


The next day Alison wake up with the harras ringing sound of his alarm clock. And went to have breakfast downstairs.

When Alison went downstairs he was immediately met with a delicious smell and a sight of Adam cooking with a pink apron on which had cat's print on .

Adam likes doing everything by himself so, they don't have any full-time maid in their house, they coke any leave after doing the cleaning .

"Morning Hyung! " Alison greeted with his deep voice which was sounding more husky than usual .

"Morning Allis!" Adam greeted back with a cheerful voice. " Did you sleep well ?"

"Yes Hyung. I did ." Alison smiled.

"Then quickly eat up! I'll go take a shower when you are getting ready ." Adam spoke and made his way towards his room .

Alison did feel bad cause he could clearly tell that the older was a bit hurt yesterday. And Seeing him smiling like this made him feel worse, was Adam going crazy? He questioned himself..