
she Alpha

Arielle is a cursed omega beautiful, kind-hearted, and courageous she is a member of blue moon park, a park where Alpha maltreats and abuses his omegas rather than protect them he uses them in the battle to lessen their population in the park, although Arielle has never been to war she was aware many omegas that have lost their lives thus leaving their family without a head and their mates broke. Born on a blood moon night Arielle had to carry the burden of been cursed on the day gods shred blood of their kind on the same night both her parents died. Growing up she lives with her aunt May who is an omega just like her parents. Arielle is not maltreated by her park members because of her friendship with the beta's son Jedidiah, but she has to endure been a slave to treize the Alpha, although her aunt worked in the park house kitchen when treize father was alive, she continued even after he passed because treize didn't like change thus she continued as the cook. But because of treize insecurities, he made Arielle his slave to watch her development cause there is something different about her ... .............. Arielle never had a problem with kneeling before the Alpha but today a force won't let her kneel and a voice in her head kept on yelling"DON'T" not kneeling before your Alpha means you want to have a manshidano; challenging your Alpha to a duo of which there must be only one winner. That's the last thing on her mind now if she loses, she will have to leave the park, her aunt and her friends even the park has always been a part of her plans, it didn't have to be like this in shame and if treize is too strong for her he might kill her and it would be justified. She could only pray inwardly to the goddess to create a distraction for her, and just like magic treize turned his head from her half bent body to stare into the wall and for the first time she used her ability to dive into his mind and discovered he was been mind linked by beta joe "Alpha you are needed urgently" he said treize turned away from her towards his bathroom and said in a low tune"we'll continue this later". Arielle inhaled deeply and exhaled she straighten up herself and thank the goddess for saving her but she wondered why the force stopped her from kneeling, was the voice her wolf's and why did she stop her she had never heard from her wolf before cause she has not been able to shift, her eighteenth birthday is at the corner is that why she's having these feelings she wondered as she continued her chores.........

Comfort_Wilson · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
41 Chs

chapter 31 Manshidano 2 (disclaimer:violent scenes ahead)

"I greet you all, I am Arielle Percy most of you know me as the omega slave of Alpha Treize (spits on the floor)others know me as the cursed one but not anymore" Arielle started with a loud voice.

"what is all this get out of here.." Treize said in between his teeth.

Arielle turned towards him and gave him a deadly glare." Be quiet when I speak" she barked.

Treize instantly lost his ability to speak.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, Blue Moon park has been under the governance of an abusive, insensitive, and gruesome murder for many, many years...but tonight all that comes to an end cause I challenge you Treize to a manshidano, " Arielle said pointing at Treize.

(crowd gasps )

"Surely she wants to die" one whispered.

"Maybe after her death, Treize will treat us better" another whispered.

"No, he won't rather he'll become worst, oh this foolish girl wants to cause us pain"

All this while Brian was feeling anxious, he might not want her to be his mate, but letting her die was not an option he needed to stop her but shockingly he found himself rooted to his seat like he was under a spell or something. The Alpha of black moon pack Leonardo stared at Arielle with fascination.

"I thought I was going to be bored, but this is just too exciting, an omega challenging an Alpha.... priceless!" Leonardo remarked.

"Do you accept my challenge?" Arielle asked facing Treize directly.", you miserable coward!"

Treize's ego was hurt he had to do something but one thing was certain he must kill that pathetic omega.

"Yes I accept your death wish cause that's what this is not a challenge" he spat.

He took off his clothes then went with beta Joe to change into a more fitting outfit. Then he entered the battleground to face a fuming Arielle. They started walking around trying to figure out one another's movements.

"I will make your death very painful" Arielle threatened.

"Little omega threatening her Alpha, hahaha" Treize laughed bitterly.

"I will enjoy doing this" he added.

Suddenly Arielle leaped in the air and gave Treize a kick to the chest." you talk too much" she yelled.

(crowd gasps)

The attack was so sudden that Treize landed on his back with a thud.

"Ahhhggg! you bitch, you pay for that" he cried out in pain but didn't stay on the floor for long he launched at her with great force using his head but then the unexpected happened, Arielle stopped him with one hand and then use her knees to kick him hard on the throat.

she didn't stop there she released him as he fell on all four just to kick him again in the face.

Treize coughed hard as he landed on the floor, he was bleeding from his nose. He wanted to rise but Arielle was too fast for him, she grabbed him by the collar and flipped him on his back, she still didn't give him time to recover from that, she swiftly saddled herself on his waist and started hurling punches to his face, Treize tried to stop her with his hands but Arielle anticipated his move and swiftly use on of her legs to crush one of his arms while she used one her hands to pin his other hand to the floor. Now she was using only one hand to disfigure his face.

Sounds of bone-crushing can be heard in the arena because of the pin-drop silence.

"What was that you said huh..bitch you will pay for that...dickhead I'll like to see you try" she screamed then continued crushing Treize's hand.

"Ahhhhhhh! I'll kill you bitch" Treize threaten even though he was the one getting his face and hand crushed.

"Are you guys sure this girl is an omega wolf?" Leonardo whispered to the usher standing beside him, but the poor guy was too confused to utter a single word.

Loud screaming can be heard in the arena which was coming from a very disfigured Treize. There was blood splash everywhere, on Arielle's face to her clothes, to her Knuckles, to the floor, it was very bloody. She had successfully broken his nose but wasn't stopping.

With all the strength he had Treize freed his other hand from her grip and pushed her off his body "Now you will die whore" he shouted and immediately started shifting.

"You are finally taking me seriously hahahaha" Arielle laughed scornfully .she buckled her hands together, waiting for Treize to attack, she didn't bother shifting because she knew she could take him, Treize's black wolf looked monstrous and huge...wolves don't normally look like this.

The crowd gasped for sure this is not the wolf they knew. Arielle didn't even flinch at the sight of his wolf rather she yawned loudly "agh! this is so boring I expected more " she mocked currently she looked like a baby deer standing in front of a huge tiger.

Her words angered Treize so much he jumped at her without warning. She moved just in time so Treize missed so he lunged at her again and again but missed every time, she knew because of his massive body moving around too much would tire him out in minutes.

"I expected more too bad..." she chimed.

She grabbed him mid-air when he was launching at her then smack! she landed him on his back Treize let out a loud pain-filled howl. But now everyone knows Arielle was not the type to give her enemy a break, she immediately kicked him hard on the stomach then to his hind legs then to his chest, then to his face, she kept on repeating the action in rapid speed, some of the moves she made was too fast for even a wolf's sharp eyes.

She was pieced now...there is no stopping.