After sleeping for two full days, my body felt well-rested and rejuvenated. I hadn't eaten anything in a month, so my body was probably in dire need of rest.
I got out of bed and headed towards the dressing area where I was supposed to be the day before yesterday, but couldn't because of exhaustion.
"Good morning," Viper greeted me with a slight bow.
"Morning," I replied.
My skin was in a blemished state, so I needed to undergo an advanced cleansing and exfoliation process.
Additionally, my uneven beard and rough hair made me look unkempt, and my long hair had deteriorated as well.
Without wearing contact lenses to conceal my heterochromia eyes, which were a distinguishing feature of mine - the left eye being red as a gem and the right eye crystal blue, which glowed in the dark - I entered a large, white room.
It had bright focus lights mounted in each corner. The room itself was white, spacious. The vessel had all kinds of facilities.
Five people were in the room, all dressed in black T-shirts and jeans. They motioned for me to take a seat in the salon chair.
I underwent a series of transformations - my hair was trimmed, my beard was removed, and the underlying layer of my skin was purged, revealing a lively, white complexion. I didn't look bad.
Viper approached me and handed me a black metal box adorned with a golden dragon. I opened it to find two oval-shaped glasses with black, iris-coloured lenses.
"These are specifically tailored for you," he said. "When you release Aether, their color will fade for a brief period of time. However, you only need to wear them once. They never dry out and will blend temporarily with your eyes." He pointed to the button on the front of the box.
"These lenses are equipped with AI technology and have the ability to send voice signals to your brain through non-ionizing radiation," Viper explained.
I opened the glass oval with a clockwise rotation and adjusted the lenses in my eyes.
[Welcome User!]
[Accessing Synthetix Data mosh System]
[Synthetix Core 108…1%]
[Welcome back Kael!]
I acknowledged Viper with a nod, affirming that I understood the functionality of the lenses.
After that, I changed into a new set of attire, donning a light grey coat over a dark grey T-shirt, black jeans, and dark grey sports shoes.
Viper, accompanying me through the corridor towards my room, delved into a matter of concern.
"Over the centuries, Arcanists have concealed their identities from the world.
However, there have been a spate of incidents involving fifteen deceased teenagers who have mysteriously returned to life.
These cases have brought attention to our kind, indicating that many forces are onto us," he revealed.
"I'm already acquainted with this situation, so please continue," I prompted him to reveal more.
"Sir, the problem is that we believe these teenagers are exhibiting a completely different personality, as some of them were cancer patients with no criminal history.
They are now behaving foolishly, and some have even resorted to criminal activities," Viper divulged.
"While some of these nine people went into hiding, these cases are now assigned to young Arcanists, primarily from the top five families: Verlice, Alder, Dawson, Falocone, and Conti.
The young heads of these families attend Arcane Academy, the same place where the recently discovered unusual individuals were transferred," he added, his tone grave.
"When am I attending that Academy?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Starting from Monday, which is the day after tomorrow," he replied, his eyes fixed on mine.
"Very well, I'll make arrangements," I said, turning towards my room and shutting the door behind me.
"Greetings once again!", I murmured.
[Welcome back Kael, there is no need to articulate your words as we can communicate telepathically through microwaves]
'Is that so?', I pondered.
'So you can perceive my thoughts?', I inquired.
[Only thoughts that are intended for me. I cannot gain access to any information inside your brain]
'Hmm, the title Synthetix core 108 appears to be quite lengthy', I commented.
[That is the current designation of the project. As for me, I do not have a specific name, although I suggest that you assign one to me]
'I like the term Wings of Cinerous, how about I dub you Vulture?', I suggested.
[Wonderful, "Vulture" is an unusual yet memorable name with both positive and negative connotations]
'Okay Vulture, we've got some work to do', I stated.
[I'm glad to assist you. Could you please provide me with some context?]
'Who, besides the Arcanists, knows about the existence of the Arcane Empire?', I asked.
[There are eight hundred and forty-three individuals who are aware of the Arcane Empire's existence. All of them are heads of leading corporations and firms around the world.
Additionally, a number of federal investigators suspect our existence and have formed a separate branch to deal with unusual events reported in their respective countries.]
'Out of those federal investigators, filter out the ones who are most desperate to uncover our identity', I commanded.
[Sure. The team leader of the Intelligence Branch at the FBI in Chicago is particularly eager to know about our existence.
Her name is Mary Beth, and she was born to a French mother and an American father. She followed in her father's footsteps and joined the Federal Bureau of Investigations.
She's currently 25 years old, and all of her resources are dedicated to discovering our identity.]
'Okay, keep Mary Beth under surveillance twenty-four seven. Now, brief me about my transfer to the High School, I said.
[The Arcane Academy is a joint program of the top five families, excluding ours. It's a regular school that Arcanists who have completed their training attend for educational and experiential purposes.
Since only Arcanists with vast resources can complete their training before the age of twenty, the number of Arcanists attending the academy is limited to twelve, all of whom belong to the most powerful families in the empire.]
'Please state my fabricated background', I requested.
[Your fabricated background is that of Kael Hashirae, a seventeen-year-old orphan from a middle-class background.
You live in a residence near the academy that you rent, and you were granted admission due to your scholarship and excellent academic performance.
Your uncle, Mr. Viper, sends you a monthly allowance of fifty thousand dollars, indicating his wealth and generosity.]
[A quick reminder, we will reach our destination in about an hour.]
'Well, I don't need that kind of reminder. Keep a close eye on the members of Shieldwall as well. I suspect that those who are supposed to protect the empire may be scheming amongst themselves, I said.
[Noted. We will report any questionable activity.]
[There are some accessories that were prepared for you ahead of time. I request that you open the drawer beside your bed and take a look at them.]
I walked towards the drawer beside my bed and opened it to find a circular dial smart wristwatch and a black fedora hat inside.
'What's so special about them?' I asked.
[The watch is made of concentrated vortium, with an adjustable weight feature and is completely compatible with me. Bringing it close to any highly secured device would grant me access to it.
Additionally, I can display information on the watch screen in a visual format for you.]
'And what about the hat?' I inquired.
[The hat is an extremely rare object, and only one could be made. It's produced by mixing Arenak and solidified Aether with a drop of your blood.
When it connects to your mind, it can take the shape of any object you desire and change colors.
It's capable of being the softest material and the hardest metal simultaneously and has memory.
Even if the hat is torn into pieces and scattered across the globe, it will eventually reform into one piece.]
'Are you capable of analyzing the Aether in my body?' I asked.
[I have already done so, but there is a presence of an unknown energy inside your body that I am unable to analyze.
For general information, the anatomy of your body is far superior compared to that of any other Arcanist.]
I took the hat and put it on, feeling a sudden connection to it. Surprised, I looked at it for a moment before saying, "Whatever, I am going to take a nap. Wake me up when we reach our destination."
"When we strive to become better than we are,
everything around us becomes better too."
-Paulo Coelho