
Shigenori Sarutobi, Father of Konohamaru

Shigenori Sarutobi is reincarnated into Naruto with Meta-Knowledge. But he is also given an opportunity to create his own story as he is the implied father of the as yet unborn Konohamaru.... Harem: Tsunade Anko Mitarashi

Reinhardt001Z · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

2: Team Orochimaru: Anko Mitarashi, Shigenori Sarutobi, and Yuki Hyūga

(Konohagakure, Land of Fire, Five Great Shinobi Nations, Shinobi World, Naruto-Verse)


It was Graduation time, and despite having the option placed before him, Shigenori chose not to apply for an early Graduation. He had the option to become the sole student of Jiraiya and Tsunade, but chose to forgo that in order to graduate later with Asuma. Though he still received some minor tutelage from both of them qs he had advanced far enough that choosing to stay behind a year meant the Instructors were unable to teach him.

Shigenori sat in his Classroom, toothpick in his mouth, like the Late Great Razor Ramon, who passed away just mere days before he had. Shigenori was only a little surprised to be in the same classroom as Anko. In the last year he'd been meeting frequently with Orochimaru, and apparently Orochimaru had chosen him as a Pupil.

''Hey Anko, how's about a Wager? If I correctly guess the Sensei's identity then you have to treat our team to a celebratory snack our first Five successful missions and if I don't guess correctly, I have to pay for your Dango For a year.'' Says Shigenori, even if it was kind of cruel as it was a Suckers bet.

Huh? A suckers bet? And it was Orochimaru who was going to be Sensei? Eat your hearts out Tsunade's debt collectors. This is one suckers bet you can't collect on.

''Your on!'' Anko says, eyes watering along with her mouth at what is essentially free Dango for her greedy gluttonous stomach.

''Orochimaru of the Sannin.'' Shigenori says, qnd before Anko can respond Deaths Pale Horseman himself steps inside.

''Greetings, I am your new Sensei. You've probably heard my name before numut allow to introduce myself anyway. I am Orochimaru of the Three Legendary Sannin.'' Says Orochimaru with far more humility than he actually has.

Meanwhile, Abrain is in a state of shock, though not because of the Illustrious Identity of their instructor, more that Shigenori was not only right but that she couldn't overcharge him for Dango for an entire year.

''Greetings Lord Orochimaru, I assume that this is the surprise you implied in our last meeting, yet failed miserably to expand upon in detail?'' Shigenori says recalling his last conversation with Orochimaru less than a week ago.

''Indeed Shigenori, I wanted to tell you, but why spoil the surprise? Now then, let's get better acquainted shall we?'' Says Orochimaru.


Sat atop the roof, Shigenori, Anko, and Yuki waited for Orochimaru to speak.

''Let's start with Introductions. As you know my name is Orochimaru. I was a Student of The Third Hokage and am one of The Three Legendary Sannin. My hobbies include researching new Jutsu and pushing the boundaries of scientific research. I like creating techniques. My wishe is to fight those with techniques that can be used in the future. My favourite food are eggs, while my least favourites are anything cold.'' Says Orochimaru.

''My name is Shigenori Sarutobi, Lord Third is my Father. My Hobbies include honing my Swordsmanship, creating new Fuinjutsu, and teasing Asuma about his girlfriend during his training. I like training, Learning and creating new Jutsu, and Uncle Enma. My Dislike's are incompetent and sycophantic Shinobi, my mother's somewhat strict nature, and My Father. My goal is to create an Elite Konoha Shinobi Unit on par with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Kinkaku Force of The Cloud, Puppet Brigade of the Sand, and Explosion Corps of the Stone, and use that to replace my father as Hokage.'' Says Shigenori.

''Very good Shigenori, I expected nothing less from my most promising Pupil. Anko, would you like to go next?'' Asks Orochimaru.

''Yes, Orochimaru-Sensei. My name is Anko Mitarashi, I am from the prominent Civilian Mitarashi Family. My favorite food is Dango and sweet bean soup, my least favourites are anything spicy. My hobby is conducting Tea Ceremonies. My Goal is to taste every flavor of Dango.'' Says Anko.

''And you?'' Orochimaru asks the Hyūga of the group.

''My name is Yuki Hyūga. I am from the Hyūga Branch family. My favourite food is shrimp, while my least favourite is Ramen. My goal is to place the Hyūga Branch Family on equal standing as the Main family. I like learning new Fuinjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, and Genjutsu techniques, my only dislike is arrogance and intolerance. My only real hobbies are trying to increase my Byakugan's Strength and range.'' Yuki says.

''Very Good, let us report to Sarutobi-Sensei. We have a mission to do.'' Says Orochimaru.

''Is that wise Orochimaru-Sensei? Going into a mission unused to working as a team and without any idea as to each other's strengths and weaknesses? Sounds very much like Pervy Sage if you ask me.'' Says Shigenori, causing Orochimaru to laugh in amusement.

''Typically you'd be correct, but this particular mission is unique in that it has been a perpetually self-repeating problem. Come with me and you'll find out why.'' Says Orochimaru.

'Is it...Tora?' Shigenori thinks mentally, recalling the fat bitch with far too much affection for her cat, while the Cat had not nearly enough balls. Specifically the balls to cut the Daimyo's wife's face off. Seriously in lieu of pharmaceuticals that was the Cats only hope of some normality in it's shit life.

Now Shigenori himself preferred Monkeys or Dogs. But he didn't mind cats much.


Gonna cap it there folks. Now then, next mission will be Tora....sort of. You'll enjoy the planned mission next Chapter. Promise.

Also, I have a rough idea on who I want but after Konohamaru's all said and done. Who, if any of these would you like Shigenori to end up with:

Mei Terumi


Tsume Inuzuka

Hana Inuzuka





Natsu Hyūga


Now as I said I more or less know where I'm going, but having your guys input will greatly help me reach the final decision.

Now then, I need to fucking eat something, fuck the missus, and.....yeah I'm just fucking with ya's. I do have to eat though, so after I have my dinner I'll start the next Chapter.