
Voice of Darkness

The enchanting voice came from the well in a wave of whispering echoes. It was soft and charming, flowing like a smooth silken melody. It seemed to belong to a young man… if mere humans could even possess such a voice. A divine being would suit it more.

…Or a profane one.

Sunny wasn't in the mood to appreciate the smooth and rich texture of the voice, though.

He was covered in cold sweat.

The echoes whispered:

"...time, …time, …time."

In all his time on the Forgotten Shore, Sunny had only met one other creature capable of mimicking human speech. The memory of that encounter still made him tremble.

The thing that had come from the depths of the dark sea in a mantle of fog and stolen Cassie's voice was by far the most terrifying being he had ever met. He didn't even want to remember the utter horror he had felt when the swarm of whispering voices had surrounded him. On that night, Sunny had only been able to keep his sanity intact because of the blind girl's timely warning.