
From Ok to Good to Bad

(this is diary entries from the character plus some stuff out of the diary.. just lettin ya know beforehand)

The young girl plops on her bed. To the left of her is a bedside table. On it lies a little white box. She looks at it for a moment before turning over to it picking it up. Sighing she pats her chest.. looking for something. Finding it she reaches into her shirt. She pulls out a key which she immediately inserts into a keyhole which was being covered by her right index finger.


The lid opened slowly, but the girl wasn't in a rush. Her face held heavy traces of sorrow.

Kissing the key, she sets it back into her shirt.

From the box, she pulls out a little black notebook and a feather accompanied with ink. Setting the box down and sitting up, she began writing.




-August 25, 2018-

*My name is Sydney Heartfield.

African American, 13 years old, 5'0, and weigh 107lbs.

Today is my first day writing in this stupid journal, but only because...

because I have no one else to talk to.

Ever since my family got rich, my friends don't wanna hang with me no more, my parents argue more, and I just don't know how to deal with all of this!...

(A single tear droplet falls on the paper. Sydney clutches the book as though life depended on it. Her fingers itching to hit someone, break something, or even steal. As long as she wasn't sad.)

I can't understand this feeling I'm having.

Never have I ever cried! And I don't wanna cry now! Dad said crying is for sissies and that ain't me.

(Sydney chuckles lightly)

I do wish I had someone to spend time with. Someone who likes doing everything I do. Kinda like a younger sibling.

But... It's kinda late for that.

( The smile that had begun to sprout on Sydney's lips, slowly dissipated and was replaced with a grim expression.)

My parents broke up for CRYING OUT LOUD!



I don't want either of my parents to hate ME!

Do you know how hard it is to have that happen?


No, you don't!

Because you're just a FUCKING BOOK!

(Sydney's chest was heaving up and down. Another teardrop descended from her cheek. She wanted to stab the book. STAB! STAB! STAB!)*

"Hmmm..... Wtf am I crying for!"

Harshly, Sydney wiped the wetness from her face.

-pitter patter-

-pitter patter-

Upon hearing such noise, Sydney instinctively stood up on her bed.



No answer.

Sydney stood there looking around her room for 10 minutes.

Sitting down beside her she was met with...

She was met with..... A CLIFFHANGER SUPRISE!

Yea have a bigger and better story. Hope you like. Imma try to make the next chapter longer.

Prodigy_Writesnowcreators' thoughts