
Chapter 4: Girly day

The sound of an alarm jolt the sleeping girl awake up from her sweet sleep


"Why morning, I still wanna sleep more" she plump back to bed booting up before lazily getting out of bed going about and going about her morning routine with an energy of a starved zombie.

Aliya went down the stairs to the kitchen and start making breakfast since her lazy friends will not come anywhere near the kitchen unless they wanna feed their growling tummies.

She sat down to eat when she heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

'The void tummy girls are up' she thought to herself

"What did you made for breakfast Liya" she heard Sofia's voice from behind her

"Check out for yourself"

'They took their seat and start digging in their food without even greeting me ,the great chef who's coercing their angry stomachs this morning' Aliya angrily thought stabbing the food on her plate and glaring at the two ladies lost in the world of food pleasure.

"Good morning" she spoke through gritted teeth to them

"And I made you a hangover which will help you sobber up" she added with a sigh and pushed the drink toward them before she continued with her breakfast.

"Thank you Liya" Amanda thanks her

"Thanks mommy" Sofia said with a wink and she groaned glaring at her while Sofia grinned widely.

"So when are we leaving" Aliya asked them after minutes of words silence with only the clanking sounds of utensils.

"When we are done with breakfast isn't it?" Amanda turned to Sofia who's clearly in her food world.

She nudge her with her elbow bringing her attention back

"Huh! What happen? Are you talking to me"

"I said we are leaving after breakfast" Amanda gritted out with an annoyed expression.

"For...what?" Amanda stared at her dumbly without breaking the gaze or blinking.

"Oh. I remember so stop looking at me like that" she retorted with an eye roll before returning back to her food.


"Amanda take the red dress it will fit you "

"Okay Liya" she took the red thigh length gown with black stone design on it and headed to the changing room.

The two continued searching for their dresses when suddenly Sofia stopped moving.

"Wow this white gown is beautiful" she exclaimed

"Yes it's" Aliya also admired cause the gown is really beautiful and the prize is no problem to her

"You should try it" she suggested to Sofia who first saw the dress.

"Nope you should go and try it,you will look beautiful in it" Sofia insisted.

"But I thought you want it " Aliya asked baffled.

"Well I want it on you ,so go try it now " she handed it to Aliya and she quickly scurried to change into the white knee length gown design in blue laces and some blue crystal stones.

"Woah! Aliya you look Beautiful in the dress I told you it's meant for you " Sofia loudly exclaimed admiring the way the dress fit Aliya's body perfectly ,she grinned from ear to ear happy she did great in choosing Aliya dress.

"Thank you, you girls also look great in yours..."

After some hours the girls finished shopping and Aliya paid for the dresses before they go about the rest of the day doing their girly things like Aliya's dad said.