
Shadows of Mythalis

**Synopsis:** In the midst of this world full of wonders and dangers, a young man named Liam emerges as a promising figure. Raised in a small town in Mythalis, Liam has always been fascinated by the stories and legends of the ancient ruins that surround his homeland. Determined to unravel the secrets of these ruins and uncover the mysteries of the world around him, he embarks on a journey of discovery and adventure. On his sixteenth birthday, while exploring the depths of one of the Primordial Ruins, Liam makes a surprising discovery: a shimmering colored Rubik's Cube, granting him the power of the System Nine Times. Incredulous and excited, Liam delves into the magical world that opens before him, unlocking innate abilities and the promise of power beyond his imagination. As he advances on his journey, Liam encounters warring factions, mystical races with unique gifts and powers, and mythological beasts that defy logic and instill fear. At the same time, he discovers that he is not alone in his quest for knowledge and power, and that ancient and hidden secrets await to be revealed. Throughout his journey, Liam encounters unlikely allies and formidable enemies, while his connection with the System Nine Times grows stronger and deeper. He learns to use his abilities strategically, facing increasingly complex and dangerous challenges. With a captivating humor and unwavering determination, Liam wins the hearts of readers as he becomes a central figure in Mythalis' fate. His story is marked by moments of triumph, true friendship, and personal sacrifices for the greater good. Amidst the chaos and magic of Mythalis, Liam's journey is a tale of growth and self-discovery, where he uncovers his true strength and potential. As he unravels the secrets of the System Nine Times and faces the adversities of the world around him, Liam becomes a living legend, destined to leave his mark on the mythical universe of Mythalis. ---LuhRoyVv NineS: first book, English is my second language. I hope I can experiment and express a lot (>_>)!

DefeatedNinth_LRNS · Fantaisie
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78 Chs

001- Volume 2 The Enchanted Forest⁰

Part 1:

In the land of Mythalis, the Enchanted Forest beckoned with its mystical allure. Within its dense canopy of ancient trees and magical foliage, secrets of untold wonder were whispered among the leaves. It was a place where myths intertwined with reality, and the spirits of the forest danced in the dappled sunlight.

As Aiden and his allies ventured deeper into the heart of the Enchanted Forest, they encountered creatures of ethereal beauty and mischievous charm. The fairies flitted gracefully, their iridescent wings catching the rays of sunlight like shimmering rainbows. Meanwhile, the mischievous sprites playfully led the group astray, their laughter echoing through the wooded glades.

Amidst the enchantment, Aiden noticed an ancient tree with silver bark and golden leaves. Its roots seemed to reach deep into the very essence of Mythalis. This was the Tree of Dreams, a living gateway to the realm of dreams and visions.

Part 2:

As they approached the Tree of Dreams, a soothing melody filled the air, sung by unseen voices. The ethereal music seemed to call to their souls, inviting them to embrace the enchantment of the forest. Aiden felt a surge of awe and wonder, knowing that this was a place of immense power and ancient wisdom.

Guided by the mystic aura of the tree, Aiden touched its silver bark. Instantly, he was immersed in a vision—a glimpse of Mythalis' history and the destiny that lay ahead. He saw the rise and fall of kingdoms, the triumphs of heroes, and the enduring spirit of Mythalis through the ages.

As the vision faded, Aiden felt a profound sense of purpose. The Enchanted Forest held the key to Mythalis' future, and it was their duty to protect its magic and wisdom from those who sought to exploit its power.

Part 3:

With newfound resolve, Aiden and his allies continued their journey through the Enchanted Forest. They encountered trials and tests of courage, facing illusions that challenged their deepest fears and desires. Only by staying true to their hearts and supporting each other could they overcome these tests.

The forest, sensing their determination and sincerity, revealed its most treasured secrets. Ancient spirits shared their wisdom, bestowing upon the group newfound knowledge of forgotten magic and ancient rituals.

In a clearing illuminated by moonlight, they gathered to perform a sacred ceremony, renewing the enchantment that protected the forest and its inhabitants. Their united efforts bound their destinies to Mythalis, vowing to stand as its eternal guardians.

As dawn broke over the Enchanted Forest, Aiden and his allies bid farewell to the magical realm. They knew that this journey had only been the beginning—the first step in a grand tapestry of adventures that would shape the fate of Mythalis.

With the wisdom of the Enchanted Forest in their hearts and the magic of Mythalis coursing through their veins, Aiden and his companions returned to the world they loved. They were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for they were the guardians of Mythalis—the protectors of its beauty, its secrets, and its dreams.

End of the Auxiliary Part and Chapter.