


"Poppy," Harry said softly as he laid the Headmaster back in the Infirmary bed, "could you get a Pain-relief draught? Albus doesn't look so good…"

Indeed; the Headmaster's face was pale and lined with pain, and while it suited Harry to see the man in so much pain it wouldn't do to appear heartless. He thought absently that they would have to question the manipulator sooner rather than later, adding it to the long list of things he needed to do.

Then Poppy returned with the requested potion, and Dumbledore's face eased slightly as the pain was muted. "Thank you, my dear," he smiled weakly, and she gave him a worried smile in return. When he drifted off into sleep she turned to Harry and asked in a subdued voice, "Was it this bad in the other timeline as well?"

Harry wondered how she had realized that Dumbledore had fallen for the ring's curse in the other timeline as well, then decided it wasn't important. "I'm not sure," he said carefully, pretending to think about it. He knew, of course, that this Dumbledore was in more pain due to the green potion Severus had given him, but she didn't need to know that – nor the fact that the other Dumbledore had survived for quite a bit longer than a month. "He hid away in his office a lot," Harry continued thoughtfully, "and I'm sure that you and Severus did everything you could for him… He didn't die of the curse, though," he said, and Poppy blinked in surprise. "He made Severus use the Killing curse on him," he scowled at the sleeping man and ignored Poppy's sharp gasp.

"He didn't," she breathed, and Harry looked up to meet her gaze grimly.

"Oh yes. Severus never really got over it."

Her gaze was conflicted, but eventually the fealty potion won and she sighed, "I'm sure he had a good reason…" Harry didn't bother replying.


"So," Harry said softly as he trailed his fingers along Severus's chest, "what was that earlier?"

Severus hesitated, knowing that Harry was asking about the strange moment during the Order meeting. Not meeting the eyes of the man who lay next to him, he said, "Your eyes… are very expressive."

"Ah," Harry smiled, understanding immediately. "I'm sorry if I overwhelmed you."

Severus looked up in confusion, and Harry reached out to stroke the other man's cheek as he held his gaze, again thinking how fortunate he was to have this man in his life. "I'm already well on my way to falling in love with you, Severus; I wouldn't have entered this relationship if I didn't think I could." He smiled slightly at Severus's lost gaze and leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "You've seen my life, Severus – you've seen how much I valued you even when we were both bitter men," he smiled wryly. "Of course I care for you, and especially since seeing your life and what an amazing person you are; how could I not come to love you?" He curled up closer to Severus, the other man's heat warming him from the outside while his own feelings warmed him from the inside. "I was just thinking how glad I was to have you; you're such an amazingly talented and intelligent man, and I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have you in my life. I'll be right here until you tire of me, and if that day never comes then that's more than alright with me."

Seeing that Severus was having trouble believing him, Harry smiled and bridged their minds with a quiet 'Legilimens', gently drawing Severus into his mind to show him what he meant. Scenes from another future, where Harry slowly developed a very deep respect for the older man; how after Severus's death he often asked himself what Severus would do when planning a mission; talking to the younger Snape and feeling an immediate sense of companionship; finding out about the other man's attraction to him and realizing that he would like to have a relationship with the Potions Master; the Order meeting where he was filled with warmth by the thought of Severus making an effort to get along with his family – for he considered the Weasleys, Hermione, Remus, Tonks and Sirius his family – and then realizing with a surprising fierceness how lucky he was to have this amazing man in his life. Only once Harry could feel Severus's stunned acceptance did he break the connection.

Harry pressed another gentle kiss to the other man's lips before curling up and closing his eyes, giving the man space to assimilate the new information and figure out his own feelings. He knew that Severus had little experience with positive emotions and that the man hadn't actually expected Harry to be serious about him, but he hoped that with time Severus would come to accept that Harry was around to stay. He doubted Severus had even admitted it to himself, but Harry was sure that Severus felt more than attraction for him – the hand softly stroking his hair spoke of softer feeling than lust.


The next morning the only sign that reflected the revelations of the previous evening was a soft kiss before they got into their day: While Severus was off teaching Potions Harry sat down and meditated, occasionally casting the 'Abscondite' spell to hide a memory from Voldemort's Legilimency. This time he wouldn't rely on Lady Luck to get him through a Death Eater meeting.

But what to show him if he looks…

Harry had never really learned how to make fake memories; apparently Severus had learned it out of necessity, but Harry wasn't sure how good this time's Severus was at it, nor whether the man had enough time to make him a set of false memories. For now I'll see what I can take from real ones…

Harry dueling the Weasley twins, they with mocking grins on their faces and he a snarl as he tries to overcome his opponents… A staged fight where Mad-eye hunted him down in the forest, Harry doing everything he could to get the upper hand…

A glimpse of Severus and Harry planning together – "The wards on Bones manor are weakening," Harry said evenly, "We should send team C to deal with them." Severus nodding; a skip to the other man saying, "The Abbots are at the Order's safe house in Portsmouth; sending someone to visit them may be advantageous." Harry agreed with a grin and the scene shifted…

A post-battle scene, Harry seeing Mad-eye lying dead beside three felled enemies – Rabastan Lestrange, Avery and one unknown Death Eater – impotent rage welling up in him… Severus's mangled body and Harry's snarl of hatred the next time he saw Bellatrix; going to Gringotts and nearly attacking Malfoy where he stood talking with a goblin…

Running down a street knowing that enemies were on his tail and that if they caught him it was all over; sitting alone on the floor, hugging himself with tears running down his cheeks, whispering, "We can't win…" over and over…

Harry racked his brain trying to think of an instance where he and Voldemort had been in the same area without Harry making it abundantly clear that he hated the bastard, but he couldn't come up with anything. Maybe I can borrow a memory or two from Severus, he thought, and put an image of the older Voldemort in the place of the current one… That should work, and even Harry was capable of such a small change to a memory.

Deciding that he needed a break Harry stood and made his way to Severus's desk, pulling some parchment towards him once he was seated and jotting down some notes. It was time to consider what questions should be asked of the Death Eaters and how the oath should be phrased.