

This was exactly what Sunny wanted to happen. He smiled with utter contempt.


"I would let you know... my Appraisal was, uh, it was "glorious"! Yes, glorious. And the Aspect I acquired was of the Divine rank."


After that, he received a number of strange looks. No one had ever received a Divine Aspect before; so, of course, they were starting to think that he was a lunatic.


But there was still a sliver of doubt... maybe that strange guy was a descendant of a powerful clan? A peerless prodigy? Maybe his Appraisal was, indeed, glorious....


Sunny had to dispel that tiny bit of doubt.


"Mind you, I'm not some lofty Legacy. Pfft! I'm from the outskirts. I've never even received combat training. All that training and he only got an "excellent"? What did he do during the Nightmare, pick his nose the whole time?"


The expressions of all the Sleepers that were listening to his bragging instantly changed. An outskirt rat with no training yeah, sure. Who was he trying to fool?


Finally, with the same polite smile, Caster spoke:


"Glorious? That is interesting. Would you mind telling us what were your achievements in the Nightmare?"


Sunny grinned.


"Sure, no problem! First of all, I killed an... uh an awakened tyrant."


Every "uh" cost him a couple of moments of intense pain, but he didn't let it show on his face. His expression was nothing but smug and confrontational.


The mere mention of a tyrant, let alone an awakened one, made a couple of Sleepers smile with ridicule


"Oh, really? How did you kill it?"


An arrogant look appeared on Sunny's face.


"How? Let me tell you, I didn't even have to lift a finger. I just spat, and it was torn to pieces!"


Which was true. Sunny had spat a mouthful of blood on the altar, and as the result, Mountain King was ruthlessly dismembered by Shadow God.


Someone openly laughed.


"This guy is either insane or purposefully messing with us. Listen here, shorty. Have some decency, okay? Who would believe such a lie?"


Sunny was genuinely angry. He wanted to retort, saying that he wasn't short. But he couldn't.


Because that would be a lie, damn it!


So, instead, he just gritted his teeth and said with a voice full of outrage:


"I can't answer that, because it's not a lie!"


"Are you really insisting that you had killed an awakened tyrant a tyrant! and with a bit of spit no less?"


Sunny knitted his brows


That's the truth!"


More laughter followed.


"Crazy bastard!"


"He actually believes in his own crap!"


"Insane, he's insane."


Unexpectedly, Caster stopped his companions.




After the laughter quieted down, he asked in a friendly manner:


"What else did you achieve?"


What? That wasn't enough? Sunny raised his chin.


"Let me think... Oh! I also killed an awakened swordsman."


"Really? How did you do that


Acting as though he was a little bit embarrassed, Sunny looked down.


"That actually, that time I had to lift a finger. I even had to shake it a couple of times. That was enough to kill him, though."


He was holding the Silver Bell between his fingers, which led to Hero being attacked and eventually killed by the tyrant. So, technically, all his statements were true.


"What a crackpot!"


"Ha! Can you believe this idiot?!"


"Poor bastard. Not only is he weak, he's also lost it..."


Caster gave his companions a long look and then turned to Sunny.


"Anything else?"


Sunny blinked. Time for the finishing touch."Something else? Uh... Well. Oh, right! I communicated with a bunch of gods, even though they were all dead. I made one of them wake up. He gave me a blessing! I was blessed by a god, do you all understand?!


The Sleepers were silently shaking their heads or looking at him with pity. Caster sighed.


"I see. Well, in comparison to your achievements, mine do look rather average. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope you'll be as successful once we enter the Dream Realm."


Sunny smiled with a look of smug superiority on his face.


"You better believe it!"


With that, he turned around and walked away


'Ah. That's a job well done.


He was pretty sure that after this performance, no one would ever believe that he actually had some kind of a powerful Aspect or did anything worthy of notice during the Nightmare. He only told them the truth, and yet managed to make everyone believe in the opposite of the truth.


Such an incredible feeling.


What did they think of him now? They thought that he was weak, grew up without any education in the outskirts, and had no training. More than that, he was apparently either insane or incredibly stupid. His temper was terrible.


Truly pathetic and pitiful fellow.


