
Chapter one.


Amelia was just little when she saw her family burnt before her eyes..her whole village..she lost everyone and had no one. she held her

Mothers hand kerchief..and cried. She grew up lonely all by herself with no one..she continued her family's legacy though.

She learned spells and she practiced magic..it wasn't the end for her she knew that she'd back for the people who did this to her and her family. "The hearthstone family Im coming for you." Nobody saw what was coming next. Amelia was an underestimated witch..people did not know of what she could do.

She created something so..powerful..a curse..a curse that would last through out generations of generations within the hearthstone family. The curse of being a vampire..they would need to survive on blood..and stay away from the sun only able being to walk the night..not being able to

Enjoy their humanity because it would be taken from them.

It was her revenge..her revenge brought something so dangerous to this world. There were good and bad vampires but vampires always chose to rebel in fact some vampires even loved what they were being given an immortal life some didn't even think of it as Amelia's revenge..they just thought she was weak and could never be like her mother who was once a powerful witch..

But...Amelia to the hearthstone family she..cursed the new ones so they would have no memories at all..of who They were or what they were..and that was worse being the curse of a vampire but not even knowing that your cursed..being scared and alone...she wanted the hearthstone family to feel

The pain that she felt only then could she at ease for what happened to her family.