
Our first encounter

For some minutes we didn't speak, we just immersed in each other's eyes.

•Ah.. hello - she said in her low voice while blushing. The boy didn't speak.

I couldn't take my eyes of him and before I knew it I was smiling and going where he was. When I was close I could see him even more clearly. He had black hair like the night and black eyes that were able to see through you. Laying down in this field he looked like a prince in a fairy tail.

•My name is Erin, what about yours ? - she asked smiling.

He kept staring at her and then he said

• Why are you here ? - he said with an angry yet suspicious tone.

• Me ? I came because I felt like this place was calling for me. I know it sounds weird... - she said in a warm way.

• Hmmm... you'r weird. My name is Hiro. This is my special place so don't come here and don't tell anyone !

• Yup , oki so from now on this is our special place - she said while giving him a big smile.

Hiro glared at her and she felt a bit scared by those eyes who for a moment seemed frightening. Taken back from that look Erin said :

• Can't it be ours ? I found it myself and I feel like this is where I belong, even more than in my house. - In her tone you could hear her sadness. The words she said made Hiro realise that maybe he's not the only one that needs a place to escape to.

• I have never seen you around here before, who are you ? - he asked slowly.

• Ahh.. you're right, I just moved here my name is Erin Tsukimi and I'm 6 years old. What about you ?

• I have always lived here, I'm Hiro Kanto also 6 years old - he said with no importance.

• Why are you here ?- she asked with curiosity.

• ... It's time for me to go home and maybe for you too. It's already so late.

Then the two walked silently out of the forest and headed home.

After coming into her room Erin couldn't stop thinking about Hiro, hoping to see this mysterious boy soon.