
Where the misfortune all began

My grandparents worked as farmers in the Southern part of Kamerun, which they raised their 7 children amongst which was my late father... (it is in memory of my father I choose to tell you all my story.)

He passed on in the year 2002 when I was still a kid, and he was laid to rest at our native land. And so did his brothers and sisters passed on too, it was just a series of deaths with just an interval of few months. Yet the history of my family, like that of all the Southerners, is a history of native beliefs like strange occurrence, myths, and witchcraft practices.

My grandfather had two wives with 12 children, boys and girls who died strange deaths, not knowing his second wife was a witch. Out of jealousy bec she bore just 3 children and he co wife's children were more successful that hers, she placed a spell of death which wiped out almost the entire family. My father inherited nothing of material value from his father, and when we came of age in the early 20s after our father's death, I watched my brothers one by one, leave our home and leave the South. I watched my sisters do the same, but running didn't solve the matter. Evil still haunted us down, nightmares and attacks kept haunting us...(i am the youngest of them all.)

Our mother is of age now and we are the only ones to fight against our evil step grandma, we decided to fight back before death starts taking us one by one. We tried using charms to break the spell but to no avail, we consulted a native practitioner and he couldn't help us etc... (until one day we decided to go to church and see a pastor.) Immediately we got there God revealed to him our situation from the very genesis and said only prayers to help us break the chains of death from our lives.. It's wasn't an easy battle, the witch appeared as the pastor began to pray... (making incantations and dancing the witches dance.) And behold the heavens opened and God heard our prayers and strike her down to death and her body disappeared.

To God be the glory we were delivered from the evil chains of death and we are free and alive, and we have been living in harmony as one big family.