
Sharpness Skill Warrior

Gendred is an ordinary young man, although he has a peculiar trait that allows him to manipulate sharpening, his mark and abilities are only 2-star. He lives with his father and his five-year-old adopted daughter. When tragedy strikes his family, he is forced to undergo several changes and meets Eirin, a monarch rank entity who grants him new powers and a crucial mission. Now Gendred is engaged in a struggle for the fate of the five planets of the solar system and must face unimaginable challenges to achieve his goal.

Dadan_sensei · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 03 - Revelations & Expectations

After a few minutes of driving towards the city center, they arrived at the hospital. From the outside, it was noticeable that it was not a common place, just by looking at its modern structure. Like many other buildings in Cindre, this place also had an advanced use of the latest technologies in society.

Jack immediately entered the underground parking lot and parked the car in one of the available spots. Upon exiting, he picked up the child in his arms and hurried inside.

As expected, the place was not empty at all. On the contrary, it seemed even more crowded than usual. However, there didn't seem to be anyone in serious condition, only with some minor injuries or apparently waiting for some occasional or regular examination.

— Good morning, I am Officer Jack Dixon. I need immediate attention for this girl. — Jack said upon arriving at the reception.

— Good morning, I'll do that immediately. Could you tell me your identification, officer?

— 1761628: North Agency.

A formally dressed woman, clearly the hospital receptionist, began typing and searching for information while looking at a floating monitor. In normal cases, no one would introduce themselves exposing their profession right away, but this is an exception.

As incredible as it may seem, Cindre also gives a certain degree of appreciation to its police officers. Due to the high crime rates, it is not uncommon to see officers being severely injured or even dying in service. Because of this, the number of people seeking such a profession decreases every month. After all, who wouldn't be afraid of becoming just another number in the high fatality rates?

As a "countermeasure" to the low number of new police officers, Cindre's rulers began offering benefits such as preferential treatment in hospitals and, if available, a private room for the officer or whoever is accompanying them. There are also other benefits, but they are not worth mentioning at the moment.

— Confirmed! Just to wrap up, could you tell me the child's name?

— Her name is Julie.

— Alright, one moment... Could you provide her last name? — She responded while quickly typing on her keyboard.

— Julie, do you remember your last name?

Julie made a thoughtful expression, as if trying to remember something. But in just a few seconds, she realized that nothing came to mind.

— It seems like she doesn't remember...

— Alright... then I'll just note her first name for the record... — She responded, slightly shocked. — All set. Please proceed to room 153 on the 4th floor and wait for the arrival of the responsible doctor.

They took an elevator and quickly arrived at the right floor. They spent only a few minutes looking for the room and soon entered to wait for the doctor's arrival.

I don't get even a day's vacation from this thug and his two fucking lackeys! Why can't they ever find anything better to do than to come at me and hurt me for pure personal satisfaction?

— There were three people standing near Gendred, two of them were students from his class, but they had no notable features, except for their blue and red hair.

The real problem was the third and apparently the strongest of the trio. Like all bullies, he exuded a threatening aura, which was complemented by his 1.90 meters of height and abnormal amount of muscles for an 18 year old.

— H-hi, what do you want? — Gendred.

— I'm sure you know the answer, don't you? You little shit. Just hand over the money!

What do you mean all my hard-earned money? You worthless bums who don't even make good use of your skills and take advantage of your parents' influence and harass me every day, you want my money? No way!

— I-I don't have-it... - Gendred, answering in a tone low enough so that no one could hear.

— How's that? Speak up, you blastoise bastard!

— I didn't bring any money with me today...

The brute stared for a moment, until he let out a sigh and turned to leave.

— If you don't have any, then forget it.


But unexpectedly, he raised his fist and rotated his body toward Gendred. A tremendous punch landed right in his face, causing his head and body to be thrown violently away.

Being even more aggressive, he walked over to Gendred, who was lying on the ground while writhing with his hands on his face. He raised his leg and brought it down fiercely in the middle of Gendred's belly. Not satisfied yet, he directed a sequence of kicks, alternating between the boy's ribs and stomach.


The two henchmen at his side were smiling at the situation, not caring to make it clear how much they enjoyed what was happening. The other students in the class were even surprised at first, but no one wanted to oppose or try to call a teacher. Some out of fear and others simply out of ignorance.

After getting sick of the continuous blows, the lout crouched down and lifted Gendred's head by the hair, revealing his completely purple and blood-covered nose. It was probably broken.

- I hope this will serve as a lesson that he will never try to pull a fast one on me again.

As he finished his sentence, the thug reached up once more and slapped Gendred hard on the cheek. The sound echoed throughout the room, the slap was too strong for Gendred to maintain consciousness, passing out as his head hit the floor.

