
Shadowed Vengeance

KingCannibal · Autres
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9 Chs

Into the Night

The city sprawled beneath him, a sprawling labyrinth of concrete and steel pulsating with life and darkness. Cloaked in the mantle of his alter ego, he traversed the Gotham skyline with the fluidity of a shadow cast by the moon. The wind whispered secrets as he leapt from one skyscraper to the next, a silent guardian amidst the cacophony of the urban jungle.

Tonight, Gotham was his playground, and he was its dark guardian.

The streets below teemed with the desperate and the deranged, their lives entwined in a twisted dance of despair and defiance. From his lofty perch, he observed with a keen eye and a heavy heart, attuned to the symphony of chaos that echoed through the night.

A cry for help pierced the darkness—a fragile beacon of hope swallowed by the city's voracious appetite for violence. Without hesitation, he descended, his cape billowing behind him like the wings of a vengeful angel. He landed with a soft thud, his boots absorbing the impact as he surveyed the scene before him.

A woman stood alone, her eyes wide with fear as a gang of thugs closed in around her. Their laughter was a cruel cacophony, punctuated by the glint of metal and the stench of desperation.

"Back off, freak," one of the thugs growled, brandishing a weapon with trembling hands. "This ain't none of your business."

He stepped forward, his voice low and lethal. "You might want to reconsider your choices," he warned, his eyes flashing with a dangerous light beneath the mask that shrouded his face. "Or you'll find out just how short your time in this city can be."

The thugs hesitated, their bravado faltering in the face of his resolve. They were no match for the fury of his weapons, the precision of his aim.

But in the end, it was not violence that prevailed, but justice. The thugs lay defeated at his feet, their arrogance replaced by the bitter taste of defeat. The woman watched in awe, her gratitude palpable in the stillness of the night.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice a fragile melody in the darkness.

He nodded in acknowledgement, his gaze softening behind the mask. Without a word, he disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind only the echo of his presence.