
Shadows of the Apocalypse

Set in a modern world gripped by unforeseen chaos in 2055, Mark Haynes, a recent graduate working at the advanced tech company DroneCorp, finds himself thrust into a mysterious and perilous reality. After encountering a monstrous goblin, Mark discovers that the world has transformed into a game-like existence, complete with status screens, unique skills, and a dangerous array of creatures. Mark faces the challenges of leveling up, allocating attribute points, and learning to navigate the perils of a world where every decision could mean life or death. Alongside Aria, he forms strategies, battles creatures, and uncovers the mysteries of this transformed reality. As Mark delves deeper into this game-like world, he discovers that the key to survival may lie not only in his skills and attributes but also in the bonds he forms with those around him. The novel is a thrilling blend of fantasy, adventure, and the enduring power of human connection in the face of the unknown.

Migusta · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 4: Interuder

The aftermath of the goblin encounter left Mark and Aria standing in the eerie silence of the desolate street. The fallen creature served as a stark reminder of the challenges they faced in this transformed world. Mark surveyed the surroundings, his golden eyes scanning for any signs of life.

"Let's check the Mart for signs of life," Mark suggested.

Cautiously, they approached the supermarket, each step echoing in the stillness. The automated doors creaked open, revealing the dimly lit interior. Mark and Aria cautiously navigated the aisles, their senses alert for any hint of danger. After confirming there was no one else in the store, Mark turned to Aria.

"How many EXP did you get?" Mark asked.

"10," Aria replied.

Mark nodded, "It looks like we divide the EXP in two if we kill a monster together. I got 5."

Aria smiled, "I got 10, thanks to the Gifted skill." She decided to allocate 2 Attribute Points into her Strength, determined to enhance her combat abilities.

As they planned their next moves, Aria set out to gather essential supplies—food, medicine, and a spacious travel bag. Mark chuckled, "I'll be the lookout." Positioned near the entrance, he kept a vigilant eye on the surroundings, ensuring no monsters or unexpected threats approached.

Aria's call echoed through the Mart, signaling Mark to join her. He entered to find a massive bag, filled to the brim with provisions. Grinning, Mark said, "Let's go home; it's almost dark."

Their journey home was a careful dance of stealth, weaving through the shadows to avoid attracting the attention of lurking monsters. The transformed world around them seemed to hold its breath as they navigated the treacherous streets.

Upon reaching the safety of their home, Mark and Aria took a moment to relax. The adrenaline of their recent encounters lingered in the air. They engaged in conversation, sharing thoughts and observations, finding solace in each other's presence.

With nightfall imminent, they fortified their dwelling. Barricading windows and doors became a nightly ritual—a necessary precaution against the unknown dangers that lurked outside.

After ensuring their makeshift sanctuary was secure, they indulged in the simple luxuries of life. Showers to wash away the grime of the day, a shared meal to quiet the growling of hungry stomachs, and a comfortable bed to escape the harsh reality awaiting them outside.

In the dim glow of their shelter, Mark and Aria found a moment of reprieve. They talked, laughed, and for a fleeting moment, the weight of the transformed world seemed to lift. With their barricades in place, they settled in for a restless night. As they settled into a restless sleep, a sudden, violent banging on the door jolted them awake. Their eyes met in shared concern, and without a word, they moved towards the source of the disturbance.

Aria cautiously peered through the windows, her breath catching at the sight of three menacing figures outside. Thugs. Their laughter echoed through the still night as they demanded food, threatening destruction if denied.

"It's a group of thugs," Aria whispered to Mark.

Mark nodded grimly, then raised his voice, "Leave!"

The thugs, undeterred, continued their assault on the door. The night air filled with the ominous sounds of splintering wood. In the midst of their laughter, a sudden twist of fate unfolded.

A horde of monsters emerged from the shadows, drawn by the commotion. The thugs' bravado turned to panicked screams as the creatures attacked. Mark and Aria watched in shock as the tables turned, the monsters lunging at the intruders.

"Help us! Please!" the thugs screamed, their pleas drowned out by the monstrous onslaught.

"We need to leave," Mark urged Aria.

She pointed towards the backdoor, a glimmer of escape in the chaos. As the goblins feasted on the thugs, Mark and Aria dashed towards the rear of the house. The darkness embraced them, concealing their movements as they fled from the gruesome scene.

As they ran, Mark's frustration burst forth. "Fuck."

Aria, maintaining her composure, reassured him. "Relax."

After a moment of calming down, Mark pondered their next move. "Where do we go?"

Aria, considering their options, replied, "We need to find a safe place. Somewhere away from the monsters and away from those thugs. We can't stay here."

In the shroud of darkness, Mark and Aria faced the uncertainty of their journey, their footsteps echoing through the silent night as they sought refuge in a world transformed by monsters and unforeseen dangers.