


"What is this all about?" Dolores Umbridge simpered as she was shown into the Head of the DMLE's office. "I have detentions to oversee!"

That was the wrong thing to say, Amelia thought as she fought down her anger. Which student was tonight's torture victim?

"This should not take long, Madam," she said smoothly, ignoring the way the toad bristled at the omission of her titles. She was, after all, both the Hogwarts Inquisitor and Fudge's Chief Undersecretary, but Amelia couldn't care less. Not when the room she was being brought to was a courtroom for her own trial, after all.

"If you could please sit in the accused's chair," Kingsley said levelly upon reaching the courtroom, and Umbridge walked with a sniff over to the indicated chair.

Mutters began in the ranks of the Wizengamot, until one of them spoke up. "Now then, what is this? We thought we were to sit trial against Death Eaters, not the Chief Undersecretary!"

"Lord Liechtenstein," Amelia addressed one of the purple-robed figures, "This trial was requested by Lord Potter-Black and approved by the temporary Chief Warlock, Madam Longbottom, when she heard that it affects our children."

Beady eyes turned to where Harry Potter-Black was sitting calmly, dressed in identical purple robes. "Then let us hear what Madam Umbridge is accused of."

Augusta Longbottom rapped her gavel sharply on the podium she stood behind. "I call this session of the Wizengamot to order. Today's trial is for Dolores Umbridge, Chief Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, Ministry-appointed Hogwarts Inquisitor, and Ministry-appointed Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor." Several mutters arose at the pointed specification that the woman had been appointed by the Minister to all her posts. "Madam Bones, please read the charges."

Amelia unfurled a parchment and read from it, "Dolores Umbridge is charged with unlawful use of a Blood Quill, exceeding fifty counts, unlawful abuse of power, abuse of rank, abuse of trust, ad hominem abuse, child abuse, defamation, discriminatory abuse, intimidation using violence or the threat of violence to attain political goals, official misconduct, physical abuse, prejudice, racial abuse, and torture."

The hall was utterly quiet as the DMLE head walked up to the podium and handed Madam Longbottom the roll of parchment. Harry was trying hard to keep a satisfied smirk off his face – he hadn't realized that Amelia could find that many charges for the toad – and Umbridge's eyes were nearly popping out of her face, they were that wide. Fudge, sitting on the defendant's bench, was so white-faced that Harry was sure he'd faint.

"This is absurd!" Umbridge spluttered. "Who called for these charges?"

"Lord Potter-Black did," Amelia supplied, casting her niece's professor a hard look. "Lord Potter-Black, if you would testify to your reasons for the charges?"

"Of course, Madam Bones." Harry stood, and wondered whether he was supposed to walk down or stay where he was. When neither Amelia nor Madam Longbottom made a sign for him to move he remained where he was. "As you already know, I was once her student, and I have accused her only of acts she has committed so far in this time frame." Seeing that several people were taken aback at the thought that there could be even more charges applied to one woman, Harry helpfully supplied, "In the future as I knew it, she could have also been charged with the use of an Unforgivable – she cast the Crucio curse on me with the intent of torture at the end of my fifth year." Waving his hand as though it didn't matter, but knowing from the courtroom's reactions that he had just added another nail to her coffin, he said, "But that hasn't happened yet. What I have accused her of is using a Blood Quill on students in detentions – we had to write lines with it, and to this day I retain the scar." He held up his right hand, knowing that the scar was visible only to those closest to his seat. "Most of the other charges are due to Madam Umbridge forcing her political views on her students, abusing me to get me to stop saying Voldemort was back, and openly showing her prejudice against certain Hogwarts professors and members of staff. She should never have been given a position of power over anyone, let alone over a whole school of children. Her position as Hogwarts Inquisitor gave her the power to systematically oppress the student body, and neither the teachers nor the Headmaster could do anything about it."

"Thank you, Lord Potter-Black," Amelia said, and he seated himself again, casually positioning his hands in a way that those around him could clearly see the scar reading 'I must not tell lies'. "Does the accused have anything to say in defense?"

"I have a right to legal representation," Umbridge drew herself to her full height – which was far less impressive than she had most likely hoped.

"Your court representative is beside Minister Fudge on the defendant's bench," Amelia pointed out evenly. Barrister Barnes had been fully briefed on the charges and the reasons for them, and though he too wished to see this woman behind bars he would defend her to the best of his abilities. "Do you agree to having Mister Barnes represent you in court, or would you prefer to represent yourself?"

Umbridge's face clearly expressed that she had wanted to delay the trial until she could either find someone of her choosing to represent her or flee the country, for she knew that there was no barrister good enough to get her out of this situation. "I accept Mister Barnes as my defendant," Umbridge grudgingly assented.

"Excellent. Barrister, if you would give your defense?"

As everyone involved had expected, while Mister Barnes had come up with some good arguments, Umbridge's guilt was clear, and she was convicted to life in Azkaban. Not the high security wing, but even so Harry understood Umbridge's screams as she was removed from the courtroom.

Madam Longbottom called the court to order. "The second point of order is a vote of No Confidence for the Minister of Magic, called by Lord Potter-Black. Lord Potter-Black, if you would explain your reasons for the vote?"

"Thank you, Madam Longbottom," Harry said as he stood once more. "We have just completed the trial for Madam Umbridge, on whom the Wizengamot voted unanimously for lifelong incarceration. I would like to point out that Madam Umbridge was until just a few minutes ago the Chief Undersecretary to the Minister, as well as a Hogwarts Inquisitor and Professor that the Minister himself set in place with the goal of keeping the students from aligning themselves with me or the Headmaster against the Ministry. I argue that Minister Fudge knew not the specifics, but the general methods that Madam Umbridge would use, and as such not only condoned, but enabled abuse of power, abuse of rank, abuse of trust, ad hominem abuse and defamation, along with several other charges that were leveled against Madam Umbridge. I put forward that Minister Fudge himself be charged with abuse of authority, and call for a vote of No Confidence. I would also argue that he is simply incompetent – I am sure we all remember his flat-out denials concerning Voldemort's return. There are other, minor charges that could be brought up against Minister Fudge should it come to a trial."

