
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

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<p>IVER!! YOU ARE A PERVERT!!! <br/><br/>Iver drives slowly and quietly toward Rhida's house. Rhida was quiet the whole time, looking in another direction. He packed his car when he got to the front of Rhida's house and he got down. He saw an old woman in front of the house. <br/>Rhida also got down and saw the woman. She bit down her lips. It's the landlady <br/>' such bad timing' She thought and the woman turned to her <br/>" Here you are!! I've been here for hours!" The landlady said and Rhida looked away <br/>" I want you to leave by tomorrow, I don't need a talent like you! Someone important than you want to use the place, I don't want to see you by tomorrow" The landlady said and turned to Iver. <br/>" You can help your girlfriend to pack her load, such a useless boyfriend," She said and Rhida's eyes brightened. <br/>" Old lady!!! Watch your words!" She shouted and Iver approached her. He touches her gently <br/>" It's okay" Then he faces the landlady<br/>" Ma'am, you seem to be mistaken, we came here to pack her load, she is too precious to stay in this small and shitty house," Iver said and Rhida looked at him surprisingly. She has never discussed that with him, how can he quickly make that up? <br/>Iver looked at Rhida and take her hand, they both went inside, leaving the old woman wide-mouthed <br/><br/>Rhida packed her loads slowly, reluctantly. Since Elina and Anne have packed her loads, it was easier for her to pack and she join Iver outside. He looked at her and rubbed his hand at the back of his neck, feeling lost and apologetic. Rhida looked at him, he was so courageous when he talk with the landlady but now it was like all his courage has drained. <br/>He walked up to her and collect her suitcases. <br/>" Let's go," He said and they headed toward the car. <br/><br/>Iver packed in front of his big mansion and help Rhida with her suitcases. <br/>Rhida sighed and stare at the mansion, too many things have happened today. The morning she arrived with excitement and left with tears. Now she is back again at this very house with mixed feelings. <br/><br/>Iver looked back at her <br/>" Rhida," He said slowly and she looked at him. <br/>She still can't believe this is the person she has been longing for, that person she has been willing to see... <br/><br/>They entered the house and Iver lead her to a room <br/>" This is your room, I designed it in case of today, it's all pink, I hope you like it," He said and Rhida looked at it, the pink soft bed with soft pillows, the fluffy pink rug on the floor, and the walls adorned with posters of her favorite pop stars. Rhida couldn't help but smile at the thoughtful gesture. She felt a warm and inviting atmosphere radiating from the room. It was clear that Iver had put a lot of effort into making it a comfortable and welcoming space for her.<br/><br/> She stares at the flowy pink curtains and the walls are adorned with cute unicorns and fairy decals. Rhida's eyes widened with delight as she took in the sight. She couldn't help but smile at Iver's thoughtfulness<br/><br/><br/>As she walked further into the room, Rhida noticed a small desk in the corner, adorned with an assortment of art supplies. There were paintbrushes, sketch pads, and jars filled with colorful markers. Rhida's eyes widened with excitement. She had always loved expressing herself through art, and this little setup was truly a dream come true.<br/><br/>She wondered why he knew almost everything about her hobby, her favorite idols, and her best color. <br/>Iver looked at her <br/>" Did you like it?" He asked and Rhida turned to him and nodded gently. <br/>Iver smiled with evident satisfaction <br/>" What will you like to eat?" He asked, smiling warmly at her <br/>" I'm fine," she said, looking away, and her stomach rumbled. She looked at Iver <br/>" That's not me, it's..." Then her stomach rumbled again and she bite down her lips <br/>Iver smiled <br/>" I guessed the gentleman in you is hungry, l will prepare something simple, wash up, and come down," Iver said and left. <br/>Rhida lay on the soft pink bed and touch her tummy. She has planned to ignore him all day but it seems their child is not going to let that happen. <br/>She showers and changed into comfortable cloth, everything was so perfect and the bed was her favorite spot, soft and comfy. She went down, climbing down the stairs gently. She saw Iver from where she was, the food aroma was worth dying for, he called it a simple dish but why did it smell like a banquet prepared by famous chefs? He looks so hot as he cooks, she never believed he did be this hot even when he was cooking <br/><br/>As she approached Iver, she couldn't help but notice the way he effortlessly moved around the kitchen. His strong arms glistened with sweat as he skillfully chopped vegetables and stirred pots on the stove. The heat emanating from the sizzling pans seemed to complement his confident and focused expression. It was a mesmerizing sight that captivated her.<br/><br/>With every move he made, she found herself drawn closer to him. The way he handled the ingredients with precision and care was almost sensual. She couldn't help but think that cooking had never looked so enticing before.<br/><br/>As he turned towards her, a smile of satisfaction spread across his face. It was as though he knew the effect he had on her, and he reveled in it. The delicious scents of herbs and spices enveloped the air, adding to the allure of the moment.<br/><br/>"Care to taste?" he asked, his voice husky and filled with an underlying intensity. She looked away, trying to play hard <br/><br/>" Please, for our child," He said and Rhida looked at him. She found her leg moving, she wanted to stop but it seemed like she couldn't resist the invitation, eager to experience the magic he had created in the kitchen.