her parents found out that she'd snuck out, they'd kill her. But it was worth it, she decided. For being there on that quiet evening helped ease her mind.

"Tomorrow's the day. Do you think our dream is as unreachable as the horizon?" Kokoro tensed, before relaxing as she registered the familiar voice.

"You should be asleep."

Saki let out a huff of amusement, sitting delicately in the sand next to Kokoro. "So should you. What are you doing out here?"

"I'm… Thinking. It's more relaxing out here than at home." Kokoro turned to Saki, frowning. "Fran will probably notice you're gone soon. You'll worry her, sneaking out like that."

"You really think I could have left without waking her?" Saki shook her head, smiling. "She's waiting up near the road."

"I see…" Kokoro watched the model for a moment, frown deepening. "You're unusually relaxed."

"I'm not. I'm just… In the mood to be nice. Is that so bad?" Saki laughed quietly. "It's right before our big day. Maybe I just want to make sure my junior is feeling okay."

"Right… Well, I am a little nervous, but… I think it'll be fine. It needs to be fine, so much is riding on this. So I'll do everything I can to make it perfect."

"You're putting too much pressure on yourself, kid. Relax~! Everything will go great!"

"Fran? I thought you were waiting for me." Saki turned to her roommate, eyebrow raised.

Fran giggled, flopping onto the sand. "Got bored. Besides, you were having an important moment! I can't just not join in~"

"... Thanks, guys. Maybe you aren't such bad seniors to have after all."

"After all~?" Fran leaned forward, smiling. "Ah well, I'll leave it for now. We're being all sappy and shit, I'd hate to ruin it."

"How… Generous, of you." Saki sighed, but her smile told Kokoro she wasn't as annoyed as she wanted to sound.

"Huh…? W-what are you all…?" The group turned, spotting Mei and Pixel walking towards them.

"Chilling. Are you here to see the sunset, too?" Kokoro patted the sand and the two first years sat, Pixel nodding.

"Mhm. Mei suggested we come have a look. Maybe it'll bring good luck, us all being here?"

"Ehhh? You saying that before I can even make my grand entrance… So cruel!"

"Nova, too? We all really had the same thought, huh?" Kokoro huffed out a laugh, smiling. "Looks like I was worried for nothing. A group this in tune could never fail at something so easy."

"You texted me to come over?" Nova frowned, before sighing and sitting. "Whatever. You're lucky I'm a kind and benevolent ruler."

"I'm glad we're all here, in any case. You all feel ready for tomorrow?" Kokoro hummed, glancing around at them all.

"Mhm! I can't wait to perform with you all!"

"I-I hope we do well…!"

"Of course we'll succeed! With abilities like ours~? You must be joking!"

"As the most talented member, I'll lead the way to the stars!"

"... I believe in us. Our dreams will be realised."

Kokoro's smile widened, and she reached out a hand to the setting sun. "By this time tomorrow, we'll officially debut. Are we ready to crush the obstacles in our way and shine as one?"

A chorus of 'yeah's!' sounded, and as the sun finally disappeared behind the sea, Kokoro felt her heart swell with hope and affection.


"W-We did it...!"

"Did you see how loud they cheered?! We're the coolest!"

Pixel and Mei cheered, hugging each other.

"It was… Even better than I imagined." Kokoro sighed dreamily, heart still racing with adrenaline. "I want to go again!"

"Kokoro… We've already performed our song twice." Saki smiled. "Still… It is a shame we don't have anything else to perform."

"I'm full of inspiration! Hey Mei~ You free after this~? I'm not letting you out of my sight until we've written a million songs!"

"A-A million?! I… I'm inspired too, b-but-!"

"Can I help?! I want to pour all these new feelings into a song! Ahhhhh… Is this love? I love this! I love performing!" Pixel bounced up and down, beaming.

"Heheh! Of course we did well! I was there to bring the performance up like twenty percent~!" Nova grinned, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Although I do admit, you were all pretty good~"

"But of course~ We worked our asses off for this. We deserve a celebration!" Fran turned away from Mei, sidling up to Saki. "What do you think Miss Manager~?"

"Well… I guess we do deserve it." Saki nodded. "I'll get my father to book us in for the biggest room in the inn, okay?"

"Hehe, yay! Group hug!" Pixel smooshed herself in between Mei and Saki, pulling them part of the way into a hug. Fran grinned and pulled Kokoro and Nova into it too.

"We did really well today, everyone! You should all be really proud of yourselves!" Kokoro squeezed gently, pulling herself closer into the hug.

"Mhm. It was a very exhilarating performance. This is the start of something very exciting, however we can always improve from here."

"Always so serious, Saki~ Let's save the training for afterwards, okay~?"

"I guess… But be warned training tomorrow will be intense! If we don't train to our limits, we'll never grow." Saki huffed, her grin sending shivers down Kokoro's spine.

"But for now, let's head to the inn to celebrate!" Pixel, ever the one to not read the room, beams, eyes practically sparkling. "I want to have some more fun!"

"Alright alright… Let me call my dad, okay?"

"Wooo! You're the best Saki!"

Kokoro smiled, laughing lightly. This was the start of something magical, right? It was a fragile feeling, but she had a feeling that it'd only grow stronger the more she worked with this group. Different people united under one love, it was amazing.

She couldn't wait to see what they'd do next.