


"We need to discuss your Dark Mark."

Severus turned slowly, his shirt in his hand. "What is there to discuss?" he asked evenly, and Harry shrugged.

"Not much, actually. I just wanted to let you know that Poppy and Hermione took some time in the future to analyze the tattoo, and didn't think that a bearer of the mark would suffer any adverse effects should Snake Face die. If they were right, then all that should happen at Voldemort's death is that the tattoo should begin fading, much as it did before, and eventually disappear completely." Harry shrugged again. "And that's all I had to say on the topic. Let's go to bed."

Severus shook his head at the sight of Harry launching himself onto the bed, but couldn't deny the sense of relief he felt at Harry's words. He had feared that the Dark Lord's death would kill him as well, but if Poppy and Gra- Hermione thought that it wouldn't, then he was inclined to believe them.


Harry was riding a bicycle through his old school, younger versions of Ron and Hermione just behind him. Together they rode through the deserted halls, vaulting down the stairs and laughing in delight.

"This way!" Harry called out to his friends, turning a corner and heading for his old classroom. "I want to show you my classroom!"

They reached the room and climbed off their bicycles, running to the door and pushing it open with matching grins – only to stop at the sight before them.

A woman with curly hair was tied to one of the chairs, unconscious and bleeding from many wounds; both her hands were cut off and lying off to the side. In front of her stood a dark-haired man who turned slowly to face them. His face was covered in blood, a malevolent smile curving his lips and his green eyes flashing in dark satisfaction.

"She deserved it," the man purred.

And Harry woke screaming.

"It was just a nightmare, Harry," a soft voice told him softly, warm arms holding him close. "Just a nightmare. You're safe at Hogwarts, safe with me," the man continued softly, as if speaking to an injured animal. And Harry clutched at the other man.

"Don't let me become that," he gasped, tears prickling at his eyes. "Never that," Harry shuddered and squeezed his eyes shut, seeing the image of his darker self behind his lids.

"I won't," Severus reassured him, seeming to know what it was Harry needed. "I promise."

With a shaky breath Harry turned and buried his face between the pillow and Severus's neck. "Never," he whispered and fell back into a restless sleep, images of himself haunting his dreams.


The next few nights passed similarly: During the day Harry occupied himself making emergency portkeys, training with the Weasley twins, thinking endlessly about the future of the wizarding world; during the night he woke crying or screaming from nightmares of his past, dark visions of what he himself had and could become, events of what should come to pass should he fail again. Severus gave him Dreamless Sleep as often as he dared: The potion was highly addictive, and even taking it every night could make Harry fully dependent on it. Harry was never more thankful for Severus's presence than when he woke shaking only to be comforted and held until he fell asleep once more; without Severus there Harry would have been as good as a zombie by the second day.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked him quietly when she once passed him in the hall coming from the Room of Requirement.

"No," he confessed with a wry smile. "But I will be." Someday.

The girl simply laid a warm hand on his arm, silently offering her support, and his wry smile turned to a true one. What would I be without you? he wondered as they parted ways, thankful that even this younger version of his Hermione had accepted him fully and without reservation. Remus, Severus, Hermione – knowing that he had the full support of three of the people most important to him gave him the strength to go on even past Voldemort's defeat. With their support he had the strength to work tirelessly towards a better future for Britain. Without them... Harry chose not to think about it.

"How was today's session?" Severus's smooth voice pulled Harry out of his thoughts and he grinned up at his partner. There were few students in the halls, but two girls noticed the stranger's grin and started whispering about the man getting along with the surly professor.

"Good! They're a lot of fun to play with," Harry laughed. "You should join us sometime – I think you'd enjoy it."

Severus hummed, the sound neither agreement nor disagreement. "Are they good enough?"

"For Friday?" Snake Face still hadn't summoned them, and as it was already Thursday evening Harry suspected that Voldemort hadn't noticed the loss of his followers. "They're as ready as I can get them in so little time." Lowering his voice to avoid being overheard he continued, "In the future they often paired up with Angelina and Alicia – from the Quidditch team – and worked as a quartet. Fred and George still fight well together as just the two of them, but they're not good enough yet for their purely offensive strategy to be properly effective. I'm a bit afraid that someone will get a lucky shot in and we'll lose one of them..." George, Harry thought with the dulled pain of long exposure. Fred had never been the same after his death, and had only managed for a few weeks before deliberately going on a suicide mission. "I'm tempted to keep them away from the fight just for that reason, but we might need them there..."

Severus nodded, understanding Harry's dilemma. "You said that they work well in a quartet – what if you pair them up with one of the other teams? They may work well with William and Moody, and I am sure that William would unconsciously keep an eye on his younger brothers anyway."

They walked on in silence for a bit while Harry considered Severus's idea. "That might work," he admitted then. "You have their class tomorrow, don't you? Could you let them know about the change then?"

Severus inclined his head, ignoring the passing student's shock at seeing his companion smile at the Potions Master. Harry, however, took note of the boy's reaction and laughed. "Why Severus, one would think that the students have never seen anyone smile at you before!" Severus snorted in reply.

"Indeed. Most curious." Harry laughed again and they walked on, ignoring the student who had stopped to stare at their backs in disbelief. Professor Snape hadn't just made a joke – had he?