


"Minerva," Harry said flatly when the woman opened the door. "Please tell me why you had Harry walk to Hogsmeade instead of letting him floo to the Ministry of Magic."

The woman blinked at him, not quite gaping. "It did not occur to me. Did something happen?" There was concern in her tone now, and Harry scowled.

"Damn right something happened," he snapped irritably. "Harry was attacked by four men on his way to the Hogwarts gates. Why is it that Hogwarts, said to be the safest place on earth, allows people to enter its grounds with the intent to harm or even kill? Please tell me, because I haven't the foggiest."

Now Minerva definitely was gaping. "Why don't you come in," she said weakly, stepping aside to let the Lord enter. He grumbled something unfavorable but complied, only speaking again once the door was firmly shut behind him.

"What protections does Hogwarts have, Minerva?" he asked, turning to fix her with a reading look. "Harry's been in enough trouble over the years to be able to defend himself half-way decently, but I don't like that anyone can come and attack a students on Hogwarts grounds. Can anyone come and go as they please?"

"I… must confess that I am unsure of Hogwarts' protections," Minerva replied, her voice steady but her demeanor visibly shaken. "Albus mentioned wards, but I do not know the specifics."

Harry took a deep breath before releasing it deliberately slowly. "I suggest you find out." He left before he could throw any less diplomatic words at the Headmistress, knowing that he had just handed her another headache and yet unable to find it in him to care. That Harry had been attacked hit too close to home, and yet he knew they were lucky it had been him attacked – even Ron and Hermione, who had been with Harry through nearly all his adventures, would not have been able to defend themselves as well.

"Alastor should be willing to give the students some tips, at least," Harry muttered as he walked away. "Crouch Junior didn't even come close to Alastor's usual teaching style," he snorted absently, remembering the Death Eater's lessons and mentally comparing them to the things Alastor had taught him in the future. 'Constant vigilance' was one of Alastor's favorite phrases, but he would never use it without making painfully clear what one had to be vigilant for. Harry had already given his younger self a few tips – mostly ones Harry had already known, like zigzagging while running – but the other students needed a lot of help.

"Maybe do the DA on a bigger scale," he said pensively. "I'm sure Filius would be happy to help illustrate the difference between formal dueling and street fighting…"


Meanwhile Sirius had just made it back to Grimmauld Place, having lingered at the Ministry to find a good mind healer. Unexpectedly, Kingsley had been the one to recommend a healer, telling him levelly that there had been Aurors who had needed the healer's care after the war. He hadn't said so, but something about his expression and phrasing had made Sirius think that Amelia had been one of them.

Seeing Amelia again had been even harder than he had feared. The young woman he had once known was gone, a grown and aged woman in her place, the biggest shock to him being her grey hair. When they had dated she'd had long, black hair, and the steel-grey bob cut made her look even sterner than the few wrinkles on her face did. She'd always been older than him, of course, but it had been brought painfully to his attention that she had aged considerably during his time in Azkaban, in ways he hadn't.

"Lord Black," she had greeted him after the trial had ended, the uncertainty in her eyes hurting him more than the title did.

He'd swallowed. "Minister Bones."

They had stood staring at each other for an intangible moment before her lower lip had quivered and he'd suddenly found her in his arms, her perfume different but the scent of her hair the same as before.

"Oh, Sirius," her voice broke, and he'd held her harder.

"I'm so sorry, Amelia," he had said, burying his face in her hair. "I was such an idiot; I should never have gone after Pettigrew…"

She hadn't replied, clinging to his robes and holding in the sobs though she couldn't keep the tears from soaking his vest. They could have stood that way for the rest of the day, but eventually an apologetic Auror had interrupted them to say that they had to close and lock the courtroom. Sirius and Amelia had broken apart reluctantly, the Lord pulling the handkerchief from his (now considerably moistened) chest pocket to offer to her, and Amelia accepting it with a hiccoughed laugh.

Once she had mopped herself up she had given him an intent look behind which vulnerability lurked and informed him, "You're inviting me over your house once you've seen a mind healer," the old dynamic sliding seamlessly into place.

