
The beginning.

Micheal Shakadi was by far the most revered agent of the law.His past occurrences had linked him up with the clear path to success.5'7" inches tall with a well toned muscular body brought about by frequent trips to the gym made him a perfect specimen of a man.From grass to grace was his story.He hade a handsome face well hidden behind a neatly trimmed beard.He fit in well within the upper crust of society.

He was a well trained field specialist whom assembling and disassembling any type of firearm was mere child's play to.Not to mention that no man had yet to best him in a fair sparring contest aside from his late teacher of course.Propelled by the virtue of justice,he was the government's last resort when thing went haywire with any high profile case.

Like all great superheroes with sidekicks,Shakadi had his in the form of Seth Orelli and Stacy Rivera.

Stacey was a short bombshell with agility that could shame a cat and curves that could make a priest drool and a nun go bad.However try had as she may,she had never been able to crack Shakadi's walls.

Seth on the other hand was your typical playboy by nature.He often thought himself as God's gift to women.True with a well chiseled face and piercing blue eyes he could pass for a model.Let not appearances deceive you though,this were lads who could draw a gun and pull the trigger even long before you finished saying the word cheers.

Shakadi had pulled them from the streets not so long ago and all that was known was from raggedy homeless lads,came mercenaries with skill fit to colonize an entire galaxy.

Given the nature of his occupation,Shakadi trusted only a few people in his life and these two ranked pretty high on that list.Many a times he wished he were your everyday bank accountant, mailman or anything that could pass for safe living,with a wife,a kid or two but alas,men don't control fate.

Enough reminiscing anyway.Shakadi's friend,mentor and role model, Steve Kalechi,had just been declared dead after a gruesome road accident.Seeing as this death hit close to home for him,Shakadi had been to the crime scene and had picked up a few consistencies with the police report.Firstly,some dents on Mr Kalechi's SUV were too suggestive for a simple collision with the guardrail as it had been staged and secondly,there was no report of any malfunction with the SUV nor was Mr Kalechi declared driving under the influence of drugs not that that mattered to Shakadi as he knew Kalechi never touched alcohol.Such loose ends to a trained eye and one whom didn't believe in coincidences pointed to something big at play here but he did not voice to the police who had chocked it up to a normal accident.

Not that he did not trust the boys in blue,he just wanted to affirm his suspicions before making a mountain out of an anthill.

Knowing Steve's wife, Jessica Kalechi,Shakadi knew she would need all the help she could get in order for her to get through this hence why he finds himself at the front porch of her home ready to ring the doorbell.With one final intake of air,he rings the doorbell.

It takes less than a minute for Mrs Kalechi to answer the door and one look at Shakadi's expression is all it takes to wipe of the smile that had punctuated her face.

"Jess, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Steve has been found dead...."