
Shining God in Danmachi

Kaylon Rozzo, a noble billionaire, with a dream life, ends up dying in a quite heroic way, and then reincarnated as a GOD in Danmachi, join me to observe his adventures within the infinite cosmos. This is my first Fanfic so bear with me, if something seems strange to you, I accept advice and guides, I hope you like the story... (Daily chapters from Monday to Saturday!) The characters and stories/animes in this Fanfic are not mine and the credits go to their respective authors. #GOD #NoHarem #MultiversalJourney #romance #OPMC #Danmachi #Orario THIS STORY IS TRANSLATED FROM SPANISH INTO ENGLISH BY AN AI, SO IF THERE ARE THINGS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, EXCUSE ME

Cozmooo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs


"I'm telling you, Rujierd, the food in this place is the best," walking through the streets of Orario, Kaylon told Rujierd who followed him.

"Understood, Kami-sama," nodding, Rujierd continued walking behind Kaylon with his expressionless face.

"Let's go, Rujierd, I'll show you the best food in Orario," with a smile, Kaylon headed to Orario's favorite tavern.

Soon, they arrived outside a cozy tavern.

"The Hostess of Fertility?" Looking at the tavern's name, Rujierd felt like he had heard that name before.

"Umu, let's go in, Rujierd!" Walking towards the tavern, Kaylon soon opened its doors.


With the creak of the door, Rujierd and Kaylon entered the tavern.

The first sight of the tavern revealed many tables around the place, with a bar at the back leading to the kitchen.

The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, like coming home.

"Hehe, we're lucky, Rujierd, not many people," looking at the nearly empty place, Kaylon smiled.

At this hour, adventurers were usually in the dungeon, so except for a few people, the tavern was almost empty.

"Welcome, guests, would you like a drink or a dish?"

While both looked around the place, a strong and heroic voice came from the bar.

Turning his gaze to where the voice came from, Kaylon smiled, while Rujierd looked cautious.

A dwarf about 1.80 meters tall, with a big smile, stood behind the bar with her arms crossed.

Kaylon smiled with interest upon meeting the iconic character, while Rujierd was tense because of the woman's presence.

"Hehe, my son and I have come quite hungry. We were recommended this place, told you're the best cook in Orario. I've come to check it out," with a playful smile, Kaylon looked at the dwarf woman.

"Oh, then you've come to the right place, Kami-sama," with a proud smile, the dwarf nodded.

"Take a seat, I'll serve you the house specialty," with a smile, Mia Grand pointed to the tables and then walked towards the kitchen.

Following the instructions, Kaylon and Rujierd sat at one of the tables.

"Kami-sama, are you sure about this? Riveria-sama said not to eat street food," with a pleading face, Rujierd looked at Kaylon.

Riveria doesn't like Kaylon eating street food; in Riveria's eyes, food that he doesn't know how it's prepared isn't hygienic.

That's why she normally doesn't let Kaylon eat street food.

"Please, Rujierd, even though I'm sealed, I still have the physical strength of a Level 3. I won't die from food poisoning," with a sigh of exasperation, Kaylon complained.

He hasn't heard of the first God who died from food poisoning.

Besides, he knows very well about this place. It's one of Orario's rookie spots; the food should taste good and be hygienic.

When Kaylon was a human and watched the anime Danmachi, he always wanted to try the food from this tavern. He hadn't had the chance before due to being too busy, but today he was ready to taste the famous food from the Hostess of Fertility tavern.

"Here's your food, gentlemen, enjoy," after a few minutes of waiting, a sweet voice was heard nearby.

Turning their gaze, Kaylon and Rujierd saw a pretty girl with gray-blue hair and gray eyes approaching with a sweet smile.

"Freya!" with a friendly smile, Kaylon greeted the gray-haired girl.

The lips of the girl serving the dishes moved violently upon hearing Kaylon's call.

With a forced smile, she quickly said, "Haha, I don't know what you're talking about, sir. My name is Syr Flova."

"Really?" with a mischievous smile, Kaylon asked again.

An expression of helplessness appeared on the girl's face.

She clearly realized that Kaylon already knew her identity. How did he do it? She could only think that they were basic abilities of the Primordials.

With a bitter smile, Freya said, "Kaylon, right now I'm not Freya; I'm Syr Flova."

Looking at Freya with an even more amused look, Kaylon said, "Hehe, Freya, I didn't know you had a passion for being a waiter. You know, my family is hiring waiters. Do you want a job?"

Freya's always imperturbable smile couldn't help but falter upon hearing Kaylon's words.

"Hehe, no thanks, it's just a hobby," with an embarrassed smile, Freya said.

"It's a shame, I could give you a good salary," shaking his head with a regretful look, Kaylon said.

Although Freya still had a smile on her face, her heart was cursing.

'Damn it, I'm the Goddess of one of the three great families of Orario. Do you really think I need your salary?' Secretly gritting her teeth, Freya swore in her heart that she would pay back this embarrassment in the future.