<br/><br/>Taking a bite of the dish he had prepared, she was utterly blown away. The flavors danced on her tongue, each bite more exquisite than the last. It was as if he had transported her to a world of culinary delights, where every sense was heightened <br/><br/>" How is it?" <br/>" I like it," She said, and quickly regret it, she wanted to fight with him all day but she is giving in. Iver smiled, satisfied with the comment<br/>" I will serve you, go to the dining," He said and she obediently went there. <br/><br/>Her mouth widened as she stares at the food in front of her, she was dying to taste. She was so hungry <br/>" Dig in," Iver said and she quickly takes her spoon as if waiting for him to say that. <br/>" Take it easy, it's all for you," Iver said and she looked away, concentrating only on the food <br/><br/>Donald dropped Elina off at her apartment <br/>" Thanks for today," He said politely <br/>" it's okay, she is also my friend," Elina said, and Donald nodded and smile <br/>" Then I will get going" he bowed and left <br/>" Have a nice dream" Elina called after him but he has already left <br/>" so cute," She said and smiled <br/>" If Iver is the father of the child, does that mean he is not gay??? Then... Donald is also not... Whoa... This is fabulous, FANTASTIC!!" she shouted and rushed inside, overwhelmed with happiness <br/><br/>Iver packed the dishes and cleared the table as Rhida finished eating. <br/>" I will...Be in my room then" She said slowly and Iver nodded <br/>" Have a nice dream" He said and she left. <br/><br/>Rhida lay on her bed and stares at the ceiling. She can't believe she got carried away because of the food aroma or could she say because of Iver himself? She touches her neck and remembers her necklace, then she jerked up and left for downstairs but he wasn't there. Could he perhaps be in his room? She wondered how she can locate his room in this big mansion. <br/>Just then, he opened the door and she smiled. ' Good timing' she thought and rushed to him <br/><br/>" Did you need anything?" He asked <br/>" Mmm, my... My necklace" she said and Iver nodded <br/>" I will be back" Then he entered his room. <br/>Rhida couldn't help but peep Inside the room, there was a small light inside the room and a small shelf, not as big as the one in his study room<br/><br/>As Rhida peeped into the room, she noticed that the small shelf held various trinkets and objects. There was a collection of delicate crystal figurines, each one reflecting the small light and casting beautiful patterns on the walls. There were also a few worn-out books neatly arranged on the shelf, their faded covers hinting at the stories within. She then spotted a book on the shelf, and she recognized it, that book she have wished to read, she looked at the book and wished she could get her hands on it. Just then, Iver arrives with the chain <br/>" Here it is," He said and moved closer to her, helping her to put it on her neck. <br/><br/>As Iver helped Rhida put on the chain, a wave of warmth spread through her body. Her heart quickened as his breath grazed her cheeks. There was an undeniable connection between them, an electrifying energy that seemed to intensify with every passing moment. Iver's touch was gentle yet firm as he carefully secured the chain around Rhida's neck. The brushing of his fingers against her skin sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't help but lean into his touch.<br/><br/>Their eyes met, and in that moment it felt as if time stood still. The intensity of their gaze held them captive, and the world around them faded into the background. Rhida felt a surge of desire intertwine with the warmth, and chemistry that pulsed between them.<br/><br/>Iver's lips curled into a soft smile as he leaned in closer. His warm breath danced across Rhida's lips, teasing and inviting. The anticipation built, filling the air with delicious tension. <br/>Rhida shifted back as she regain herself and rushed to her room <br/>Iver smiled and ran his hand through his hair. She is driving him crazy. He stare at her as she rushed inside. <br/><br/>" Holy God," She said and touched her soon-to-explore heart and her red cheeks. <br/>' He is such a pervert, how can he teases her like that? ' She lay on the bed, thinking of a way to avoid him the next day until the fell asleep...leaving for dreamland... <br/><br/>The next day, she woke up and went downstairs, hoping not to see him. She saw the cooked food and the note <br/>" Eat well, I will be back early" Then she smiled and sat down. <br/>" The book!" She snapped and rushed inside his room. To her surprise, it was unlocked and she went inside and saw the book on top of the shelf <br/>" Finally," she said with a grin and stretch her hand to take it but she can't reach it. She tried her best but it all to no avail. She groaned and suddenly she saw a wet hand on her back she turned to that thing immediately, scared and saw Iver. He just had a shower, his hair was wet and droplets of water dripped down his nose and fell onto his chest, it rolled down his toned abs and disappear into the towel. <br/><br/>The leaned muscles, that fair and soft skin, she was so tempted to touch and feel it. She shook her head abruptly to brush off the naughty thoughts <br/>" Did you have a good time admiring my body?" He said in a teasing tone and she touch his chest with the will of pushing him back but he wasn't moving, instead, he smiled <br/>" Are you planning on going further? Did you want us to advance to the bed?" He said teasingly and Rhida pushed him and rushed to the door <br/>" IVER!! YOU ARE A PERVERT!!"</p>