

I didn't think I would live long so every day was a precious moment for me.

My name is Erin Tsukimi and I have been hospitalized since I was a baby because I was born in this world with a weak heart. Before my sixth birthday I overheard the doctors saying to my parents that my life hangs in a thin thread. That everything depends on how strong my heart will get in the future. It means that my chance to live is fifty-fifty. It was then when I wondered why did this happen to me, what did I do? Just why ?!?...

Before feeling my tears sliding in my face, I could feel those of my parents, I could feel their sadness, I could here their questions " Why did this happen to our little girl? What did we do wrong? God why??!! ".

At that moment my tears disappeared, my pain vanished, my sadness, my anger was not there anymore. At that moment I understood that it's time to bring happiness in their life and in my life.

When the time came to blow the candles of my sixth birthday I smiled like never before and I wished to my parents to leave the hospital. The news took them by surprise and they started to tell me to change my mind but I said to them:

- If I'm going to live I want to be happy and if I'm going to die I want to bring the happy memories with me.

My parents wouldn't stop crying and hugging me but I just smiled because they have already shared my part of the sadness.

In the end they decided to discharge me and finally I had the chance to see the world outside.

In my mind " Why?" will always be there but I will start to look for my answer.