
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Foiled Again


Ridiculously biased, bureaucratic bullshit.

Excellent for me really, but I had to be upset for my siblings. Not that their weapon forms weren't cool, its just that the spots I advised them to take boxed them in with massive axes and complex broad swords.


At least they're settled. I wander through the door when my turn is called and take in the massive remodeled pit.

I was nine the last time I set foot in the stadium, in the stands mind you. Dad had had work in the city and I had managed to convince him to bring me along. We showed up a few days before king Chiron's final dual. Not that we knew what it was.

An elderly couple had wanted to attend, but the husband had fallen ill. His wife refused to attend without him and had given us the tickets to thank us for the medicine dad brought. We had awesome seats, pretty close to the arena, right under a box. Great shade.

King Chiron and Hand Raff had worked together seamlessly. King Chiron had even casted Hand Raff aside when his sister had gotten too close to slicing Hand Raff's sheathe form. Hand Raff had transformed mid-throw and rolled out of the way. He stood up before charging back in to help. As he had neared the battle again, he shifted into a beautiful Honshuu wolf and sank his teeth into the opponent's arm.

They demolished the opposition quite quickly and soon, an announcement began blaring around the stadium.

"The new King has won! All hail King Chiron!"

The crowd was shocked but I just grinned. I didn't necessarily understand why they didn't vote for King Chiron when he was obviously far better skilled then people gave him credit for.

Anyways, back to the task at hand.

The tarp blocked the noise from topside quite nicely, but the sun streamed through well enough to make sure I didn't step on anyone. I glanced back towards the door. He glared at me when he made eye contact and I sighed. The guy ushering contestants in was definitely going to bark at me if I didn't make a decision soon.

Thankfully, when I turned back around I found exactly what I was looking for. A dented panel with just enough of a hook for me to dangle. And it wasn't even in one of those squares.


I jog over to it and then frown slightly. It was kind of higher than I anticipated.

Oh well. I jogged back a bit before sprinting back at the wall. When I neared, I bounced up and used the wall as a springboard to push myself high enough. I managed to snag the dent with my left hand and then let the familiar pull come over me.

Not a moment later, my body was replaced by my quiver.

It was much easier to bypass me, since a quiver of arrows wasn't really a weapon. I hung there while the rest of the contestants took their places.

"5 minutes!" Someone from outside called, and the grumpy door guard wandered inside to do a final sweep. He was checking people off a tablet in his hand.

He grumbled to himself and nudged a few stray people back into their squares. He rounded the other side of the arena when the same voice yelled again.

"2 minutes!"

Grumpy doorman jogged back. He grabbed the door handle before pausing. He frowned deeper at his tablet before whipping his head up to look around.

"Koyal!" He barked, "where in king's name are you?"

The twins shift back temporarily to wave at him.

"Not you two. The smaller brat."

I shift back, dangling on the wall.

"Yes sir? What seems to be the problem?"

His head shoots over to me. He practically growls in annoyance and stomps over to me.

"Think yer being funny do ya? A quiver only? Don't screw with me, I could kick ya out if I wanted ta."

I internally smirk. Didn't expect such an amazing turn of events. Outwardly I give him a confused look and it riles him up more than I expected. Excellent.

I adjust my fingers slightly, silently urging him to hurry up with his decision to boot me.

He huffs lowly and looks between me and his tablet for longer than necessary, my arm is beginning to burn from the strain. Holding onto this small dent is not easy.

Grumpy doorman opens his mouth to probably berate me some more and hopefully kick me out when a voice from the door has us both looking towards it.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Grumpy doorman jabs a finger at me.

"Brat was hanging as a quiver and I missed 'er. Just about ta kick em out, once I find the blasted button."

The voice is followed by a very familiar man. He walks right up to us and takes one look at my face before grinning slightly. My hope deflates at his expression.

"No need. Check er in."

I almost groan out loud in frustration.

He addresses me next, his grin still in place.

"Now bantling, at least have your bow form out as well."

I don't say anything in return, but it looks like he didn't expect me to anyway. I shift back, this time my recurve bow sits in place of my quiver.

"Perfect, now times up, let's get."

They walk briskly back to the door and soon it swings shut.

I pray that the shadows will hide enough of me. Lady Lycan didn't seem the type to appreciate long range weapons anyways, given the turnout of close rangers.

Suddenly the tarp disappears and the roar of the crowd drowns out any thoughts.

Thanks y'all!

Songs Listened:

Imagine - Gnash

Stutter - Marianas Trench

Shine A Light - Bryan Adams

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