
Chapter 2

As Y slowly opens his eyes, he sees a slightly transparent black-ish plate. He turns his head to look around, but the plate follows his eyes. He looks at the floating plate without hope, because he can't read but, to his surprise, he knows exactly what these strange symbols mean. He looks at the top of the plate to see some symbols. The first mean Status, the rest is blurred. Beneath he sees:

Name: [not chosen yet]

Age: 4

Title: [not available yet]

Level: 1

Achievements: [click to open]

Health: [45/50] (-1 per hour)

Chakra: [Sealed]

Stamina: [5/50] (-90% untill host rests)

He doesn't really know what these words mean, but he knows that the symbols mean these words.

Just then he realizes, that his body doesn't hurt as much, as he expected. 'why doesn't it hurt, they cut me open everywhere. Am i... am i dead?' he thinks, as the non-human voice talk again. [Host's body got healed, thanks to the awakening of the system. The system closed the host's wounds, leaving scars behind. Does the host want to know more about the system?] Y unconsciously nods, but the system doesn't answer him. ''Hello? I want to know what the system is'' He whispers, afraid that the masked men could hear him. [Host needs to think to control the system, the system can't react to phsyical actions. System starts explanation] Y listens closely to this monotone voice, as it starts to explain.

[The system is a special tool that was created to help the host in this world. The system has many different uses, like the Status already known to the host. Most of the properties are unlocked over time, but some have special conditions the host has to fullfill. The system mostly supports the special bloodline limit the host inherited. Does the Host want to awaken his bloodline limit?] Confused Y thinks about the new information the voice in his head gave him. 'What is a bloodline limit?' thats everything he wants to know. He understands everything else, but the words blood limit confuses him. [A bloodline limits are a unique ability that only people from certain bloodlines have. The hosts bloodline never awakened its bloodline limit. The host will be the first of his bloodline to awaken his bloodline limit. Does the host want to awaken his bloodline limit now?] Determination fills his eyes as he nods and thinks 'yes, please awaken my bloodline limit' [System initiates awakening of the bloodline limit. It will take about 10 hours for the system to complete the awakening.] 'Can i talk to you if you do that?' [The system cant communicate with the host while it activates the host's bloodline limit] Y's expression turns gloomy. 'What if the men hurt me again?' [The system's healing properties and the effect of the host's earned achievement will heal the wounds. The host doesn't have a way to ignore the pain at the moment so he has to endure it.] The pain scares him, but he knows that he will survive and with his soon awakened bloodline limit he may has a chance to escape. A small spark of hope slightly starts to glow deep within his heart. Hopeful Y lies down and closes his eyes again. He will get out of here, and nothing will stop him. He will do anything he has to do to get out of here even if he has to hurt someone. With these thoughts he slowly falls to sleep, excited to see how this system can help him in the future.

~Somewhere else at the same time~

''Hokage we demand the boy back!'' A boy in his teens said to an old man angrily. Another man talks stressed to the teen '' Yagura you can't talk like that to the Hokage!'' The boy called Yagura ignores him and turns to the old man again. '' If you don't give us the boy, the Mist will declare war!'' All five men that are there look at him with pure shock. Nobody believed the hidden mist would declare war because of a single person. A man with a white hat, that has a blue marking turns to Yagura and says in a calm voice: '' Yagura, calm down. I know you want your brother back, but if you start the negotiations like that they will never agree.'' The person next to the Hokage seems restless. The former looks at him and asks quietly:'' Danzo what is wrong?'' The latter looks at him horrified. ''Hiruzen, i think we have a huge problem. My men... some of the Root have tortured and abused a boy. If i'm right, that is the boy they are talking about. I said they could do whatever they want, but... We cant give the boy to them! If they find out, there will be another war. Konoha isn't stable enough to survive a second large scale battle in such a short amount of time.'' The Hokage sighed and looks at his old friend intensely '' If we don't give them the kid, it would be even harder to prevent a war. We have to give them the boy and punish the Root member responsible. If we don't do that... I don't know what the will do...''

Back in the dark cell the sound of a lock wakes the boy up. There are the three men again...