

She looked down at the spiral on her hand.

[Start Tutorial?]

[Yes] [No]

'A tutorial? Well, this should be interesting. And I can get some answers.'



A few hours ago

"Hey! Evie! Evie! Are you listening to me?"

The girl that the voice was addressing sighed. Looking up with her sapphire blue eyes at the hyper boy, she was very blunt. "No."

"Oh, c'mon, this is very important! Mom finally got me the new Pokekon card! It's sooo amazing, it's called a Shckreeeckdon, and it's blue and...

Evie tuned him out again, shielding him with her dark black hair. She usually humoured him and at least pretended to listen to her brother, but today other thoughts occupied her mind. Thoughts, running through her mind like mice. Annoying thoughts, disturbing thoughts, thoughts that she wasn't thinking. It went something like this: 'Why is Nico bothering me again? Doesn't he have anyone else to-Run! You're in danger-wait what no I'm not in danger why did I just think that anyway I really should get started on my proje-Go! Leave this place! Get out of there right-what the hell what was that maybe I'm going crazy well I already am anyway so oh would he please shut up.' Etcetera, etcetera. It was driving her crazy, and she didn't know what the voice was. It wasn't really a voice, to be honest. Thoughts aren't usually voices, unless you make them. It was just a thought. It seemed natural. But it really wasn't.

Evie stood up abruptly. "Sorry, Nico, I have to go. I have stuff to do."

"Aw, but I haven't finished telling you about my card!" the little boy moaned, clinging to her hand.

Already leaving, she ignored him. Not to be cruel or anything, but she had other things on her mind. The thoughts were getting more frequent, and… louder? Not that they had volume, or anything, maybe stronger would be a better word. Like someone was warning her, and getting more and more panicked.

'Maybe I should actually listen? Leave the house, maybe go get a coffee? It's not that inconvenient. Nah, it's fine, whatever. I'll just read for a bit.'

She should have listened.

Hey, this is my first novel, hope you enjoy!


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