
Shadows and Stardust: A Tale of Ambition & Quest for Recognition

Battle City, a prestigious tournament held a city torn between chaos and order, has started it's anticipated fourth season. A lone-wolf named Estelle emerges from the shadows as an enigmatic force, driven by an insatiable desire for recognition and personal against against authority. As the battles unfold within the tournament, Estelle becomes an agent of change in the city's power dynamics. Through her unmatched strategic prowess, she challenges the established norms and ideals that the ruling teams represent. Her remarkable abilities, combined with her steadfast belief in justice and individuality, create ripples that disturb the status quo. Through magical realism and the ongoing Battle City tournament, Estelle's journey offers a powerful exploration of the transformative power of one person's quest against a backdrop of systemic control and societal expectations.

DrCCat · Romance
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64 Chs

Chapter 06 - Darkness and Ambition

"Lord protect me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies" – Voltaire

Operation Menu: Phase Lunch D-120hours

A solitary figure glided through the night air, a ghostly presence navigating the dimly lit back alley. Steam billowed from the holes in the sewer covers, releasing a hiss into the otherwise still night air. With calculated steps, the mysterious figure gracefully maneuvered around debris, carefully avoiding the trash that clung to the edges of the shadows.

As the figure approached a dumpster overflowing with refuse, their pace slowed, and they drew closer to a graffiti-covered wall that bore the words: "Luv' Ya Blue!"

The figure came to a sudden halt and knelt beside the dumpster. The ebony cloak swirled behind them as they reached into a pocket sheathed in a supple leather glove.

The individual retrieved a gleaming silver coin from their pocket and pressed it against the graffiti-covered wall. The coin emitted a momentary glow before fading seamlessly into the surface with a soft pop.

In front of the trash can, the light started to shimmer and distort. Reality itself began to bend and warp around a dark sphere that appeared, creating a concave bulge that soon snapped back into place. From this peculiar distortion, a woman emerged, her mocha-colored skin glistening in the dim light. She donned a green hoodie, and her sleek black hair was neatly pulled back into a tight bun.

Long black tactical pants hugged her legs, and sturdy black boots carried her purposefully forward, leaving a trail of determined steps through a mysterious puddle of moisture that had formed even though it had not rained in a week.

As the figure knelt, the woman clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in annoyance.

"I was in the middle of an important planning meeting," she said, enunciating each word precisely. "State your business."

The distorted voice responded, "I'm deeply connected with Madam Thornewood, and despite all advice, she has declared the Norton Mine is a battle zone."

With her hands on her hips, the woman scrutinized the figure while absently chewing on her full lips. She waved her arm in front of her, interacting with unseen buttons visible only to her eyes.

"The mine offers no strategic advantage, and..." she said, pushing a few buttons in the air. "It's merely an iron mine, weakening all magic. It's a useless waste of resources. Why bother me with this?"

"I have more," the figure continued. "Madam is planning something significant this season. She's completed the Abramelin ritual and is tapping into the power of Naraka-gati to enhance her magic."

The woman pressed a few more buttons and snorted dismissively.

"Doubtful. Due to the disjointed nature of the ritual, a female can't complete it...properly at least," she remarked. "Most likely a Fata Morgana, or a bluff."

"Most likely," the lone figure conceded.

The woman reached into her pocket, retrieving a coin which she casually tossed to the figure, who fumbled to catch it.

"Next time you contact me, you better have something useful. Otherwise, when Estelle is excommunicated from the games, I'll personally dismantle the Thornewood clan and ensure you receive nothing," she hissed with a steely glare.

She shook her head and scowled, and then she took a step back, waving her hand impatiently through the air. And with an exasperated "pop," she vanished into thin air.
