
Within the Hallowed Halls: Agony Unmasked

Zayn intently clicked through the various files, anticipation building with each click. But much to his disappointment, the computer's contents were mundane: assignments, essays, and miscellaneous schoolwork, all meticulously organized, very much in Kayden's style. There was no journal, no diary, no personal notes. The digital realm yielded nothing about Kayden's life outside of academics.

However, a memory pierced through Zayn's thoughts — the taunts of the boys outside. They had mentioned an orphan. Could it have been Kayden they were referring to? Searching for a lead, Zayn decided to investigate the emblem on the uniform he'd glimpsed earlier. The embroidered insignia pointed to the Royal Awakened School.

A quick online search painted a vivid picture. The Royal Awakened School stood as an elite institution, reserved for those who exhibited remarkable powers or potential. The school's magnificent architecture, adorned with intricate carvings and glistening in the sunlight, bore testimony to its prestigious reputation. Enrolling there was an honor, but it came with a hefty price tag. Tuition fees were astronomical, a staggering 50k annually. Zayn's heart sank as he realized Kayden might have taken on a burdensome debt to afford such an education.

As he delved deeper, he discovered an article discussing the lucrative nature of guild contracts. For those talented enough to secure a position in a C-rank guild or higher, debts could be erased swiftly due to the substantial remuneration they offered. This could be the path Kayden was walking, a desperate bid to balance his dream with financial reality.

Absorbed in his research, Zayn was jolted back to the present by the sound of the front door creaking open. Panic surged through him. Without a second's hesitation, he closed the browser and shut down the computer.

"Could I use the shadow realm again?" he urgently inquired of the system.

"Apologies," the system's detached voice replied. "There remains a cooldown of 2 hours before the next activation."

Heart racing, Zayn darted his gaze around the room, assessing his options. He finally chose to hide under the bed, his breath shallow as he tried to be as quiet as possible.

Footsteps grew louder, approaching the bedroom. To Zayn's shock, it was Kayden who walked in, his familiar face a bittersweet sight. As Kayden began to undress, Zayn's eyes widened in horror. Across Kayden's back were a myriad of scars, not the faded relics of childhood scrapes, but fresh, angry welts, some still healing. Rage bubbled within Zayn. What had happened to his little brother in this world? Who had inflicted such harm?

But, keeping his presence hidden was paramount. So, with a heavy heart, Zayn remained silent, tucked away in the shadows, a silent witness to his brother's pain.

Only when Kayden had left the room, presumably heading for a shower, did Zayn emerge. He needed answers, and staying here wouldn't provide them. Silently, he slipped out of the house, the evening's mysteries weighing heavily on his mind.

Stepping out into the dimly lit streets of London, Zayn felt the weight of a few 70-pound notes in his wallet. His mind, still trying to grasp the warped reality he now found himself in, searched for a familiar landmark. A modest motel sign, worn out from weathering the elements, beckoned him a few blocks away. For now, it would serve as a sanctuary, a place to gather his thoughts and strategize his next moves.

Having secured a room, Zayn ventured to a nearby convenience store. The store, bathed in the artificial glow of fluorescent lights, held the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. He quickly grabbed some staple food supplies — bread, cheese, and a few tins of soup. As he walked back to the motel, Zayn's mind was a whirl of thoughts. He resolved to visit Kayden's school the next day, making use of the Shadow Realm to navigate unseen. However, its limitations — an hour-long duration with a subsequent four-hour cooldown — meant he had to be strategic with its use. He then would go to his childhood home and use kayden's computer to find information for a job.

Morning dawned with Zayn already on the move. He discreetly tailed Kayden, blending seamlessly into the early morning crowd. As the sprawling expanse of the Royal Awakened School came into view, Zayn couldn't help but gape in astonishment. The school was a marvel of both ancient architecture and modern innovation. Towering spires rose from ornate, gothic buildings, adorned with gargoyles and intricate stonework. Yet, interspersed among them were state-of-the-art facilities, with gleaming glass walls reflecting the morning sun. The entrance alone boasted a majestic archway, crowned with a wrought-iron emblem of the school, standing at an imposing four meters tall.

Students clad in crisply tailored uniforms streamed into the grounds, their chatter filling the air with excitement. Spotting a concealed alley adjacent to the school, Zayn seized his opportunity. Mumbling a silent incantation, he activated the Shadow Realm, immersing himself in its muted, ethereal landscape.

Within the confines of this realm, Zayn maneuvered effortlessly through the vast campus. But as the minutes ticked by, Kayden remained elusive. Growing desperate, Zayn's gaze settled on one of the young boys from the previous day. Like a shadow, Zayn trailed him, winding through ornate hallways, descending staircases, and finally entering a massive gymnasium.

Beyond the gym, Zayn stumbled upon a chilling sight. An extensive shooting range spread out before him, filled with students practicing their prowess. But what froze him in his tracks was the sight of Kayden, bound and defenseless, attached to a target dummy. Anger surged through Zayn, a tempest threatening to break free. The roar of blood in his ears drowned out every other sound as he bore witness to his brother's torment. 

The stifling air of the gymnasium grew even heavier as a shadow from Kayden's past made its presence known. It was one of the brutes Zayn had glimpsed the previous day, his contemptuous gaze fixed firmly on Kayden.

"Why did you move, you little worm?" the blonde one sneered, his voice dripping with malice. The sheer disdain in his voice was palpable, as if Kayden was nothing more than an inconvenience, an insect to be crushed.

Kayden, despite his vulnerable position, lifted his head defiantly, his voice trembling but determined. "I haven't moved anywhere. My home remains unchanged."

The blonde bully's face contorted into a mask of rage. "LIAR! We were at your house just yesterday. Some other man waltzed in, using HIS keys as if it was his own place. So, you thought you could escape us? Thought you could start fresh somewhere else?"

Kayden's confusion was apparent. "I don't understand... I'm the only one with keys to that house."

The sneering blonde leaned in closer, his breath foul, "No matter, you think a mere change of residence would save you? Your little escape plan just made this even more exciting for us."

Without any further words, the torture began. Some drew forth their magic, conjuring dark energy that zapped towards Kayden. Others unsheathed swords, performing intricate, damaging techniques designed more to inflict pain than to be lethal. Arrows, glowing with malicious intent, narrowly missed him, each one a painful reminder of the brutality he was subjected to.

Zayn's vision tunneled, every fiber of his being focused on the harrowing sight before him. His heart shattered, watching his little brother endure such torment, feeling helpless. His chest tightened, breaths came ragged, and a silent scream built within him. The very walls seemed to echo the anguish he felt.

Desperation clawed at him. He mentally shouted at the system, "There has to be something! Anything to help Kayden. Tell me!"

The moments stretched on, each second an eternity of pain, both for Kayden and the spectating Zayn.