
Shadows of the Spirit World: Evolution of Darkness (Avatar FF)

Awakening within the Avatarverse spirit world, the protagonist, aware of his fusion with the blacklight virus, bonds and start as a dragonfly rabbit spirit. His hunger for power ignites, propelling him to master the world's energies. Driven by the virus's hunger, he confronts Raava and Vaatu, seeking dominance. Allies and foes converge as he embraces his destiny, fueled by the desire to consume and evolve.

Dr_Chad · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Realms apart

In the vast expanse of the spirit world, the very fabric of reality shifted and shimmered, a tapestry of ethereal energy woven into the very essence of existence. Here, the boundaries between the physical world and the spirit world blurred, giving rise to a realm of boundless possibility and profound mystery.

Unlike the tangible landscapes of the physical world, the spirit world defied conventional notions of time and space. Time flowed differently here, a river of endless possibility that ebbed and flowed with the whims of fate. A month in the physical world could span mere moments in the spirit world, while years could pass in the blink of an eye.

As the protagonist observed the unfolding tableau of the spirit world, a sense of awe and wonder washed over them. Here, amidst the swirling mists and shimmering auroras, they glimpsed the true majesty of creation, a realm where dreams and nightmares walked hand in hand.

Yet amidst the beauty and splendor of the spirit world, a darker truth lurked beneath the surface. For every spirit of light, there existed a shadow—a specter of darkness that hungered for power and control, the Infected. It was within this shadow realm that the protagonist now found themselves, their very essence intertwined with the forces of creation and destruction.

From the vantage point of his new form—a majestic wolf spirit towering 10 meters in height—the new physical form, as he surveyed the landscape below, his gaze drawn to the tumultuous scene unfolding before him. Dozens of spirit animals, once free and untamed, now lay ensnared by the tendrils of darkness, their struggles futile against the inexorable tide of corruption.

Amidst the chaos, the infected spirits, mostly Hunters—twisted echoes of their former selves—moved with purpose and intent, their movements coordinated by the will of their master. With each command, the protagonist felt the resonance of their power, a symphony of darkness that echoed through the very depths of the spirit world.

"It is done," the protagonist murmured, their voice a mere whisper in the howling winds. "The infected are mine to command, bound by the hive mind that I have forged."

As the infected spirits carried out their dark bidding, the protagonist's thoughts turned to the implications of their newfound abilities. With the power to command an army of the infected, they wielded a force that could reshape the very balance of power in the spirit world.


As the Wolf delved deeper into his newfound powers, he became acutely aware of the changes unfolding within him. With each consumption of biomass, he felt the tendrils of darkness weaving through his being, intertwining with his very essence and granting him unimaginable strength.

"It's as if I can devour their essence with but a touch," he mused, his voice tinged with a mixture of wonder and apprehension. "A single brush of my skin, and they are consumed by the darkness within me."

With this realization came a surge of power unlike anything he had experienced before. No longer bound by the limitations of the injuring before consuming, he transcended the boundaries of his former existence, ascending to heights of power and mastery previously unimagined.

And so, as he surveyed the captive spirits below, a plan began to take shape—a plan fueled by the insatiable hunger that burned within them, a hunger for dominion and control.

With a thought, the Wolf spirit unleashed his newfound abilities, tendrils of darkness with 100 meters in length erupting from their form like a writhing mass of serpents. At the tip of each tentacle gleamed a bladed weapon, honed to a razor's edge and poised to strike.

With a swift motion, the MC extended their tendrils in every direction, their blades slicing through the air with deadly precision. With each puncture, a captured spirit animal succumbed to the darkness, their essence drawn inexorably into the MC's waiting embrace.

As the cacophony of battle raged below, the MC could feel the surging tide of biomass and chi coursing through their veins, a testament to the power they now wielded. In the midst of chaos, they found clarity—a clarity born of the realization that they were no longer bound by the constraints of mortal flesh, but had ascended to become something greater, something beyond.

And so, as the last of the captured spirits fell beneath their onslaught, he stood amidst the carnage, a harbinger of darkness and despair. For in the heart of the spirit world, amidst the echoes of evolution, he had become both creator and destroyer—a force to be reckoned with, and a harbinger of things yet to come.


As the protagonist reflected on his newfound power, he began to ponder the intricacies of chi—the life force that flowed through all living beings and spirits alike. With each consumption and assimilation, he felt the surging tide of energy coursing through his veins, a testament to the boundless potential that lay within.

"Chi is the bery essence of life," the Wolf mused, his voice echoing with a sense of reverence. "It is the very breath of existence, the fuel that drives us forward."

In his contemplation, the protagonist began to estimate the chi capacities of those around him, from ordinary spirits to ordinary humans to master benders and ancient spirits and even primal spirits. Hypothesizing that the chi capacity of a normal person might be around 10, while beginner benders could boast capacities of 400 or more.

"Yet even among master benders, their chi capacities pale in comparison to the strength of the spirits that inhabit the spirit world," the protagonist thought, his mind racing with possibilities. "An ancient spirit or an advanced spirit could possess chi capacities far beyond anything we can comprehend."