"I have to get back to work, Kaylon. It was nice seeing you," with a forced smile, Freya couldn't bear it any longer and escaped. She felt that if she stayed a second longer, she would fight Kaylon tooth and nail.

"Hehe, isn't she a pleasant woman, Rujierd?" with a mocking smile, Kaylon said to Rujierd.

"This, Kami-sama, you really..." with an expression of helplessness, Rujierd lamented having agreed to take on the job of Kaylon's bodyguard.

Now he understands why in the whole family, the only ones who dare to bother Kaylon are Riveria and Elinalise.

Riveria, as Kaylon's wife, can be considered the only person in the family who can restrain her God.

And about Elinalise, well, she simply doesn't fear death, and whenever she can bother Kaylon, she does.

Of course, 99% of the time, she is the one who ends up harmed.

"Let's go eat, Rujierd! I'll show you I wasn't lying when I said this place has the most delicious food in Orario."

"Alright, but please don't tell Riveria-sama we came here!"

"Of course, I won't tell her, as long as you don't rat me out when I make Riveria try this food, passing it off as mine."

"Taking credit for others' work is something only shameless people would do, Kami-sama."

"Exactly! That's why I'll do it."



26th floor of Orario Dungeon.

The Rozzo family, along with the Hephaistos family, advance at a rapid pace.

Crossing the passageways behind the huge waterfalls.

The monsters that usually pose problems to adventurers are killed like flies by the Rozzo family.

The formation of the Rozzo family is divided into three sections: the vanguard, the center of the team, and the rear guard.

At the forefront in the vanguard, the main adventurers of the family move, only the main members level 5 and 6 are qualified to lead the vanguard.

On the other hand, in the central part of the formation, is the command point, from where orders are given according to changes in the dungeon.

Here, the carriages also move, carrying the family's provisions.

And finally, we have the rearguard, this place is guarded by Talhand, an executive of the family, and also the terrifying Alfia.

Of course, there are also other adventurers at level 4 and level 3.

Thanks to this formation, the Rozzo family advances through the dungeon without any problems.

"We're approaching the 27th floor, Riveria-chan," Elinalise, who saw the entrance to the 27th floor, notified Riveria.

"Understood," nodding, Riveria took her notebook where the information of the 27th floor was.

From the 25th to the 27th floor, the dungeon transforms into a world full of water, the huge waterfalls that cross several floors, make this place an astonishing landscape.

Of course, this place also contains great dangers, whether it's the aquatic monsters that appear out of nowhere or worse, the terrible rex monster that roams these floors.

Amphisbaena, the boss who guards the floors from 25 to 27.

Since they descended to the 25th floor, they have been alert to the monster's attack, however, so far the monster has not shown itself.

"So it should be on the 27th floor..." Having carefully checked floors 25 and 26, now only the 27th floor remains to be checked.

Therefore, it is almost certain that it is on that floor.

Thinking about their imminent encounter, Riveria began to elaborate a feasible strategy.

Although doing the same thing they did with the Goliath is tempting, Riveria knows that move is not possible now.

Amphisbaena's defense is at level 6, and its attack power is at maximum level 6.

Therefore, it is not an enemy that only Rudeus, Roxy, and Sylphie can deal with.

Not to mention that they are now in its natural habitat, within the rising waters, Amphisbaena has all the advantage.

"Better let's finish him quickly..." Making a decision, Riveria decided not to waste time with this floor boss.

Now she will use the firepower of the Rozzo family to destroy it.

"Elinalise!" Calling out loud to her family's vice-captain, Riveria planned to convey orders.

"Riveria-chan," moving quickly, Elinalise stood in front of Riveria.

"Let Rudeus, Roxy, Sylphie, and the elves know, once Amphisbaena appears, use their most powerful spells, we'll finish him quickly with firepower," formulating the plan, Riveria conveyed it to Elinalise.

The only mages in the family are Ella, Roxy, Sylphie, Rudeus, and about 20 newly arrived elves.

For this expedition, Riveria only brought 18 of the 37 elves, and the elves who came are all level 2, except for Alicia who is level 3.

Thanks to their long journey, the elves accumulated a lot of excellia, causing when Kaylon gave them the falna, 18 of them advanced to level 2.

And about Alicia, according to her words, she had made a contract with a Goddess to give her a falna for two years.

Thanks to that, she managed to reach level 3 when she received the falna.

Elves are beings with magical affinity, so their magic is often much stronger than what their level would suggest.

18 level 2 mages, one level 3, Roxy, Sylphie, and Rudeus at level 5, and she a level 7 mage.

With that firepower, Amphisbaena won't stand a chance, they'll manage to quickly clear a floor boss.

"Understood," Elinalise nodded, feeling a little sorry for the floor boss, who won't even get to fight before dying miserably.

Leaving the tent, Elinalise went to quickly notify the rest of the mages.

