
Chapter 13

Today is Yuu's first day of school. He doesn't know what will happen there but Ken said that he would have to get strong to graduate. 'I will get stronger! I will get so strong that i can even defeat ninja that are of a higher rank than me!' Determined Yuu walks into a big room that the woman outside assigned him to. Inside are a bunch of kids that all look a little older than him. One of these kids cathces his interest. It is a little boy with bright blue hair. He seems very shy but Yuu can see a strange determination in his eyes. Stunned for a second Yuu stands still and looks at the boy. As he notices that the boy is looking at him confused he starts to walk again and approaches a seat in the last row at a window. 'I don't want to be in the limelight and if i sit there the teacher won't notice that i'm not listening. Why schould i listen? I will just ask Ken if i don't understand something and finish the academy as fast as possible.' As Yuu sits down a man that looks like he was half human half fish walks in the room. He has sharp, pointy teeth and some things on his face that look like gills. Without introducing himself he says: "I am your teacher, i will teach you what they say me to teach you, nothing more, nothing less. If you have any special questions dont bother me, i won't answer anyways. Now that i said everything that had to be said i will start the lesson." Some children are very dissatisfied with the teachers attitude, but noone dares to say something. While the man starts to talk about physical and spiritual energy and the children listen, even if they don't like him, Yuu is thinking about his bloodline limit. 'I don't know what to do about it. Nobody knows my bloodline limit and ,because i am the first one to awaken it, the system can't help me either. The system knows that i can use a technique that can control the shadows of other people to control the person itself. It told me there is a family that has an ability similiar to that ability. My advantage is that, if my bloodline limit gets strong enough, i can use this technique without the need of chakra and can even overwrite their control over a shadow... So if i can find a way to-' as his mind gets more and more filled with thoughts of what he can do and how to reinforce his bloodline limit someone talks to him. "Do i interrupt you with anything young man? If you have something better to do you can leave right now." The teacher, that talked to him, is noticeably annoyed that Yuu isn't listening to him. Yuu doesn't react and stares at him annoyed. "Brat if you have something to say, say it." The boy's only reaction is a plain "Tsk". The other kids stare at him and all of them think the same thing. 'This kid is disrespectfull to a person with a higher rank than him on the first day... He is completely crazy!' What none of them knows is that Yuu wasn't arrogant, he was confident. If Yuu and the teacher would fight he would lose. But if the teacher wouldn't use ninjutsu it would be a hard fight.

The answer was a skill he obtained a few months ago.



Intermediate swordsmanship: [Lvl 8/87%]


He has asked the system a week ago what the highest level of swordsmanship was before he was born. The system told him that the highest swordsmanship ever achieved, without kenjutsu, was level 10. He has leveled it from basic to intermediate, the system told him that after intermediate comes advanced and mastered. Not one person in the history of the world reached the advanced stage so he was one of the best swordsman in existence already. If he could use ninjutsu and kenjutsu he would already be a ninja, but Ken always rejected his request. He knows his capability with the sword far exceeds that of most of the ninja in the whole world, that's why he isn't afraid of angering the man in front of him. As the man hears the mocking sound that 5 year old child made, he turns around and glares at him.