


"Thank you, Albus," Harry said as the old man left him in the living room of his new quarters. They were situated in Gryffindor territory - just down the hall from Gryffindor tower, in fact, and Harry knew from his brief time as Hogwarts Headmaster that the portrait that guarded his new rooms was fiercely loyal to Dumbledore. Harry tried to block out the memories of those terrible few months – when they had all but lived in the Room of Requirements – when upon Minerva's death the care of the school had fallen to him. Shaking his head, Harry walked around the rooms one more time, casting spells on the portraits to make them think they only saw him do innocuous things. No need to have spies watching his every move, after all. That done, he sat on his new couch and called for a certain house elf.

"Mr. Harry Potter sir?" the house elf gaped when he appeared before him.

"Hi Dobby," Harry said, grinning as he leaned forward to be on the same height as the diminutive elf. "I've come from the future to make sure that this time Voldemort doesn't win."

Dobby gaped for another full minute, then drew himself up to his full height. "How can Dobby be helping Mr. Harry Potter sir?"

"I was wondering if you would like to work for me, Dobby," Harry said, looking fondly at his small friend. "Last time we agreed on payment of one galleon a week and a day off a month – does that sound good to you?"

"The great Mr. Harry Potter sir is wanting Dobby to work for him?" Harry almost laughed at the wide-eyed look the house elf wore, but managed to keep it to a grin as he nodded. Dobby drew himself up again and squeaked, "Dobby would be honored to serve Mr. Harry Potter sir!"

"Wonderful!" Harry said, slipping from the couch onto one knee. Holding out his hand to Dobby, it took but a heartbeat before it was grabbed. "I, Harry James Potter-Black, take Dobby the house elf into my care. May you serve me long and well." A flare of blue light enveloped the two figures, and Harry felt a soft awareness of his friend settle into his magic once more. It felt familiar, and comforting.

Dobby however was in tears of happiness, reminding Harry of the other time they had bonded. Just as he had then, he reached out his free hand to tip up the house elf's chin, speaking to him gently.

"Dobby of the House of Potter, I welcome your help and advice, and will care for you to the best of my abilities. What I have is yours, my friend. I invite you to call me Master Harry," he had learned that it was the house elf way to add a word before anyone's name – among elves, Dobby would now be known as 'Potter Dobby', "and to call me 'Master Potter' only when in formal company. Welcome to the Potter family," he finished with a soft smile. Dobby threw himself into his arms with a loud sob, and Harry hugged him with a big smile. It was good to know that this friend, at least, was still his friend in the new timeline.

"I have several tasks for you, Dobby," he said once the elf had gotten himself under control again. Fishing a small chain out from under the robes he wore – the Room of Requirement had supplied him with a basic set of black robes – he slipped it over his head and held it out to Dobby. "These are the keys to my vaults," he said, "and I need you to access this one," he separated one key from the rest and handed the chain to Dobby, "and bring me the red wood chest. Then access this vault," he pointed out a silver key, "and bring me the suitcase made of Welsh Green dragonhide. Please inform the goblins that I will be by as soon as possible to discuss business."

"Yes Master Harry!" Dobby cried, standing to attention. "Dobby will do his best!"

"Thank you, my friend," Harry said softly just before Dobby popped away.

Standing and crossing to the desk, Harry settled down to organize his next actions. With Dobby's help, the first step – a wardrobe – was already underway. Harry had only jotted down a few points when suddenly a chest materialized with a loud pop, and Harry found a wide-eyed elf at the end of his wand before he even realized that he had moved.

"Dobby!" he exclaimed, hurriedly lowering his wand. "I'm sorry – the pop was so loud, my reactions just kicked in, I didn't realize-"

"Master Harry," Dobby interrupted his rambling, "You is not needing to apologize. Dobby will return now with green suitcase." With that, the elf popped away, leaving behind a bemused wizard. Dobby had never been that firm in the other timeline.

Before he could dwell on it longer Dobby reappeared, a large suitcase next to him. "Can Dobby be doing anything else for Master Harry?"

Harry shook himself, crouching to be on his friend's eye level. "If you could go ask Professor Snape if he could join me in," he checked the time, "an hour, that would be great. Ask him to call for you when he's ready to come - I don't want anyone in the castle knowing that he is with me. Alright?"

"Yes Master Harry sir," Dobby said, popping away. Harry shook his head with a smile before levitating the chest and suitcase into his bedroom and setting them down beside the wardrobe. He had already checked all items in his new quarters for spells, and removed the spells on the desk to duplicate anything he wrote, the spells on the bed to notify Dumbledore who slept in it, the spells on the wardrobe to catalog the contents... There had been a lot of spells around the suite.

Opening the chest, he smiled crookedly at the items within. Carefully shaking out each piece as he removed it, he began filling the wardrobe with James Potter's clothing. By the time he had finished, the wardrobe had a wealth of clothing in wizarding style. Reds and golds abounded, interspersed with black, brown and white clothing, as well as the occasional blue. There wasn't a single green item.

Knowing that there would be an Order meeting that evening, Harry carefully went through the clothing to put together an outfit to convey the impression he wanted to. A deep red shirt with golden buttons, black slacks, socks and shoes, and a warm golden robe that hung to his knees; shrinking charms were liberally used, for James Potter had been taller than his son. Once Harry had changed into the selected outfit, he opened the suitcase and soon pulled out a black chain with a pendant bearing the Black crest. Slipping it over his head, he also picked up the long chain with his keys and put it on, letting it fall underneath his shirt so that only the golden chain was visible. Rummaging around in the suitcase a little longer, Harry found a watch that he slipped onto his left wrist, taking a moment to wind it. It was an old mechanic watch, but continued to look brand new. The gunmetal casing looked nearly black, and the golden gears were visible in the skeleton casing.

That done, Harry turned back to the suitcase once more. It was filled with assorted items, ranging from jewelry to scrolls, and while he searched for a specific item he set aside other things that he felt would be useful, including an old scroll on a forgotten potion that Severus had been in awe over. This time the man would have the time and equipment to go over the potion properly, Harry would make sure of it.

Eventually he straightened with a satisfied smile, a small box in his hand, and opened it without further ado, sliding the two rings contained within on a pointer finger on each hand. A brief wince as the rings pricked his fingers to sample his blood, then a warm feeling as he felt them extend their protection to him. In the other timeline he had taken them off when he showered; a mistake he would not make this time around.

Closing the suitcase, Harry slid it under the wardrobe and hid it with a little ward Bill had taught him. He was ready for the Order.