He contemplated the vast differences in chi capacity, where master benders might range between 40,000 to 50,000 units, a testament to their years of training and dedication.

As he considered his own strength, the protagonist couldn't help but contemplate the vast differences in chi capacity. Reflecting on his recent experiences, he remembered that the chi capacity of a single dragonfly rabbit spirit, the first spirit he consumed, seemed to be around 1. Now, after assimilating hundreds of spirit animals, his power had surely grown exponentially.

"The growth in my chi capacity must be significant," the MC murmured, their thoughts swirling with anticipation. "With each spirit consumed, my strength has increased manifold. I can sense the energy coursing through me, stronger and more potent than ever before."

The MC's estimation suggested that his chi capacity had surpassed 4000, a staggering realization that spoke volumes about his evolution in the spirit world. Yet, even with this newfound strength, he knew there was still much to learn and discover.

"If only I could fully grasp the extent of my power, after all I can't still bend" the MC mused, their voice tinged with both excitement and trepidation. "But for now, I must remain vigilant and continue to explore the depths of biomass weapons like in the fame. For in this realm of endless possibilities, the journey of self-discovery knows no bounds."


As the protagonist solidified his newfound strength over the next few days, he delved deeper into his abilities, honing them to a razor's edge. With each passing moment, he felt the surge of power coursing through his veins, a primal force waiting to be unleashed upon the world.

"Every moment brings me closer to understanding the extent of my power," he mused, his voice tinged with both excitement and determination. "I must push myself further, test the limits of my abilities."

With a focused mind and steady resolve, MC concentrated his energy, shaping it into a formidable weapon—the Hammerfist or Hammerpaws. As he leaped into the sky, his muscles on his paws coiled with anticipation, ready to unleash devastation upon the earth below.

"This is it," MC thought, his heart pounding with anticipation. "The moment I prove my strength reached a other leap."

With a thunderous roar, he descended upon the ground, his hammerpaws crashing down with unbridled force. The impact echoed across the landscape, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

The ground quaked beneath him as a massive crater emerged, its depths unfathomable to the naked eye. With a sense of satisfaction, the protagonist surveyed his handiwork, the testament to his newfound strength etched into the very earth itself.

Amidst the chaos, the echoes of his power reverberated through the air, a symphony of destruction and rebirth.

"I've never felt more alive," he whispered, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "This is just the beginning."

As the protagonist delved into the memories of one of the spirit animals he assimilated, a vivid recollection emerged—a powerful spirit known as the Black and White spirit.

In the Avatar world, it takes the form of a docile panda bear, and has been protecting an Earth Kingdom forest for thousands of years. He can also transform into a large four-armed monster in the Spirit World

"Ah, Hei Bai," he mused, his thoughts drifting back to the animation he had seen in his previous life. "A being of immense strength and profound wisdom, revered by both humans and spirits alike."

Hei Bai's appearance was striking—a majestic creature with fur as dark as the night sky and fur as white as freshly fallen snow. But beneath his imposing exterior lay a gentle soul, tormented by the chaos and strife that ravaged the world.

As the protagonist delved deeper into his memories, he saw the spirit's fears and insecurities— from the perspective of the animal spirit he consumed, the weight of the He Bai's responsibilities as a guardian, the burden of protecting his environment and home, and the relentless march of time that the people want to consume all.

"Even the strongest carry their own burdens," he reflected, a sense of empathy coloring his words. "But in the face of adversity, Hei Bai remained steadfast, a beacon of hope and resilience of the Senlin Village."

As he delved deeper into the memories of Hei Bai, a subtle shift began to take hold—a whisper of change that danced on the edges of his consciousness. Unbeknownst to him, his essence was slowly evolving, morphing into something more akin to that of a virus. Yet, in the depths of his mind, the truth remained veiled, obscured by the allure of power and the promise of untold abilities.

"With Hei Bai's abilities at my disposal, I could break the boundaries of the spirit world," he mused, his voice tinged with anticipation. "To travel between the realms at will, to wield the forces of nature as my own—it is a power beyond imagining."

As he contemplated the possibilities that lay before him, he felt a surge of excitement coursing through his veins, a hunger for knowledge and mastery that burned brighter with each passing moment. From the spirit's memories, He Bai offered a glimpse into a world of boundless potential—a world where the lines between reality and illusion blurred, and the impossible became possible.

"Once I consume Hei Bai, nothing will stand in my way, I could consume and assimilate powerful benders" whispered, his words a declaration of intent. "I will become a force to be reckoned with, a master of both worlds."

But even as he spoke, a shadow lingered on the fringes of his consciousness—a nagging doubt that whispered of the price of power and the dangers that lurked in the darkness. Yet, in the heat of the moment, such thoughts were cast aside, drowned out by the allure of greatness and the thrill of conquest. And as the hour of reckoning drew near, he knew that the choices he made would shape the course of his destiny for years to come.

"For better or for worse, the die has been cast," he murmured, as his voice filled with determination. "And I will see it through to the end, whatever the cost may be."

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