- Go through his bag and the pockets of his clothes... On second thought, take off his clothes and leave him in his underwear in the corner of the room. That's more appropriate for a pig like him. - said the brute, giving orders to his two lackeys.

A few minutes later...

Huh? What happened? How did he know I was lying? I thought my acting was perfect... argh, why is it so cold?

— Are you okay, Gendred?

— I don't know... did they throw me in the middle of the street? Why is it so cold?

— Open your eyes and see for yourself...

— Shit... not this again... — Gendred, realizing he was lying on the ground and without clothes.

He was already weak, unable to get up properly, and even lying down his body still trembled due to the persistent pain. His eyes began to water and the only thing that stood out on his face was the feeling that he was about to cry at any moment with the slightest push.

— Damn it! Just because that asshole has a mark that covers his whole arm he treats us like vermin! I hope lightning strikes his head in the middle of the ru-

— What are you complaining about there, huh? Skinny bastard! — said one of the lackeys.

— N-nothing! I didn't say anything, Mr. Marcus!

— You better shut the fuck up and mind your own business. That is if you don't want to end up like this fat guy lying on the floor. - Blue-haired lackey.

— I- I understood, Mr. Minos!

— I'm sorry Gendred, I don't want to get beaten up too... — Whispered Quinn as he got up and returned to his seat.

— It's okay Quinn, I understand... — Gendred replied.

I understand, but that doesn't justify leaving me lying here without even helping me... I only have shitty classmates... Everything has been shit for me since I moved here...

After a few minutes of effort, Gendred managed to stand up and put on his pants, but of course, the sound of laughter and humiliation still echoed in his ears.

— What the hell is that? Can that even be called a body?

— I wonder how much that whale eats to look like that?

— I hope he gets some shame and stops coming to school. That pig's appearance disgusts me!

— Haha, look at that tiny mark on his back! How did he even manage to get in here?

— After putting on all his clothes, Gendred grabbed his bag and left the room. The teacher didn't even pay attention to it and just continued with the class, although he felt a little sorry for the boy.

'I wonder if I'll be able to endure all this until graduation...? What's the point of continuing this endless routine? This city won't let me have a future or even something minimally decent just because I'm incompetent... (sigh) I'm tired of this...' — Gendred thought.

After a short walk, Gendred stopped in front of a white door. This is the infirmary of this school, a place where he sometimes visited more than his classroom.

— Oh? If it isn't our little piglet again? Just take the first aid kit and do what you always do. — Nurse.

— Right, Miss Newell... — Gendred.

He had already treated his own wounds so many times that it didn't take long for him to make a temporary bandage for his nose. He just needed to search the internet a few times and with daily practice, he could already provide first aid or treat most of the injuries he had without much difficulty.

Trying to be discreet, Gendred returned to his classroom and sat back in his chair while ignoring any comments or provocations.


After undergoing a series of exams to check her condition, it was decided that Julie would be hospitalized for two weeks for rehabilitation and observation.

— Hello, I requested an identity analysis for the patient in room 153. Have the results come out? — Jack asked the nurse with a tablet in hand.

— Just a moment, let me check… — she responded.

After a few seconds of searching, the nurse was shocked when looking at the information.

— What happened? — Jack asked.

— The results are ready, but...

"But what?" Jack asked.

— This child has no record whatsoever. Not her fingerprints, DNA, or any document proving her identity… — the nurse said.

— Wait a minute, what do you mean no record?! Are you saying that this child wasn't even registered by her parents after birth? — Jack asked.

— Apparently...

— Damn bastards!!

— And according to this, she probably wasn't even born in this city, otherwise her DNA would have been collected shortly after birth for provisional registration.

— What a mess!

Who could be so heartless as to not even register a child and abandon her like this?! They don't know what could happen if an unregistered child is taken by people with ill intentions?! I swear, if I ever find those bastards--

— Dad? What's wrong? Why do you seem upset?

Suddenly appearing behind Jack was Gendred, who had already been released from school and went directly to the hospital.

— Nothing, just an unexpected situation... And this nose? Did you get it from fighting someone? — Jack asked.

— I just fell face-first on the ground. What happened?

— Julie has no record.

— Wait...seriously?! — Gendred said.

— Yes...

— Damn sons of bitches...

After a long wave of anger followed by cursing directed at people he didn't even know, Gendred calmed down and resumed talking to Jack.

— So, what are you going to do?

— I don't think I have many options left...

— You mean...

— Yes, I'm going to adopt her and register her in my name.

— Are you sure about this?

— Relax, do you think your dad can't handle one more mouth to feed?

— Hmmm... Okay, I'll take care of her while you're working...I think.

Hi, dadan-sensei again! Thanks for reading this chapter and following my novel! ^^

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