
Chapter 8

After Tsunade sent the cloaked person flying with a single punch she rushes to the direction where many screams came from. She runs as fast as she can and after some seconds she sees a disturbing scene. She sees a little child throwing up everything he ate the last few days next to a man. The man isn't moving and next to his head is a pool of blood. "What happened?" She approaches the kid and looks at the body after she walked a bit. His left eye is completely crushed and a lot of deep red blod runs down his eye socket. Its obvious that something very sharp was smashed through his eye into his brain. Even if it didn't injure his brain he woul've died from blood loss. She looks back at the boy and sees him lying on the ground, completely exhausted. 'He actually killed someone... He just defended himself but he killed someone at the age of 4...' She picks him up and carefully carries him back to the camp. While they head to the camp she continuosly says: "Everything will be alright. I am here." When they get back to the camp she lays him down in the tent and waits for him to fall asleep before she wants to leave the tent. "Uhm... Miss... could... could you stay here? I don't want to be alone... What if they come back..." She could see that he is trying to suppress his tears. "Alright, i will stay with you tonight. Come on, lets go to sleep." After ther short conversation the both lie down. After some minutes Y can't resist his exhaustion anymore and falls asleep.

Y wakes up but doesn't move right away. He wants to check his system first. He got an achievement after he killed that guy, but he couldn't look at it at the time.


achievements: [The brink of death]


[Ancestors pride]

[Path of the shadow]

Use your bloodline limit in a real fight

(Your bloodline limit will grow faster)

[First blood]

kill someone for the first time

(Killing people won't affect the host as much as it did before)


The effect of his achievement 'First blood' must have taken effect when he was asleep. Yesterday he was devastated and creeped out at the sight of the body, but now he only feels slighlty different. It's like it doesn't concern him, but he feels guilty because he doesn't care about it. As he thinks about the man he killed he remembers something. 'System when i killed that guy i got something called expirience points. What is that?' [Expirience points are necessary to level up. If host levels up he will get stronger. Chakra and different will increase. Host can increase his chakra like everybody else, but he can kill people or can finish quests to get expirience points to increase his level. As host has now knowledge of levels system will add 'attribute points' to host's stats] Y looks up his 'status' page and there really is something new.



strength: 7

agility: 5

intelligence: 12

endurance: 15

perception: 4

luck: 2


'System what does these numbers mean. Are they high or low?' [The attributes of children that are 5 years old are in average 5. Luck is in average 10 but can't be increased. Every attribute can be increased, besides luck. Host's attributes are above average, especially because he is a year younger than the children that have 5 as an average, but his luck is very low. It is high enough that he doesn't have bad luck, but its unlikely that host will have many lucky coincidences] 'So i am stronger, smarter and have more endurance than the average 5 year old... The luck thing worries me a bit, but i can't change that... I have to raise my other attributes! I have to get stronger. I will never feel like yesterday again! I will destroy everything in my way to reach my goal. I will strong enough that the people in my way don't even worry me.' [Host can use the ninja academy in the hidden mist village as a stepping stone. It is very cruel, but fulfills every point Host just mentioned] 'Alright i will join that ninja academy and will get stronger. System please create a quest regarding the ninja academy.' [New quest was added to the quest list] Y stands up and looks at Tsunade. He whispers:" Thank you miss." After that his face changes and he doesn't show any emotions on it. 'I will train as hard as possible and won't let anyone take me lightly!'