As soon as Harry had sat down a Wizengamot member called out, "What other charges could be brought up against Fudge?"

"I personally would accuse him of character assassination," Harry rose, "a charge that I incidentally would also level against the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet." He noticed Lord Hirving, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, slowly leaning back in his seat. "Corruption and bribery, also, for I know that Minister Fudge was generously… supported, shall we say, by the late Lord Malfoy."

"Late?" an astute member echoed, and Harry nodded.

"It is not common knowledge, but Voldemort," many members flinched, "was hiding out in Malfoy Mansion." Most members looked shocked – though Harry wasn't sure why – and only one asked,

"How did Lord Malfoy come to die, then?" Judging by the woman's expression, Harry felt she thought he himself had killed him. Not that she was wrong, of course, but it wasn't as though Harry would admit to it…

"According to our spy, Malfoy was killed by a fellow Death Eater on Voldemort's orders when Malfoy had done something to displease him. Narcissa Malfoy managed to escape, and will soon be rejoining the Black family." He was sure that she would agree to his suggestion; there was nothing left for her under the name of Malfoy except a penniless existence being shunned by all upstanding members of society. Returning to her House of birth would put her under him as her Head of House, which in turn would guarantee a place in society and old money, even while it would give Harry the power to keep her from stepping out of line, and a chance to reeducate Draco. "However, we have gone off-topic," Harry smiled. "So, abuse of authority, character assassination, corruption and bribery. I'm sure there are other charges, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Attempted murder may also be a possibility, as I remember last summer I was tried for underage magic, namely of casting the Patronus spell against two Dementors that attempted to attack me in a Muggle neighborhood. As the Dementors are under Ministry control, I would suppose that they were sent there by a high-ranking Ministry official or even the Minister himself, possibly with the express purpose of giving me the Kiss." Harry paused, then said, "That is however pure speculation, with no evidence to back it up."

"Thank you, Lord Potter," Madam Longbottom intervened, keeping the conversation from going off on another tangent. "A vote of No Confidence has been requested. Please submit your vote." Glowing numbers appeared on her pulpit, changing in leaps and bounds as members anonymously cast their vote. The hall was surprisingly silent, and Augusta personally couldn't believe that Fudge hadn't said anything in his defense – but then, perhaps even he had seen the futility of protest. The vote of No Confidence had been perfectly timed: After Umbridge's trial nobody was particularly happy with the Minister.

Suddenly the numbers flashed, and Augusta straightened. "The vote has passed; Minister Fudge has the rest of the day to clean up his affairs. An interim Minister needs to be voted on; may I have your suggestions?"

"Rufus Scrimgeour," one voice called out, and Amelia promptly stepped forward.

"I object; Scrimgeour is an unmarked supporter of Voldemort and has been removed from his position as Head Auror." Murmurs broke out among the gathering.

"Augusta Longbottom!" Amos Diggory put forward, but Augusta simply shook her head.

"Thank you, but I must decline. I would, however, accept the post of Chief Warlock should this body deem me fit."

"I motion that Madam Longbottom assume the post of Chief Warlock," Diggory said promptly, and Harry immediately seconded the motion. A brief wait, then Augusta brought down her gavel.

"Motion passed. May I have other suggestions for the post of interim Minister?"

"Lord Potter-Black!" An anonymous female voice called out, and Harry looked in the general direction of the voice, feeling the attention on him. To his surprise, no one spoke out against the suggestion.

"Thank you, but I believe there is someone more suitable for the post," he smiled, and another member of the Wizengamot promptly asked who he would suggest for the post.

Harry looked to the front of the courtroom and saw Amelia's wry smile and brief inclination of the head. "I would suggest Amelia Bones for the position," he said. "I believe she will take part in the running for Minister when the time comes around, and I fully intended to support her then. However, I don't know whether she is ready to assume the position at this point in time. Madam Bones, is your department ready for a change of Head?"

Amelia simply nodded. "It is, Lord Potter. Kingsley Shacklebolt is a capable leader and the department will do well in his hands."

"It sounds as though this was all planned," a member said in a tone of disgruntlement, and Harry looked to him.

"Of course it was," he agreed. "I didn't come back in time to defeat Voldemort only to leave an incapable man in a position of power. I would like to see someone not only I, but the rest of the world can trust as Minister of Magic. In my opinion, Madam Bones is the best person for the job. She has done a formidable job as Head of the DMLE, and is notoriously incorruptible. I firmly believe that she will lead the Ministry in a direction that will prevent another Dark Lord from rising and assuming control."

"You speak as though the Dark Lord was in control of the Ministry," the same member challenged.

Harry tilted his head slightly. "Well, he hadn't taken control of it yet in this timeframe, but consider the fact that Fudge was all but Malfoy's lapdog – then consider the fact that Malfoy, before his death, was Voldemort's right-hand man. Voldemort could have all but strolled into the Ministry and claimed it as his own."

A minute of silence descended over the room as they considered the possibility that to them now was nothing more than a theoretical situation but to Harry had been real. "I second Amelia Bones as interim Minister," Diggory broke the silence, and Madam Longbottom called for the vote.

"We have Madam Bones as interim Minister," she announced the result of the vote. "Are there any other points of order?" Silence as everyone looked to Harry, who simply smiled and shook his head. "Thus ends this session of the Wizengamot," Augusta banged the gavel a last time.