
Shadowed Vengeance

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**Biographical Information:**

- **Full Name:** Thomas Wayne-Beaumont

- **Aliases:** BloodBat

- **Date of Birth:** May 15, 2001

- **Place of Birth:** Bristol District, Gotham City

- **Affiliation:** Independent Vigilante

- **Relatives:** Bruce Wayne (Father), Andrea Beaumont (Mother)


- Thomas possesses striking black hair and piercing blue eyes, a genetic inheritance from his biological father, Bruce Wayne (Batman).

- Thomas bears visible scars on his face and body, remnants of the abuse he suffered from his adoptive father, William Lancaster, as well as the intense training he underwent with Nyssa Raatko.

- In his BloodBat persona, he is typically seen wearing an all-black Bat suit with a prominent white bat symbol on his chest.


- Thomas Wayne-Beaumont is the son of two iconic figures in Gotham City's vigilante history, Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Andrea Beaumont (Phantasm).

- He was given up for adoption by Andrea to protect him from the dangers of their vigilante lives.

**Early Life:**

- Thomas's early life was marred by severe abuse at the hands of his adoptive father, William Lancaster, which eventually culminated in a tragic act of self-defense.

- These traumatic experiences left physical and emotional scars that continue to shape his character.

**Rescue and Training:**

- He was rescued by Nyssa Raatko, the half-sister of Talia al Ghul, who recognized his potential.

- Under Nyssa's guidance, Thomas underwent intensive training, ultimately emerging as the vigilante known as BloodBat.

- The training was rigorous and grueling, leaving him with additional scars as testaments to his resilience.

**Vigilante Career:**

- **Unique Weaponry:** Thomas Wayne-Beaumont's Bat suit includes a specially designed cape that serves a dual purpose. While it can be worn as a traditional cape for dramatic effect, it is also easily detachable and reinforced with hidden compartments containing flexible, retractable, and razor-sharp bat-shaped blades. This allows him to wield his cape as a deadly weapon in close combat situations, adding a unique and lethal dimension to his fighting style.

- **Specialized Ammunition:** Thomas has meticulously crafted a range of specialized ammunition for his firearms, showcasing his tactical ingenuity. These unique rounds are tailored to specific combat scenarios, giving him a distinct edge in the field, including multi-bullet rounds, taser bullets, tracking bullets, explosive rounds, and tranquilizer darts.


- BloodBat is often referred to by two imposing nicknames:

  - "The Grim Knight" underscores his ruthless approach to crime-fighting, akin to his father's "Dark Knight" moniker.

  - "The Deadliest Man Alive" emphasizes his readiness to employ lethal force against formidable criminals.

**Moral Code:**

- Thomas's moral code is nuanced, allowing for mercy and self-defense while reserving his harshest actions for those who commit heinous crimes, such as rape, child abuse, and sex trafficking.

- He believes that individuals who commit such atrocities have forfeited their right to live.


- **Andrea Beaumont (Phantasm) - Mother:**

  - **Feelings of Abandonment:** Thomas harbors deep resentment and anger toward his mother, Andrea Beaumont. In his eyes, she abandoned him as a child, choosing to keep her distance to protect him from the dangerous life she led as Phantasm. This sense of abandonment has left a lasting mark on Thomas's psyche.

  - **Negative Perception:** Thomas's perception of his mother is strained, to say the least. He often refers to her with derogatory terms such as "irresponsible whore" and "heartless bitch" in moments of anger and frustration. These hurtful labels reflect the deep emotional wounds caused by his belief that she prioritized her vigilante identity over her own son. Their relationship is fraught with unresolved issues and lingering emotional scars.

• Bruce Wayne (Batman) - Father:

• Initial Resentment: As a child, Thomas harbored deep resentment toward his father, Bruce Wayne, believing that he had been abandoned. This resentment stemmed from a misunderstanding, as Thomas thought his father didn't care about him when Nyssa Raatko took him in.

• Neutral Opinion: However, as Thomas grew older and learned the truth, he realized that Bruce Wayne had no knowledge of his existence. This revelation led to a more neutral opinion about his father. While they share a complicated and unexplored connection, Thomas does not hold the same anger toward Bruce that he once did.

• Complex Bond: The relationship between Thomas and Bruce remains complex, marked by the shared burden of vigilantism and a lingering curiosity about one another. Their interactions are infrequent but laden with unspoken questions and emotions. While they have yet to fully acknowledge their familial ties, a connection simmers beneath the surface, waiting to be explored.


- Thomas Wayne-Beaumont's story centers on his journey to reconcile his darkness and define his place within the legacy of his parents, Batman and Phantasm.

- His actions challenge the moral boundaries of traditional heroism and provide fertile ground for character development.


- "When darkness falls, I rise."

- "In a city where fear breeds monsters, I become their nightmare."

- "My mission is to be the reckoning they never saw coming."

- "Gotham's streets are my canvas, and justice is my masterpiece."

- "To those who seek to corrupt this city, I have one message: your time is running out."

- "I don't wear a symbol of hope on my chest. I bear the weight of Gotham's sins."

- "Justice isn't always about saving lives; sometimes, it's about ending the threat."

- "The line between hero and vigilante blurs in the shadows."

- "Evil has many faces, but it only has one fate."

- "In a world of chaos, I'm the order they fear."

- "The night is my ally, and vengeance is my weapon."

- "I'm not interested in playing games. I'm here to end them."