
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Between Warm Arms Part 2


The chokes stopped and got replaced by a gasp "Han?" he called with a hoarse voice, "yes hyung, co- come" he requested giving him a hand from his seat unable to stand up his legs like jelly.

He came out from the dark slowly making unable Han Beom from containing his shock. Aera's face was white as ghost, his lips yellow and his eyes red from crying. Han forced himself to walk to him but he dropped on his knees once he stood up, Aera gasped and ran to him "did you hurt yourself?!"

"I'm the one who should say that, what happened? No, for how long was I out of it?"

Aera looked down at his fiddling fingers trying to remember but when he couldn't he shook his head "I'm sorry Han, I can't remember. I guess I stopped sensing time after I saw you filled with cold sweat and unable to wake up, I- I thought you- you"

"Shshshhhh. We both are fine now, so stop thinking about those horrible stuff, ok?" he nodded his head, after staying between Han's arms for too long he decided to ask the question in his mind since he came back to his senses, "do you want to talk about the nightmare you had?"

Han flinched but he calmed down and took a deep breath before he pulled Aera's chin to look at him "my parents need me more those days hyung, I can't stay away from them for too long"

He stared at Han Beom's serious face, he started to get worried from what type of nightmare he had to tell him this firstly. When he managed to wrap his mind on the whole idea he nodded his head and gave him a small smile too "if you want to, I can prepare for you and your parents gifts so you can take them with you"

"What about you hyung?" Asked Han trying to understand why Aera's wasting a chance to meet his parents. Aera saw that look on his face so he giggled and ruffled his hair messing it up "hehehe, you have a soft hair. Ah! We need to take a good care of it too, the way we cut it I mean... Do you want me to cut it for you? It'll be a nice look and your parents will probably be happy to something very new on you!"

Han shivered at the thought of giving his hair for Aera but Aera beat him to it and mentioned how experienced he is since he has three certificates for hair styling and care giving his hair and Haneul's as live examples.

"Didn't you have classes today?" asked Aera while cutting Han's bangs.

"I did but honestly I don't care because you come first... I can't even imagine what would have happened if I wasn't here when it happened-"

"Don't worry yourself because this isn't the first time and it won't be the last... And don't say I come first, we're still strangers so your parents should be your top priority. Don't you think that's why you had that nightmare? It seems it's your reminder that they're more worth your time and care" Han listened with shock, yes he does know his parents are important and need to be at top of his priorities but Aera picked part in his heart so he's as important as them, especially after the horrible side he saw last night and today and how helpless he'd become so how could he just ignore all that and not have him in his 'so important' list?

Aera finished cutting his hair, he even forced Han to wear the new clothes warning him some of his fella students might pass by and even try to stop him to have a (not) short talk.

As the good young brother, he gave in and wore one of the mixes he and Jenny prepared for him and styled his hair back, Aera didn't let the look end there, he added some accessories like, rings with jewels in the middle, silver and black bracelets and silver necklace with a cross in the middle "I didn't know you're religious?"

Aera picked one of the colognes he had bought for Han and started spraying "no matter what, no matter who, that God who helped me survive for this long will be my top priority to receive all my prays and thanks, though some people don't believe on him but it's their choice~ it's like when you say, you have the choice to whether like dick or pussy~"

"I don't think that's a good comparison hyung" they laughed and cracked more jokes, Aera specifically, until it was time for him to go back home.

After he wore his shoes, he turned and gave Aera a big hug "take care of yourself please, and when you're ready do come visit us" he nodded in approving giving Han a glimpse of hope. He walked out of the house with relief that everything's going to be fine but those all are wishes after all, because life will never work on our occurred wishes.

On the other side of the city a doctor in his late fifties rushed to a room worrying all those who passed by him already praying for the soul that'll be dealt by him, no not because they're sick or in danger... Well... They are in danger but from the volcano coming toward them.

"You damn old man! What did I tell you?!" He yelled when he entered the room scaring the two in the room, "look how you scared your wife! Oh dear Lin~ I told you to choose me instead of this heartless man~" the doctor whined getting two different reactions

"Hey? Who are you to call my wife by her first name?"

"You're so sweet Dr. Man but my heart is already owned by my beloved Kim~"

"Tsk, lucky bastard" mumbled the doctor

"Min-ji Man keep your thoughts and hands for yourself" said Kim Beom leaning his stick to smack away Min ji Man's hand away from his wife's waist.

"Kim Beom keep your whole body in bed if you don't wanna end up paying extra fees for some broken bones" he fought back trying to take the stick from him.

Lin Beom watched them helplessly, she checked the time and saw it's close to the time her son promised to return in, "Dr. Man could you finish the check up faster? I don't want to let Han wait for too long and get worried over nothing" she wants to make sure they don't smell of hospital, she knows very well Han Beom catches quickly to those stuff so she doesn't want to let anything to disturb his already growing happiness.

"Sweetheart do you call this nothing? oomf!!" he asked getting in return a punch in his guts for two reasons, the first for calling his wife "sweetheart" and the second one is for calling him "this".