Now, whenever he was asked about his Aspect, he could just honestly say that it was of the Divine rank, and be laughed at. People would rather believe that the Spell had ceased to exist than that he was someone noteworthy. He could even scream about his accomplishments from the roof, and no one would believe him.


Subsequently, no one would ever suspect that he had a True Name


'Just you wait, fools. One day I'll be the one laughing


Just as he about to go to a corner he heard someone saying,


"All that you have said to the legacies were all true, weren't they?"


"Yeah! Ha hal Those were true." Sunny tried to laugh it off. But Fang Yuan's eyes were smiling.


"You're really scary, Sunless. Lets become friends in the dream realm." Fang Yuan said.


Sunny was inwardly horrified. All that he did became pointless. His secrets were out of the bag. He is freaking out. But he outwardly said,


"Yeah! Lets become friends."




''this guy he's really trying hard to be an outcast huh. And a divine aspect how interesting.'' Fang Yuan thought and smiled. then turning towards a corner. to a certain bench.


 there was right now only a single girl sitting there. The quiet girl was delicate, demure and very pretty. Her clothes were tidy and neat. They weren't very expensive, but still rather tasteful. With her pale blond hair, big blue eyes and exquisite face, she looked like a beautiful porcelain doll. She was subtly breathtaking


However, there was something wrong with her. 'eyes huh!.'


coming to a certain understanding, he carefully sat on the opposite end of the bench.


The girl wouldn't have survived the First Nightmare if she had been blind prior to entering the Spell. Which meant that she lost her sight as a result of the Appraisal.


'It is her Flaw'.


Suddenly, Fang Yuan felt a subtle yet strong connection to her like something joined him and her with something vast and grandiose. 'This feeling again'


to be precise Fang Yuan only felt this presence 3 times now, one with sunless one with the silver-haired girl and one now with this blind girl,


'Her aspect has to relate to fate. Revelations?' that was his assumption


Sitting down next to the girl, he noticed how the small girl turned in his direction with a confused expression.


"Hello? Is someone here?"


She was looking in his direction there was a subtle frown but she quickly his it, but as he suspected, she wasn't seeing him. She was completely blind.


Knowing he was being forceful he still choose this way, he began to speak


"Hi, my name is fang yuan."


The girl was slightly startled before lowering her head a little, embarrassed by her behavior.


"U-uh, yes, hello. My name is Cassia."


Not hurrying in any way he asked.


"Nice to meet you, Cassia. Do you mind if I sit here?"


The girl lifted her head again and "looked" in his general direction.


One could notice the hesitation she went through in the three seconds before asking, her voice low and gloomy.


When she spoke, her voice was low and broken. She stammered a little as she asked him a question.


"Aren't you disgusted to talk to me?"


He raised an eyebrow slightly as he looked more closely at the delicate face of the girl.


"Why?" Even as he asked, he already suspected the reason why she asked that question.


She was now more confused than before.


"Why? Because I'm blind! I'm practically a walking corpse..." Her voice began to break again as she lowered her head. "The others avoid me, so they don't have to talk to a dead person..."


He moved his eyes from the blind girl to the other teenagers around.


Before things became uncomfortable between them, Cassia raised her hands to cover herself from fang yuan's gaze and began to babble.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to complain to you, I said it without thinking. Sorry for making you uncomfortable..."


As she spoke, her voice grew fainter and her face was covered in more shadows, highlighting her pessimistic mood


His gaze returned to the blind girl.


"No, you're not making me uncomfortable. Anyway, since it seems no one plans to talk to us right now, how about we talk? A teacher told me to get along with the other dreamers. "his voice being a little cheerful.


The girl slowly raised her head, a strange mix of emotions on her delicate face. But something in her eyes had changed slightly, perhaps the small light that was reflected in them at that precise moment.


"T-talk? Aren't you disgusted to talk to a corpse?..." Her voice was still tinged with bitterness, only this time it had diminished, at least a little.


"No, I don't mind at all."


She tilted her head and a slight smile appeared at the corners of her lips.




************************FLASHBACK ENDS******************************


''she definitely can see more thank it looked like, I need to take her into considerations as she can become a variable''


''now only the silver haired girl is a mystery, how is she going to be fitted in this story?'' fang yuan smiled while thinking about the near future.