Slowly but surely, the expedition approached the 27th floor, prepared for any surprise attacks.



"So it doesn't want to come out?" Looking into the depths of the enormous lake, Riveria said with confusion.

"That's right, Riveria-sama, Ghislaine said she felt the presence at the bottom of the lake, but it seems not to be moving," Elinalise said while looking helplessly into the lake's depths.

They arrived on the 27th floor half an hour ago, and once they arrived, they immediately prepared for their fight against Amphisbae.

However, after a long while, the floor boss didn't emerge, even when they made a lot of noise, he still didn't appear.

"We need its magic stone, we can't ignore it," with the previous loss of the Goliath, their family is now in the red with the profits from this expedition.

If they decide to let Amphisbaena go, then they won't be able to recover the expenses of the expedition.

Riveria began to think of ways to get the giant out of the bottom of the lake.

Casting magic isn't very feasible, after all, it's very deep, and much of the effect will be lost when it hits the water.

Using annihilation magic could be dangerous for their family, after all, the structure of floors 25 to 27 is quite unstable.

"Riveria-chan, what if I tell Ghislaine and Eris to go in and get it out?" Having an idea suddenly, Elinalise said.

"This," upon hearing Elinalise's proposal, Riveria thought it was feasible.

With the strength and agility of Ghislaine and Eris, it won't be a big problem to dive down, hit the monster, and lure it out.

Even if the case arises that Ghislaine and Eris get trapped in the fight against Amphisbaena.

They have the ability to defend themselves, while she sends Alfia to get them out.

As for why not send Alfia from the beginning, it's simply because Riveria wants as few people as possible to know about Alfia's existence.

If it were just her family, then there would be no problem, but the Hephaistos family is also with them, so it's better if Alfia doesn't appear.

"All right, then tell Eris and Ghislaine, but remember to tell them it's just a hit to lure it out and that's it, especially remind Eris," Riveria told Elinalise seriously.

Knowing Eris's personality, there's a possibility that she'll stay fighting with Amphisbaena underwater.

Without saying anything else, soon Elinalise went to Eris and Ghislaine.

After a while, both Ghislaine and Eris stood at the edge of the lake, then without hesitation, they submerged into the water.

Riveria, who saw them dive in quickly, shouted, "Mages, have your spells ready! Once Ghislaine and Eris come out of the water, don't hesitate and fire!"

With Riveria's shout, everyone began to prepare their spells.

Soon, a huge amount of mana gathered in the air, much of the mana centered on Riveria and Rudeus.

Shortly after Eris and Ghislaine descended, the water of the deep lake began to churn.

Waves and whirlpools soon appeared all over the water's surface.

Knowing it was approaching, Riveria quickly shouted, "Prepare the spells!"

All the mages of the family quickly aimed at the lake, the spells were ready, they just needed the target.

Time passed, and gradually a worried expression appeared on Riveria's face, both Ghislaine and Eris were taking too long to come out.

Feeling the urge to tell Alfia to descend, Riveria clenched her fists and decided to trust the two warriors.

~ BAM ~

Responding to Riveria's trust, within seconds, two torpedoes shot out of the water.

Seeing Eris and Ghislaine emerge from the water, Riveria didn't hesitate for a second and said, "FIRE!!"

At Riveria's command, all the mages of the family launched their spells.

"Stone Cannon!"

"Wind Blades!"

"Thunder Punishment!"

Dozens of spells were fired towards the newly emerged head of Amphisbaena.


Fire, lightning, wind, earth, light, dozens of spells of different elements crashed into Amphisbaena.

A huge explosion shook the entire 27th floor, the earth trembled, and the dungeon was illuminated.

"Shouldn't it be dead by now?" Looking towards the lake, Riveria wondered, however, maybe feeling that it wasn't enough, Riveria cast the spell she had prepared.

"Ecstasy · Fenbulle's Winter"

A freezing stream spread throughout the 27th floor, and soon came into contact with the lake, freezing it completely.

The magic of a level 7, is not something that a simple Amphisbaena can resist, the little vitality it had, was soon extinguished by the cold winter.

"It's over." Feeling the extinguished vitality of the floor boss, Riveria relaxed.

After a while, the smoke and dust from the explosion settled.

The scene that appeared in front of the Rozzo family was a shattered Amphisbaena, many parts of its body were missing, and what little remained of it was frozen.

"Phew, at least the magic stone is intact," Elinalise, who saw that the magic stone of the rex monster was intact, sighed in relief.

"Let's go, collect the stone and keep moving!" Organizing the collection, Elinalise organized the group to continue with the expedition.

After everything was ready, the group continued to move, continuing their meticulous organization, the dungeon was traversed without difficulty.

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Here ends today's chapter!!

I didn't upload a chapter yesterday because I was at parties, I'll try to upload two today.

Thanks for the support!!!

By the way, I have updated chapter number 2; yesterday I had some time to rewrite it. If you want, you can go take a look.