"Of course, my lady," Sirius had replied with a crooked grin, the old words coming naturally. Amelia had laughed shakily again, then turned to go, leaving behind a hurting man with some hope to cling to.


Ron gaped at Harry, but Hermione groaned and pushed him lightly.

"Honestly, Harry – can't you go anywhere without getting into trouble?" she asked exasperatedly, and he held up his hands to fend her off.

"Hey, I don't go looking for trouble, it just finds me!" he protested, and Ron agreed.

"You know he's right," the redhead said reasonably, and Hermione groaned again.

"Maybe you really do need a bodyguard," she agreed with Stan.

Harry grinned. "I think I'd rather work on my dueling – Harry gave me some tips on how to fight and promised that he'd see about finding us a tutor. He also muttered something about getting us a house elf," he added, frowning slightly in thought. "Probably because of how Dobby blasted Malfoy down the hall when he tried to attack me in second year," Harry nodded understandingly.

"Wait, what?" Hermione exclaimed in shock. "Dobby blasted Malfoy down the hall? Malfoy attacked you?"

"Yeah," Harry blinked at her, "didn't I mention it? After I killed the Basilisk Malfoy tried to get me expelled, and when Dumbledore stopped him he tried to attack me, but Dobby – who I had just tricked Malfoy into freeing – defended me. Blasted Malfoy right down the hall!"

Hermione just gaped at him, and Harry grinned sheepishly. "Er, I guess I didn't mention it…"

"No, you didn't," she sounded slightly choked. "Harry wants to get you a house elf bodyguard?" She sounded like she wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"I think he might get a house elf to help the three of us if trouble comes calling," Harry shrugged. "I'm not sure, really – he was talking to himself, after all. But it would make sense, I guess."

"Mate, I never knew Dobby was that strong," Ron whistled, clearly impressed. "Makes sense to have a house elf bodyguard, then! They can go near anywhere their master calls them, after all."

"Yeah," Harry agreed, glancing over at Hermione and seeing with relief that she seemed more pensive than indignant.

"Do you think Harry'll be at lunch?" she asked abruptly.

Harry thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Near as I know he doesn't have anything planned for today, but I don't know whether he'll have lunch in the Great Hall. He should be in the castle, though."

"Right," Hermione said decisively and stood, the boys traded apprehensive looks as they stood as well and followed her out of the common room. Harry caught Neville's eye on the way out and jerked his head with an inquisitive expression, mutely inviting the other Gryffindor to join them. Neville did, jogging slightly to catch up, and though Ron didn't seem best pleased he kept his mouth shut about the addition to their group.

"What's going on?" Neville whispered to Harry, clearly curious and even a little worried at Hermione's expression.

"Ah, she wants to quiz Harry about house elves," Harry whispered back with a grin. "Glad it's not me!" His grin widened unrepentantly at Hermione's harrumph. "If he isn't in the Great Hall she'll probably go looking for Snape's rooms, since Harry's staying with him." Neville seemed unsure why anyone would choose to stay with the Potions Master as well as deeply unwilling to go to the man's rooms.

"I wouldn't have to look for them; I know perfectly well where they are," Hermione replied primly, leading the way down the staircases.

"Oh, right – you're on first-name terms with the git," Ron grumbled.

"He's not a git," Hermione reproached him, but Neville gaped at her back.

"You're on first-name terms with Professor Snape?" he squeaked, and she looked over her shoulder at him with a rueful expression.

"Well, yes," she replied with a slight smile. "Harry – Hames, that is – is extremely close to the Professor, and since I'm a close friend as well Professor Snape invited me to use his first name in private. He calls me Hermione, too," she chuckled slightly. "It's a bit odd, but nice. He's actually rather pleasant now that he doesn't have spells making him hate us."

"True," Harry agreed wryly. "He's a decent sort, really. Did I mention that we might go on holiday together?" he asked his two friends, laughing at Neville's scandalized expression.